I Married the Male Lead's Dad

Active member
Jul 7, 2020
I meant slower as in compared to some of the other groups fjhdjfhd
Some take half a day to translate a chapter, some take several. I don't mean it as in they're slow, but slower. They definitely decided to go all out after the competition which led to faster releases. Like they mentioned, before the competition, they had other stuff to work on and someone had a long ass essay. Stuff in life sometimes hinder side jobs and hobbies which is fine.
I've also found that it's just Asura's MO to speedrun about 10-15 chapters and then ditch the manga. They did it with Villainous Empress, ORV, etc. They haven't ditched Death is the Only Ending yet but I have a feeling that they will after the hiatus. I have a feeling they're the type of people that can't stick to a certain thing for too long or they'll get unmotivated.
Sawa is definitely on the speedier side of the spectrum, not to call out any names but a weekly manga I follow updates once a month to once every 3 months. I'm very sad.
My comment wasn't meant to offend anyone, but just certain things I found interesting.

This next portion is not part of the reply above.
I have some thoughts that didn't fit into my comedic comment so I'll just stick it here. I didn't like Asura when I first found them. Something about them made me feel almost guilty(?) reading their scans. But of course, this is a dog eat dog world, there's really no rules to scanlating chapters and stuff. I read something someone said above, that other language translators don't bother with the whole sniping thing. Then again, English dominates majority of the internet, including this site, so there will naturally be more attention given to English translators. Many times drama isn't even incited by the parties involved, but the comments and people from the sides assuming there is drama. P.s., I'd still read other higher quality scans ahead of Asura. But no more prejudice.

In this situation, both were wrong, yet right. They were just stubborn. Sawa assumed Asura was sniping given their track record, despite that they weren't. Asura did not contact Sawa about possibility of them both working on it at the same time, leaving Sawa confused on what Asura was trying to do. They didn't communicate (as far as I know) even though they knew sniping was something that existed on the English side of scanlating.
The final notes on 22: Asura was mature about it and left a short note, simple but effective. There is also a possibility they dropped the series bc they ran out of motivation fuel (as stated above). For Sawa, I don't think they were trying to be sarcastic in a mean way (excluding friend 1 ofc but who knows whats going on there) but trying to light up the situation for both the teams and the fans with some humor.

If anyone took the patience to read the whole thing, I condone you. But I also question what you are doing with your life.

Ok, no one is allowed to tag me. I have a tendency to write long paragraphs when I get the chance to. If someone tags me again who knows what I'll write.
Jul 21, 2020
Asura hasn't dropped the Villainous Empress though? They've done 37 chapter on their website and have continued to update. They update slower on Mangadex because they want people to go to their website.
Power Uploader
May 14, 2020
@Wisteriak It has been dropped.

@meijune All of the manhwa you've mentioned has been licensed, that's why we've dropped. It has nothing to do with motivation tbh. And yeah, usually sniping drama dissipates after providing proof so I'm not sure why it was stretched out for this long. Admittedly, we (Asura scans) should've released much sooner but we were surprised with a shounen series that the raws dropped for at the exact same time so we did that instead and let our translators work on this manhwa whilst we edit the other to save some time.

EDIT: As for contacting Sawateam, I feel like they could've done that before claiming it was a snipe. A perfect example of this being Saving the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Female Lead. I feel like our 'Sniping track record' isn't as bad as others might've made you think it is, but that's also our fault for not explaining it in detail and them either being oblivious or a Shoujo scans staff on a fake account.

Now that the drama (or whatever it is) has shifted outside of just this manhwa and some readers have brought it upon themself to call some of the series, which definitely weren't sniped as snipes - I definitely will do my best to respond to it all.
May 4, 2020

I agree with you. You said everything I was thinking. The message at the end of chapter 22 by Sawa left a bad taste in my mouth. There's nothing with Asura providing friendly competition for series that tend to stall.

It was disappointing for me to read as I actually like this scanlator team (Sawa).
May 17, 2020
@meijune But they had the first 6-7 chapters out in a couple of days before Asura posted anything? To me, it seems both groups were mostly motivated by catching up with the raws (which is common) while Asura was also strongly motivated by discouraging Sawa into dropping it. Asura to me is like a big corp that practices monopolization tactics. After they get what they want, they switch up. And just like a big corp, you have people in the comments saying "it's not illegal, they did nothing wrong," when we all know it's always been squatter's rights. First to post owns it. It's so obvious that's how it works or anyone could start posting any series at any time. Strangely enough, we don't see that happen.

I don't understand why people keep bringing up other languages when we know, regardless of languages spoken (except raw language), everyone reads the English version because it's the only one available. Sometimes I even read the Spanish or French translations of licensed series if I'm desperate enough. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

The note Asura made at the end of chapter 21 makes me think anything they have to say at this point is bs. They sound guilty/defensive and their fan boys in the comments, who keep bringing up Asura, sound guilty too.
Aug 6, 2020
I'm gonna be really mad in the future if Sawateam dropped this now Asura backed out. So childish. Its not like you owned the manga right? Lol.
May 30, 2018
yah i love that semi corner sawateam!! damnnn the newbie clrd did some godly works HAHAHAHA pulling that as a newbie but foremost to the veterans who are in college... i feel that pain (been there and did not survive, left everything now am lost) am glad you guys had the motivation again and the spark came backkk... FIGHTOOO
May 10, 2019
Not here for the scanlating drama. Just grateful i'm getting my josei webtoon fix. Thank you for all of your hardwork team.
Active member
Jul 7, 2020
I feel bad clogging up all the poor readers' comments under this comic. It's now filled with my terrible paragraphs. Sincere apologies. Hopefully this is the last one.

@VenerableAsura Ah, that makes sense. I think it's just that you guys tend to not leave any notices or messages on the chapters about why or if it was dropped, leading many to draw their own conclusions. Same goes for when picking up series, you don't attempt to give your reasoning which I think can irk some readers and make them confused.

@Ceereus Again, it's their MO. Asura seems to prefer to release a big batch at once while Sawa prefers to release chapters as they complete them. Which is why Asura's is delayed slightly, they wait until they finish a certain number.

Man, does no one read my comment the whole way through? I got tagged twice this time. 😭 Are you doing this on purpose?
But I tried to make my response shorter.
Dec 30, 2019
Thanks asura, I'm sad u dropped its since I read yours too. I wish to meet you again on other works. Cheer up.
Apr 2, 2020
i wish both translator groups well. please be kinder to each other. & handle things in a less public way because it is a hard time for everyone and pointing fingers and bringing in a bigger audience does no good in the world, especially if it’s a misunderstanding
Mar 25, 2018
sawa is petty lol. i really like this series but idk if i even wanna keep reading it after all this.
Apr 3, 2019
Honestly, all the drama makes it really hard to enjoy the series. I was already feeling a little meh on the story but this is kind of pushing me over the edge. Idk, maybe I’ll come back in a month and see if I feel like continuing.

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