I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

Aug 18, 2018
@chynabrack you do realize that if she did that she 100% would have to go back home. to make it not cliche she could have just written in the message that he should come fast. but now its the cliche thing where she just wrote dont worry about me and mc obviously realized something is wrong shit
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
The fact that Sayu has had sex with other men is triggering you and others on here is hilarious and sad, that's the point.
I can't speak for other people, but I don't mind that she's had sex with other men.
The fact that she has had tons of sexual partners though does turn me off to her considerably as a romantic partner. Like, I'd appreciate it if the protagonist helped her out and was mentally supportive. Pursuing her romantically though... I'm not down with for a multitude of reasons.


This villain just got introduced. I doubt the manga's gonna do anything crazy like resolve his plotline just as he became a character. There's probably a lot the author wants to explore with this character.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
now he knows where you live, are you serious, why did you not go to a fake location or police box aaahhhhh and now he's all rapey surprised Pikachu face aaaahhhhhh why
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
Jesus christ, punch this rapist in the nose Yoshida, please.
May 5, 2020
She is really a retard, how long is she going to keep the same excuse as, if i follow i won't cause any issues. That the most pathetic and dumb excuse i have ever heard ... That's really not how a real girl would react. And the fact that she was surprised when he tried to make a move, is so unrealistic ... You lived through all those men, and you really think they won't make a move, even tho he blackmailed you just to go to your place ... She even invented her own excuse to agree to his demand. This is the first time someone managed to blackmail themself ...
This is really forced drama ...
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 3, 2018
@starlightcitypro very strange assumption to be making. if it significantly negatively impacted my view of her, why would i still be reading this? it's not like this is a recent revelation. midwits truly at it again.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
@Reiito Think again. That scum can literally report Sayu to the store manager, or even straight to the police. If that happens, she will be sent back to her parent's house, and Yoshida can even be arrested. She knew the scum would act horribly. But because she has been in a state of good environment, for 2 months, her mind and body wasn't in sync. After all, women are full of contradiction. It is like it can't be helped if he blackmailed me, I just have to do as he say, but my head slipped giving him a headbutt and my body moved on its own to avoid him.

Though I was surprised the scum dare to advance knowing that apartment room is owned by a man. Maybe because it was still early evening when Sayu just finished her work shift for that day. Ami might told Yoshida through mail that Sayu was in danger of bringing the scum home. But still, in the end it is still the house of another man, not his own. His mind is more questionable to me.
May 5, 2020
@dexdoujinmanga Yes i thinked again ... He report her to the poilice he basically shoot himself in the leg ... Because he is the one that had sex with an underage girl, so he will be the one arrested, he even blackmailed her to top that off. She can literally blackmail him with information ... Yoshida won't be arrested because he didn't do anything to her, but in fact protected her.
And what really annoyed me, is how easily she agreed at the end.
Aggregator gang
May 15, 2019
Fundamentally, agreeing to blackmail is always a poor decision, because you are counting on a villainous person to not act villainously.
Mar 15, 2020
shes bitchy chara we found in every hentai ntr, lolololol
hope shes not being raped and be sex addict in future chap. 🤣
Jun 12, 2018
i always skip the actual manga and go for the comment sections.

because the comment section is gold seeing cute people debating at each others.

and i finished the novel since months ago.

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