I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 10 Ch. 46

Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
I see this across all sorts of genres in this art form and I just don't understand how it gets to that level everywhere. Like it has to happen enough that just about all of the readers can understand this and feel empathy. Yet I never understand how it gets this far before intervention. Do other students not care? Do teachers not care? Other school staff not care? Parents not care? Everyone who gets bullied isn't timid or insecure, sometimes a bully fucks around and finds out or pushes someone further than they are willing to take. So with how universal a trope this seems to be I'm always surprised with the lack of an intervention or violent reaction before the individual runs away from the place or hermitizes themselves.
Often times intervention can even make it worse, unfortunately. I was a victim back in school as well and when I tried reporting it, the teachers and staff didn't bother doing anything. When I got my parents involved and had them force the faculty to finally do something about it, the next day the kid bullying me just came up to me and said "did you really report me?" And all that did was just piss him off more and make things worse. I can only assume all they did was give him a talking to and a slap on the wrist. If someone had actually DONE something or gotten him in trouble with any sort of actual consequence, maybe he would have stopped for a little bit before continuing after eyes were off him? But since that never happened it's not like I'll ever actually know. In the end, I had to transfer schools just to get away. Shit like this is rampant everywhere, globally. I wish I had an answer, but instead all I can do is be sad about it.

Oh and even in the new school all that changed was that the person bullying me just had a different name and face. Away from one bully and right toward another.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2019
If I were Sayu, I would have cornered that bitch in the bathroom and told her "If you ever bother her again, I'm going to go to that guy you like and offer to fuck him, and he won't say 'no' because he has a crush on me and I'm fucking hot"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
I hate having to say this, but this flashback is already gonna be at least 1 chapter longer than it ever needed to be.
i'm with you on this one, i practically skipped the entire chapter, i don't really care about this girl nor this backstory and it has overstayed it's welcome by ya lot. At this point feels like cheap padding.
This should've been half a chapter at the most

boring "arc"
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2019
I had... "friends" in junior high, we were a small group of three and couldn't get along with the whole class, so we stick together. We made a group chat online to, sometime, vent and talk sh*t about the guys from the bigger group. One day one of us got their account hacked (that mtfker uses mobile phone as password) and our chat got leaked.
Those two immediately blame it on me and join the bigger group.
If I had friend like Sayu, I'd have been her friend for life.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
Lets be real: if this shit had been happenin anywhere in the us then either hands start flying against the prime suspects, suspension be damned. Or bullets
Eh, depends on which area of the US you're in. Rural areas, probably as you describe. Dense urban areas, probably similar to what you see here unfortunately.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
All this over a boy. Jeez women 😒

In all seriousness from my own personal experience the only way to stop bullying is to fight back and show you're not someone to be messed with.

Granted I'm a guy and live in America. As a chick in Japan idk what you can do other than fight fire with fire.
Lets be real: if this shit had been happenin anywhere in the us then either hands start flying against the prime suspects, suspension be damned. Or bullets
From my experience, throwing hands got me in more trouble than the bully. The school and my family all blamed me for resorting to violence, it went on my record, the other guy didn't care, he dropped out later.
Sep 24, 2023
Bullying. This thing is hard because the teacher don’t care, your parents can’t do anything, police is out of the question, and most importantly MINOR ARE IMMUNE TO THE LAW.

How to realistically stop bullying? The answer is simple, but most people won’t like it. Fight. Nasty, unforgiving, dogfight. In fact, it would be better to do little bit too much, than not enough. Bully fear nothing but wounded animal that has absolutely nothing to lose. You don’t have to win, in fact you would most likely lose, but you have to fight. You can’t beat all of them, but at least take one of them down with you. Show them that you’re much more cruel, nasty, and dangerous than anything they ever seen before. Bite their face, tear their ear off, poke their eyes, kick their balls, when they down go for the neck. Anything goes.

This is coming from former bully, I’m ashamed of what i did back then. I don’t even come to any reunion, it’s embarrassing. As a man, it’s really embarrassing to remember that i acted like i was something just because I’m slightly bigger and stronger than anyone else.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
Bullying like this is on another level. Someone need more than just a pressure to become wild and than loose control.

In Japan, they will going to suicide.

In my country, they will burn the school.

