@VenerableAsura If you want to think I'm being passive aggressive, sure why not. Only I know I'm being genuine when I say I have never asked your group to drop the series and frankly, you can keep going because I really don't care.
@reijou other groups are free to message us about collabing or taking over our other projects. No one's asked. Plus we updated EVERY PROJECT WE HAVE just last week. We have a history of providing weekly updates on all our projects. Is a week is too long to wait?
@Seventwentyseven when we first called it sniping, asura had not provided proof that it wasn't. Considering their past history of sniping other groups, there's no wonder why we thought they sniped this one since they posted a week after we started and never bothered to message us or give us a heads up they were doing the same series.
As for why our tone with Asura has always been curt, well that's due to the fact that our friends from other scan groups have been impacted by Asura's previous snipes of different series (and also uploading other group's chapters onto their website for profit without permission). That's also why you'll find that in our message, our friend was much more angry. If you want to read about it, you can find all the info you want here. https://www.reddit.com/r/scanlationdrama/comments/kdawfx/sawateam_accusing_asura_of_sniping/
I get that some groups work on a new series together, and that's cool with me. With another one of our series, another group dropped some chapters 1 day later than we did, amd we never called that snipping because it was CLEAR. One day makes sense.