I miss the old times

Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
I miss the old times where I love everything I watched. I remember loving everything I see. I didn't care for genres, cinematography, writing, characters, shiny animations. I simply had no tastes and I miss those times. I miss the time when I liked SAO.

Back when there were no such thing as watch lists, I just picked up anything on Animax at the time cause I didn't have wifi yet. It started with Danganronpa s1, didn't watch it cause coincidentally a few of my female classmates are a huge fan of Fairy Tail and my kidbrain associated "anime are only for girls". However, the pretty pictures and strange language were enough to keep my curiosity going to the point that I'd sneak glances at the channel when my parents weren't around as if it was some kind of porn. Eventually when no one was at my living room, I spent a good 30 mins (curse you advertisements!) to watch an episode of whatever is currently airing: Nisekoi... episode 4. Yeah I didn't even start from the beginning cause the schedule didn't allign. But this was the catalyst that got me to stick to the TV and defeated my embarrassment of whatching Japanese cartoons in front of my parents.

Now that I think about it, Nisekoi isn't even the first anime that I watched; it's Deltora Quest. It was airing on Toonami for a while then my dad noticed and downloaded the entire dubbed series. Ironic considering that I'm full-sub now. Loved the show to bits, a great shounen show for children.

Streaming - the moment I realize that anime shouldn't be constrained to a small box in the living room I had an epiphany. (Whoops I went on a tangent here)
I did a bit of research beforehand and narrowed down my options to Gogoanimehub, 9anime, Animeheaven, and KissAnime (thank goodness I didn't pick this). Animeheaven was the chosen one... RIP it's dead now. That's basically why it was so close to my heart that I made a thread in the news section.
I've been watching plenty of anime at this point to realize - not really - what is good and what is bad. Guess what my teenbrain thought: "whatever is famous must be good otherwise they would never be famous." "Sword Art Online!" Lol no the first anime I watched on the internet was My Hero Academia. I kept awaiting the next time I get to be online with my dad's laptop just to watch the next episode.

Eventually my world widened even more when I notice the small button labeled as "download" on the site I use... Oh man my dad's laptop was filling up so fast. I even developed a stable system to download anime in my wifi-less home. First, I download a CRAP TON of episodes using the school wifi cause they were unfortunate enough to not ban anime sites; I found this out cause my junior next to me was binging some kind of basketball anime. I downloaded them on the laptop (Edit: I meant school computer), transfered them to my USB which supports 16 GB (about 10 after I accidentally left it in the washing machine, maybe) then transfer them to my dad's laptop. I remember going home from a day of school, after having 6-18 episodes downloaded during the break time of my schedule, plugging the USB in, initiate the exodus of files, leave it for five minutes while I change, and then once everything is successfully moved I clean my USB and then next day I erased the evidence from my school laptop - this happened every single day for about one semester, the laptop has plenty of room inside it.

I had plenty of pleasant memories with that laptop - which is now broken. So many great things were viewed there, each with their own story to tell.

Angel Beats was the first sad anime I watched. I didn't watch that last episode for a couple weeks cause I know that it was going to end tragically. Every single second of that last episode was burnt into my memory. I was so excited going in cause I found out that it was directed by the same person who made Charlotte possible - one of my fav animes that I watched on Animax, and still is off all time until now, also it apparantly has a higher score on MAL. But I left the series being absolutely heartbroken by the story. I wanted them to have a happy ending,
their souls finally getting to finally rest
wasn't what I had in mind but it was such a perfect ending that I can't complain. My only wish was that
instead of time skipping with a coma
they use that to extend the series into a two-cour.

I've also seen Parasyte on Animax, which was my first "dark" anime. No actually if you count edgy as being dark, make that Brynhilder in the Darkness which I also saw on Animax. Anyways, I found out that Madoka Magica was apparantly also "dark" - but unexpectedly. Well, yeah it turned unexpectedly dark and I loved binging every episode lol. My only regret was that I didn't appreciate it enough since I didn't have any taste and didn't pick up on the minute details the author dropped in my first viewing. I didn't appreciate the highs enough because I didn't know the lows, basically.

