I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Sep 11, 2020
d-did she just go ba-dump for the prince- i- eyE- my poor ship- water is seeping in- is it gonna sink- oh hell naWWHHH 😭 also thank you sm for the update!
Sep 22, 2020
Wow she really died and he wasnt in love with her in the first place, he just doesnt like bullies? She was isolated and died alone in prison wow wow wow wow wow
Nov 21, 2019
bruh can someone tell me who the ML is so that i won’t be wasting time
it better be yulan man.... please give us yulan....
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Let us not forget that she was literally a horrible person in her previous life.

@twalt That's not necessarily true. Love isn't always at first sight. He could've just been disgusted with how Violette was in the previous life and just got to know Maryjun as a result. Then they became closer and eventually married. He could've still legitimately loved Maryjun even if she is right that the prince initially wasn't interested in Maryjun.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2018
Aren't people seeing the irony of saying she was an annoying stalker in the past. When now the prince is doing the same. She is not interested in his advances but he is constantly trying to get in...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 25, 2018
So I had a think about why I utterly detest the Prince, and reached the same conclusion as a lot of other commentors had. I thought I may be able to flesh it out a bit more though. Vio isn't a substantially different person in this timeline. She wasn't swapped with some truck-kun victim, she's just moved down the five stages of grief over her shitty family from anger to depression. So when the Prince likes her in this timeline it's not because she's fundamentally different, it's because he never bothered to know her before. That much was obvious when he never really talked to her, but it shows how extremely shallow he is. Him saying that he has no interest in Maryjun really proves it, as he shows zero interest in a woman he went to great lengths to marry before. I don't know if this author will fully develop it, but at the moment there's great potential to reveal the Prince as a misogynistic and arrogant jerk who doesn't see women as other people. The only reason he liked either of them was because he found them less annoying than other women, not because he saw something in their personality he was attracted to.

Yulan is a good example of someone who actually loves another for who they are. Even when Vio was angry at Maryjun and clinging onto the Prince, he still loved her because he was attracted to who she was (and because he bothered to understand her situation). His attitude towards her didn't change in this timeline because his impression of her wasn't superficial.

TL;DR The Prince is absolutely horrid.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@fallcnpetals: Of course she ba-dump-ed. She was in love with the prince. So much, that she even let her jealousy get the better of her. In prison she reflected over everything and of course her feelings for him got colder as he wanted her death. Call it nostagia or a relapse of what has been buried, as she was shocked, that he offered that smile, she always wanted to see before, to her now. But she quickly remembered, that he was never interested in her before and therefore can't even realize, that he might be interested in her this time around. It's a pity she didn't listen to him, as with those foul memories she should have easily arrived at the conclusion, that he is a superficial bastard, that hunts those skirts, that he find most interesting. She doesn't want him anymore, so now it's her.

So have no fear. That's just water from a wave that smacked against the hull and wet the deck a bit. Your ship is totally fine and continues to sail on course with the rest of our armada.

@thegiantpossum: Not sure about the "misogynistic and arrogant jerk who doesn't see women as other people."-part, but everything else: Based
Aug 26, 2019
Yulan ftw
Nobody like the Prince, boo
Hope her rude af father won't bot-
no its impossible, he is her father *sigh*
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 25, 2020

Unless the Manga decides to completely deviate from the source for whatever reason, the ML is
Yulan. In fact in the Webnovel there really was never any question about that, since the Prince there is just a giant jerk the entire time, so its completely clear that Violett won't ever get together with him. I guess they changed his personality somewhat to add more "spice" with this weird love-triangle?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
In this thread, almost everyone loves Violette purely because she's the main character and ignore the fact that she literally tried to kill her sister for nothing.

@thegiantpossum Wow. What a massive cop out for Violette, the literal convicted attempted murderer!

The prince got to know Maryjun through the circumstances that Violette herself created. Violette tried to get closer to the prince while she literally tried to ruin Maryjun's life. As a result, the prince protected and developed a relationship with Maryjun. Of course the prince has no interest in Maryjun because Violette isn't trying to kill her sister! You call him shallow when it makes sense that he never had the opportunity to know Maryjun? We literally see that he can develop a close bond with someone (Violette here) when given a chance, yet you also say herp derp, he never developed a close bond with Maryjun, he's just a shallow misogynist?