I don't know which are the better cases.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
From my experience, throwing hands got me in more trouble than the bully. The school and my family all blamed me for resorting to violence, it went on my record, the other guy didn't care, he dropped out later.
Been there myself idr if it went on my record but I did get in-school suspension for it. I've learned stuff going on your "record" doesn't mean much if you aren't a trouble maker. Has not effected me in anyway since that incident years ago.
Dec 3, 2019
wow, that's a lot of words;;
too bad i'm not reading em
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Been there myself idr if it went on my record but I did get in-school suspension for it. I've learned stuff going on your "record" doesn't mean much if you aren't a trouble maker. Has not effected me in anyway since that incident years ago.
Worse part is the lasting damage of my teachers comparing me to my older siblings, I still remember them mispronouncing my last name as they said my sister was such a good student, how could you be related to her?
Jun 10, 2018
In all seriousness from my own personal experience the only way to stop bullying is to fight back and show you're not someone to be messed with.
Only if the plot lets you. Sayu actually stood up for her friend and fought back in this chapter, but obviously it didn't work, because of "reasons".

What's infuriating about this story (and many others in a similar vein) is that it portrays the bullies not as characters, but some demonic forces that are out to get you and you can't do anything about them. This portrayal is utter crap. I've also been bullied in high school. For years, actually. My bullies weren't demons, but people with frustrations and weaknesses. And how you reacted to them, whether you fought back against them, or just let them have their way made a significant difference in the outcome.
Active member
Apr 25, 2023
There's a 46.5 Slice of Life Intermission and then 47 - the glasses girl jumps off the rooftop. You know it was coming. Just a warning for those sensitive to this topic.
you know it, I know it, everybody knows it, but it doesn't make it any less :despair:
Active member
Apr 25, 2023
i was not expecting this series to take such a dark turn. it was already dark, sure, but it was like, softcore dark. this is getting way more serious
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
From my experience, throwing hands got me in more trouble than the bully. The school and my family all blamed me for resorting to violence, it went on my record, the other guy didn't care, he dropped out later.
It might go on ur record but at least ull have some peace of mind knowing dude won't fuck with u anymore
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
And it's so jarring because many readers are probably privileged enough to never have to deal with bullying like this. (Looking at the rich cis straight white men)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2020
I see this across all sorts of genres in this art form and I just don't understand how it gets to that level everywhere. Like it has to happen enough that just about all of the readers can understand this and feel empathy. Yet I never understand how it gets this far before intervention. Do other students not care? Do teachers not care? Other school staff not care? Parents not care? Everyone who gets bullied isn't timid or insecure, sometimes a bully fucks around and finds out or pushes someone further than they are willing to take. So with how universal a trope this seems to be I'm always surprised with the lack of an intervention or violent reaction before the individual runs away from the place or hermitizes themselves.
I think you are very right in that manga shows as if all bullies wer omnipotent when in reality it often doesn't go that well for them and it's fairly hard for it to get to the point of the victim being completely annihilated, though it works for the story. The weaker the victim is, the better for the bully, but the reaction can be very violent. Teachers are basically useless against bullying unless it comes to some really special specific events, because bullying is generally made of small actions and by a group against an individual, which makes it very hard to control. More often than not, they will be a protection for the bullies against explosions of rage from the bullied instead.

I remember when I was in elementary school I was bullied in two distinct periods: when I had just transfered school a couple of guys targeted me, I told the teacher and she said out loud in front of the class "being a snitch is bad, don't do that to your classmates" so I had to deal with it myself by scaring the guys, who were physically weaker than me. 2 years later I was bullied again, 6-10 people would come at me, slapping my nape, throwing small stones, trying to make full use of their numbers and my slow reactions to get away with it. Once a friend of mine told the teacher and I was angry at him for it, because that didn't allow me to retaliate, as it would have been much more of a show than their small actions. I dealt with it by fighting back with violence, injuring their backs by trapping them between desks, throwing them on the ground and jumping on their rib cages, strangling them until they turned purple when I caught them. Anyone other than a grade schooler would have never recovered from the kind of fights we had.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Bullying a Best Girl.
Why am I not surprised?
They're clearly envious that she looks so much better than them.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
And it's so jarring because many readers are probably privileged enough to never have to deal with bullying like this. (Looking at the rich cis straight white men)
If you think people looking for escapism in these corners of the internet are unlikely to have been bullied, and that any of the traits that you mentioned, other than wealth, would offer any sort of protection, you're very naïve.

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