Well this is super evident when I saw SAO. I love everything, even the Fairy Dance arc which apparantly everyone hates. However, I wasn't that stupid to know that the Excalibur arc was just an utter waste of time. Like, it made no character or plot progression and the plot of the arc itself ends so unsatisfyingly. But I was surprised when I saw Mother's Rosario arc. After my mouth was dirtied by Excalibur, I was pleased by the sweet story of this arc. There was no fanservice, no power building, no deep conspiracy - just great character interactions. To this day it stands to be my favourite SAO arc, maybe even surpassing the, at time of writing, ongoing Alicization arc. I was super happy when I noticed the reference to Mother's Rosario at the final battle of the Ordinal Scale movie. The story of that arc touched me unlike any other SAO arcs had,
Yuuki's death
made me far more emotional than any other's in the series thus far, and yes I mean even the first half of Alicization. In my book, if Kawahara fail to make me as emotionally invested as I was in Mother's Rosario, he still have a lot of room to improve. I still use the Mother's Rosario arc as part of my huge mentak library of references for good character writing - that's how highly I hold it.

Oh yeah and I also wasted four hours watching School Days just to see what all the controversy is about. At first I was bored to death, pushing just to see the next episode. As I got to the middle, I was pushed, not by great writing, but by how ridiculously idiotic the characters are. I just wanted to know if it can get worst, and by the time I reached the ending... Oh yeah it definitely gets even worst.

Also watched Haruhi on the laptop before it died. I made it pass the Endless Eight then took a break as an excuse for dropping the series in On Hold Hell. Still planning to pick it back up... just like how I plan to do that for Future Diary, Plastic Memories, and so many more...

Re: Zero was my first isekai anime, saw it on Animax. It's also the only series I've ever rewatched simply cause Animax isn't airing anything new. This quickly turns my eyes towards Grimgar: Ashes and Illusion, Overlord, Saga of Tanya the Evil, KonoSuba, etc, etc, etc, so many isekais which aren't trash (jk these are great).

But then there's also the reverse isekai genre (subgenre? Subsubgenre?) Was first introduced to this when I saw Devil is a Part-Timer, love the show and the oppai loli which I think is legal is kinda cute but the real deal drops when I saw Re: Creators. That show was beautiful. Like, forget all my praises for SAO Mother's Rosario, this takes great charactership and turns it up to 11. In fact, I kind of written a short essay about a the philosophy of Re:Creators in my opinion which I just forgot to upload. I'll do the final edits and post it here soon. There were so many goosebumps. I actually plan to extend my watch time by not watching the final episode for a week like I did in Angel Beats but I couldn't since the last third of the anime was literally the entire final battle! Of course I had to keep binging. The ending was so great... All of the cast are in my huge mental library of references for good character writing.

But I kinda came into a problem. Last semester break, I spent my first week finally binging Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, then another on Gurren Lagann. Then, that's it? Do I have to wait every season for another hidden gem like Land of the Lustrous? I mean, I know that there are plenty of great titles out there, I haven't even seen No Game No Life primarily cause I don't want to join the rest of you waiting eternally for a season 2 that may or may never come but also because I'm saving it for when I'm feeling down and need something I can guarantee to be good and binge. I'm also giving the same treatment to Anohana.

This feeling is what made me inspired to write, cause I'm tired of waiting for masterpieces to come that I want to train myself to create a masterpiece myself, well that is if I ever stop procrastinating.

Anyway this isn't about my passion, I just wanted to talk about my history of when I dipped my toe in the huge stream that is the anime world. I was feeling down earlier so I thought reminiscing for the hour and the half I took to type all this down will help lift my spirits up. What about all you, people?
Oct 10, 2018
eternally waiting for a season 2
This got me into thinking of shows I wanted to be continued from looong ago, and what I want the most are a complete adaptation of Recca no Honoo and Air Gear.

When I saw the post title, my mind immediately had images of rayearth etc. God I feel old. T_T
Jan 19, 2018
As an evangelion fan i'm highly disappointed that it wasn't mentioned as your first mind fuck anime
cause lets be honest the first time I watched it the ending made no sense to me what so ever
. Also Angel Beats really? If you want sad go watch Clannad After Story that shit made me fucking cry harder than
Kamina's death
in Gurren Lagann.
Jan 19, 2018
I've watched IBO and while the ending was sad
and fucking awesome
it wasn't at the level of Clannad for me
Ushio's death broke me man
as for plastic memories no I haven't seen it but i'll give it a go since i've been searching for something new to watch.
Jan 19, 2018
I feel ya I was put off by the art at the beginning too (looks to much like a shojo) but I gave it a go and it surprised the hell out of me.

Edit: Heads up if you do decide to watch it season 1 sucks in my opinion but it does give you the back story for all the characters.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Sterven Evangelion is currently in Plan to Watch Hell, unfortunately. So is Clannad. Cause at the phase where I was binging everything I was becoming an animation snob and so anything "too old" or "eyes are too big" were out of the window.
Jan 19, 2018
Cause at the phase where I was binging everything I was becoming an animation snob and so anything "too old" or "eyes are too big" were out of the window.
Ah yes we have all been there at some point. I was too for a while but then I realized that some of the best anime i've seen are the oldies hell I even watched Kingdom and that was full CGI,
so while I do enjoy some "eye candy" I prefer a good story.
May 29, 2019
I know that feeling but trust me, I remember the old days when I used to stream anime on Hulu, the only thing that has happened to you is that you have gained more knowledge with your watching. As with anyone your brain has grown stronger and thougher to certain responses. I.E if you keep seeing anime with continues "accidental boob grab" you grow tired and somewhat used to it, your brain recognizing these things and not getting enjoyment is good as you can properly evolve and see how you can improve and relive that memory of your first time (the anime industry has yet to understand this). I recommend that you watch anime with at least an 8 on MAL to see what you like, but do not be ashamed to not enjoy "everything" because now that you have a preference you can filter out the things that you hate in a certain show, learn to embrace it and improve on it.

P.S most people that watch anime write reviews based on what they want a show to be. Start writing reviews instead of writing to see where that goes.
Jan 26, 2018
Or borrowing shady, English-subs-interposed-on-top-of-the-Korean CDR's with maybe four episodes per, and you didn't really want to ask your friends where they got them. That's how I finally watched Inuyasha in order.
For that matter, just the days when you could fit four full, standard-length episodes in the only resolution available on a 700mb disc with space left over, and you could download one episode in a few hours. Or you might be able to get official dvds with 2-4 episodes on them. For $40.

The first anime you watched on a computer came out in 2016. Your first anime aired in 2007. You're too young to have old times. Come back when you're pushing forty, if the site's still here.
Jul 26, 2018
Ah yes the "I don't like SAO anymore" phase. Don't worry you'll grow out of it too. From what I've read you've got a long way to go, so enjoy the classics you've still not seen.

There's plenty of lists out there but here are some good ones you might have not seen: Nagi no asukara, monogatari (good luck), monster, psycho pass, spice & wolf, oreimo, kino no tabi, fate, etc...
Jan 3, 2019
I miss the old times where I love everything I watched. I remember loving everything I see. I didn't care for genres, cinematography, writing, characters, shiny animations. I simply had no tastes and I miss those times. I miss the time when I liked SAO.

Back when there were no such thing as watch lists, I just picked up anything on Animax at the time cause I didn't have wifi yet. It started with Danganronpa s1, didn't watch it cause coincidentally a few of my female classmates are a huge fan of Fairy Tail and my kidbrain associated "anime are only for girls". However, the pretty pictures and strange language were enough to keep my curiosity going to the point that I'd sneak glances at the channel when my parents weren't around as if it was some kind of porn. Eventually when no one was at my living room, I spent a good 30 mins (curse you advertisements!) to watch an episode of whatever is currently airing: Nisekoi... episode 4. Yeah I didn't even start from the beginning cause the schedule didn't allign. But this was the catalyst that got me to stick to the TV and defeated my embarrassment of whatching Japanese cartoons in front of my parents.

Now that I think about it, Nisekoi isn't even the first anime that I watched; it's Deltora Quest. It was airing on Toonami for a while then my dad noticed and downloaded the entire dubbed series. Ironic considering that I'm full-sub now. Loved the show to bits, a great shounen show for children.

Streaming - the moment I realize that anime shouldn't be constrained to a small box in the living room I had an epiphany. (Whoops I went on a tangent here)
I did a bit of research beforehand and narrowed down my options to Gogoanimehub, 9anime, Animeheaven, and KissAnime (thank goodness I didn't pick this). Animeheaven was the chosen one... RIP it's dead now. That's basically why it was so close to my heart that I made a thread in the news section.
I've been watching plenty of anime at this point to realize - not really - what is good and what is bad. Guess what my teenbrain thought: "whatever is famous must be good otherwise they would never be famous." "Sword Art Online!" Lol no the first anime I watched on the internet was My Hero Academia. I kept awaiting the next time I get to be online with my dad's laptop just to watch the next episode.

Eventually my world widened even more when I notice the small button labeled as "download" on the site I use... Oh man my dad's laptop was filling up so fast. I even developed a stable system to download anime in my wifi-less home. First, I download a CRAP TON of episodes using the school wifi cause they were unfortunate enough to not ban anime sites; I found this out cause my junior next to me was binging some kind of basketball anime. I downloaded them on the laptop (Edit: I meant school computer), transfered them to my USB which supports 16 GB (about 10 after I accidentally left it in the washing machine, maybe) then transfer them to my dad's laptop. I remember going home from a day of school, after having 6-18 episodes downloaded during the break time of my schedule, plugging the USB in, initiate the exodus of files, leave it for five minutes while I change, and then once everything is successfully moved I clean my USB and then next day I erased the evidence from my school laptop - this happened every single day for about one semester, the laptop has plenty of room inside it.

I had plenty of pleasant memories with that laptop - which is now broken. So many great things were viewed there, each with their own story to tell.

Angel Beats was the first sad anime I watched. I didn't watch that last episode for a couple weeks cause I know that it was going to end tragically. Every single second of that last episode was burnt into my memory. I was so excited going in cause I found out that it was directed by the same person who made Charlotte possible - one of my fav animes that I watched on Animax, and still is off all time until now, also it apparantly has a higher score on MAL. But I left the series being absolutely heartbroken by the story. I wanted them to have a happy ending,
their souls finally getting to finally rest
wasn't what I had in mind but it was such a perfect ending that I can't complain. My only wish was that
instead of time skipping with a coma
they use that to extend the series into a two-cour.

I've also seen Parasyte on Animax, which was my first "dark" anime. No actually if you count edgy as being dark, make that Brynhilder in the Darkness which I also saw on Animax. Anyways, I found out that Madoka Magica was apparantly also "dark" - but unexpectedly. Well, yeah it turned unexpectedly dark and I loved binging every episode lol. My only regret was that I didn't appreciate it enough since I didn't have any taste and didn't pick up on the minute details the author dropped in my first viewing. I didn't appreciate the highs enough because I didn't know the lows, basically.

Well this is super evident when I saw SAO. I love everything, even the Fairy Dance arc which apparantly everyone hates. However, I wasn't that stupid to know that the Excalibur arc was just an utter waste of time. Like, it made no character or plot progression and the plot of the arc itself ends so unsatisfyingly. But I was surprised when I saw Mother's Rosario arc. After my mouth was dirtied by Excalibur, I was pleased by the sweet story of this arc. There was no fanservice, no power building, no deep conspiracy - just great character interactions. To this day it stands to be my favourite SAO arc, maybe even surpassing the, at time of writing, ongoing Alicization arc. I was super happy when I noticed the reference to Mother's Rosario at the final battle of the Ordinal Scale movie. The story of that arc touched me unlike any other SAO arcs had,
Yuuki's death
made me far more emotional than any other's in the series thus far, and yes I mean even the first half of Alicization. In my book, if Kawahara fail to make me as emotionally invested as I was in Mother's Rosario, he still have a lot of room to improve. I still use the Mother's Rosario arc as part of my huge mentak library of references for good character writing - that's how highly I hold it.

Oh yeah and I also wasted four hours watching School Days just to see what all the controversy is about. At first I was bored to death, pushing just to see the next episode. As I got to the middle, I was pushed, not by great writing, but by how ridiculously idiotic the characters are. I just wanted to know if it can get worst, and by the time I reached the ending... Oh yeah it definitely gets even worst.

Also watched Haruhi on the laptop before it died. I made it pass the Endless Eight then took a break as an excuse for dropping the series in On Hold Hell. Still planning to pick it back up... just like how I plan to do that for Future Diary, Plastic Memories, and so many more...

Re: Zero was my first isekai anime, saw it on Animax. It's also the only series I've ever rewatched simply cause Animax isn't airing anything new. This quickly turns my eyes towards Grimgar: Ashes and Illusion, Overlord, Saga of Tanya the Evil, KonoSuba, etc, etc, etc, so many isekais which aren't trash (jk these are great).

But then there's also the reverse isekai genre (subgenre? Subsubgenre?) Was first introduced to this when I saw Devil is a Part-Timer, love the show and the oppai loli which I think is legal is kinda cute but the real deal drops when I saw Re: Creators. That show was beautiful. Like, forget all my praises for SAO Mother's Rosario, this takes great charactership and turns it up to 11. In fact, I kind of written a short essay about a the philosophy of Re:Creators in my opinion which I just forgot to upload. I'll do the final edits and post it here soon. There were so many goosebumps. I actually plan to extend my watch time by not watching the final episode for a week like I did in Angel Beats but I couldn't since the last third of the anime was literally the entire final battle! Of course I had to keep binging. The ending was so great... All of the cast are in my huge mental library of references for good character writing.

But I kinda came into a problem. Last semester break, I spent my first week finally binging Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, then another on Gurren Lagann. Then, that's it? Do I have to wait every season for another hidden gem like Land of the Lustrous? I mean, I know that there are plenty of great titles out there, I haven't even seen No Game No Life primarily cause I don't want to join the rest of you waiting eternally for a season 2 that may or may never come but also because I'm saving it for when I'm feeling down and need something I can guarantee to be good and binge. I'm also giving the same treatment to Anohana.

This feeling is what made me inspired to write, cause I'm tired of waiting for masterpieces to come that I want to train myself to create a masterpiece myself, well that is if I ever stop procrastinating.

Anyway this isn't about my passion, I just wanted to talk about my history of when I dipped my toe in the huge stream that is the anime world. I was feeling down earlier so I thought reminiscing for the hour and the half I took to type all this down will help lift my spirits up. What about all you, people?
I miss when popular nhentai numbers weren't missing 😞
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2023
I miss the old times where I love everything I watched. I remember loving everything I see. I didn't care for genres, cinematography, writing, characters, shiny animations. I simply had no tastes and I miss those times. I miss the time when I liked SAO.

Back when there were no such thing as watch lists, I just picked up anything on Animax at the time cause I didn't have wifi yet. It started with Danganronpa s1, didn't watch it cause coincidentally a few of my female classmates are a huge fan of Fairy Tail and my kidbrain associated "anime are only for girls". However, the pretty pictures and strange language were enough to keep my curiosity going to the point that I'd sneak glances at the channel when my parents weren't around as if it was some kind of porn. Eventually when no one was at my living room, I spent a good 30 mins (curse you advertisements!) to watch an episode of whatever is currently airing: Nisekoi... episode 4. Yeah I didn't even start from the beginning cause the schedule didn't allign. But this was the catalyst that got me to stick to the TV and defeated my embarrassment of whatching Japanese cartoons in front of my parents.

Now that I think about it, Nisekoi isn't even the first anime that I watched; it's Deltora Quest. It was airing on Toonami for a while then my dad noticed and downloaded the entire dubbed series. Ironic considering that I'm full-sub now. Loved the show to bits, a great shounen show for children.

Streaming - the moment I realize that anime shouldn't be constrained to a small box in the living room I had an epiphany. (Whoops I went on a tangent here)
I did a bit of research beforehand and narrowed down my options to Gogoanimehub, 9anime, Animeheaven, and KissAnime (thank goodness I didn't pick this). Animeheaven was the chosen one... RIP it's dead now. That's basically why it was so close to my heart that I made a thread in the news section.
I've been watching plenty of anime at this point to realize - not really - what is good and what is bad. Guess what my teenbrain thought: "whatever is famous must be good otherwise they would never be famous." "Sword Art Online!" Lol no the first anime I watched on the internet was My Hero Academia. I kept awaiting the next time I get to be online with my dad's laptop just to watch the next episode.

Eventually my world widened even more when I notice the small button labeled as "download" on the site I use... Oh man my dad's laptop was filling up so fast. I even developed a stable system to download anime in my wifi-less home. First, I download a CRAP TON of episodes using the school wifi cause they were unfortunate enough to not ban anime sites; I found this out cause my junior next to me was binging some kind of basketball anime. I downloaded them on the laptop (Edit: I meant school computer), transfered them to my USB which supports 16 GB (about 10 after I accidentally left it in the washing machine, maybe) then transfer them to my dad's laptop. I remember going home from a day of school, after having 6-18 episodes downloaded during the break time of my schedule, plugging the USB in, initiate the exodus of files, leave it for five minutes while I change, and then once everything is successfully moved I clean my USB and then next day I erased the evidence from my school laptop - this happened every single day for about one semester, the laptop has plenty of room inside it.

I had plenty of pleasant memories with that laptop - which is now broken. So many great things were viewed there, each with their own story to tell.

Angel Beats was the first sad anime I watched. I didn't watch that last episode for a couple weeks cause I know that it was going to end tragically. Every single second of that last episode was burnt into my memory. I was so excited going in cause I found out that it was directed by the same person who made Charlotte possible - one of my fav animes that I watched on Animax, and still is off all time until now, also it apparantly has a higher score on MAL. But I left the series being absolutely heartbroken by the story. I wanted them to have a happy ending,
their souls finally getting to finally rest
wasn't what I had in mind but it was such a perfect ending that I can't complain. My only wish was that
instead of time skipping with a coma
they use that to extend the series into a two-cour.

I've also seen Parasyte on Animax, which was my first "dark" anime. No actually if you count edgy as being dark, make that Brynhilder in the Darkness which I also saw on Animax. Anyways, I found out that Madoka Magica was apparantly also "dark" - but unexpectedly. Well, yeah it turned unexpectedly dark and I loved binging every episode lol. My only regret was that I didn't appreciate it enough since I didn't have any taste and didn't pick up on the minute details the author dropped in my first viewing. I didn't appreciate the highs enough because I didn't know the lows, basically.

Well this is super evident when I saw SAO. I love everything, even the Fairy Dance arc which apparantly everyone hates. However, I wasn't that stupid to know that the Excalibur arc was just an utter waste of time. Like, it made no character or plot progression and the plot of the arc itself ends so unsatisfyingly. But I was surprised when I saw Mother's Rosario arc. After my mouth was dirtied by Excalibur, I was pleased by the sweet story of this arc. There was no fanservice, no power building, no deep conspiracy - just great character interactions. To this day it stands to be my favourite SAO arc, maybe even surpassing the, at time of writing, ongoing Alicization arc. I was super happy when I noticed the reference to Mother's Rosario at the final battle of the Ordinal Scale movie. The story of that arc touched me unlike any other SAO arcs had,
Yuuki's death
made me far more emotional than any other's in the series thus far, and yes I mean even the first half of Alicization. In my book, if Kawahara fail to make me as emotionally invested as I was in Mother's Rosario, he still have a lot of room to improve. I still use the Mother's Rosario arc as part of my huge mentak library of references for good character writing - that's how highly I hold it.

Oh yeah and I also wasted four hours watching School Days just to see what all the controversy is about. At first I was bored to death, pushing just to see the next episode. As I got to the middle, I was pushed, not by great writing, but by how ridiculously idiotic the characters are. I just wanted to know if it can get worst, and by the time I reached the ending... Oh yeah it definitely gets even worst.

Also watched Haruhi on the laptop before it died. I made it pass the Endless Eight then took a break as an excuse for dropping the series in On Hold Hell. Still planning to pick it back up... just like how I plan to do that for Future Diary, Plastic Memories, and so many more...

Re: Zero was my first isekai anime, saw it on Animax. It's also the only series I've ever rewatched simply cause Animax isn't airing anything new. This quickly turns my eyes towards Grimgar: Ashes and Illusion, Overlord, Saga of Tanya the Evil, KonoSuba, etc, etc, etc, so many isekais which aren't trash (jk these are great).

But then there's also the reverse isekai genre (subgenre? Subsubgenre?) Was first introduced to this when I saw Devil is a Part-Timer, love the show and the oppai loli which I think is legal is kinda cute but the real deal drops when I saw Re: Creators. That show was beautiful. Like, forget all my praises for SAO Mother's Rosario, this takes great charactership and turns it up to 11. In fact, I kind of written a short essay about a the philosophy of Re:Creators in my opinion which I just forgot to upload. I'll do the final edits and post it here soon. There were so many goosebumps. I actually plan to extend my watch time by not watching the final episode for a week like I did in Angel Beats but I couldn't since the last third of the anime was literally the entire final battle! Of course I had to keep binging. The ending was so great... All of the cast are in my huge mental library of references for good character writing.

But I kinda came into a problem. Last semester break, I spent my first week finally binging Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, then another on Gurren Lagann. Then, that's it? Do I have to wait every season for another hidden gem like Land of the Lustrous? I mean, I know that there are plenty of great titles out there, I haven't even seen No Game No Life primarily cause I don't want to join the rest of you waiting eternally for a season 2 that may or may never come but also because I'm saving it for when I'm feeling down and need something I can guarantee to be good and binge. I'm also giving the same treatment to Anohana.

This feeling is what made me inspired to write, cause I'm tired of waiting for masterpieces to come that I want to train myself to create a masterpiece myself, well that is if I ever stop procrastinating.

Anyway this isn't about my passion, I just wanted to talk about my history of when I dipped my toe in the huge stream that is the anime world. I was feeling down earlier so I thought reminiscing for the hour and the half I took to type all this down will help lift my spirits up. What about all you, people?
Not to be mean or anything, but it sounds like a you problem.

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