And then you offer this Freudian excuse for Violette where she is moving through the stages of grief? What the hell? In her previous life, she literally got caught trying to murder Maryjun. Maryjun offers her a chance to explain herself, and Violette literally curses Maryjun. But no, that's all an action of a stage of grief. That's ridiculous.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
@sheepdoge ...yeah? Have you ever had someone who you aren't attracted to bother you daily and try to make way into your life? It's not enjoyable. The fact that she is now more aloof and mature (and isn't chasing him around every waking hour) lets him learn Vio's good points.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
@comeonnow0 I would say it's the other way around. Maryjun and Claudia get hate because she's the main character, and we're given a clear view of how their existence hurts her. We empathize with Violette because we're given a fairly clear view of the suffering she's had to go through, which is an advantage being the main character brings, but would also apply to side characters.

Because, to be clear, she's likely the most unfortunate character in the entire cast, and she did have the Freudian Excuse trope in effect for the first time around. Abused by her mother, neglected by her father, having everything she wants lost in front of her. The attempted murder wasn't for a good reason, but it also wasn't "for nothing". She was left an irrational and emotionally unstable mess, and was only able to reflect on that after being put in isolation and having time to calm down. Not sure if it would count as stages of grief, but she did go on a big emotional journey.

From her relationship with her staff and Yulan, the Violette we see here isn't terribly different in nature from how they know her, even if she really is acting differently now. Rather, she just had a lifetime of pent-up abuse that got aggravated and erupted once Maryjun came along.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Psychronia My problem is the amount of hate and basically lack of reflection that most of these comments seem to have. It's perfectly fine if a person likes Yulan more than the prince because he does this or he didn't do that, etc. That's all preferences. The problem is the stupidity and lack of understanding of Violette's part in this. Like, the prince is shallow because he's not interested in Maryjun in this life? As I explained, the major reason he became interested in Maryjun in the previous life is because of Violette's own actions. But people are trying to demonize the prince for nonsense reasons.

On that note, the attempted murder was for a bad reason, because she was jealous and because she was angry. I think we can agree that's a bad reason to murder someone. Perhaps saying "for nothing" was not the best choice of words. She tried to murder her sister because she was a horrible person.

And let me be clear. Yes, it is commendable that she wants to fix her mistakes. I will not criticize someone who tries to be better. However, that doesn't erase the bad things that she did. The only reason that the bad things she did got erased were because of time traveling magic.

And yes, the Freudian excuse of her family history is the excuse for why she was horrible. That doesn't make it a GOOD excuse. If someone spat at me, that could be my Freudian excuse for wanting to commit genocide. That doesn't make it a good excuse. Here, her horrible behavior is not excused by her family history. SHE even agrees with this. SHE thinks that she should try to atone. And I think that's fine. However, her family behavior does not excuse the actual crimes that she committed.
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
@Psychronia This! All of this! It's like people blanked out and only started paying attention to the story after the flashback. They ignore how much of her perspective of people in this time line are based off of events that she caused in the last time line.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 25, 2020


If you ignore literally everything that led to Violette acting like she did in the first place, and also ignore everything she said and learned since then, you can say that. And only then. It wasn't "for nothing". Just directed at the wrong person.

In case you forgot, Violette regrets what she did the first time around. Thats specifically the reason why she tries to avoid interacting with Maryjune unless absolutely necessary in the first place. Because she now has come to realize, unlike last time were she was too blinded by hate to think clearly, that its not Maryjunes fault. She doesn't want to hate Maryjune, but she also knows that she will ultimately end up doing exactly that if she's constantly forced to see how Mj gets showered with love and affection while she gets either nothing or the exact opposite from her family at every turn.

A good chunk of her international dialogue in the earlier Chapters is just her repeating again and again how she has come to think that she doesn't "deserve to get loved" because of what she did.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@IronVader501 Are you kidding me? I literally just acknowledged the reasons for why Violette acted like she did in the first place. Are you really saying that if you have as bad of a family history as Violette, then it's good for you to murder your sister? Because that's what you're literally trying to justify.

"Just directed at the wrong person" Do you know how much of a cop out this is? It was "just" directed at the wrong person. She "just" tried to kill her sister because she was jealous and angry. She "just" was upset enough to kill Maryjun.

You don't seem to get that there's a difference between understanding someone and condoning their actions. I can understand why Violette did what she did. I do not condone it. I condemn it. I say it was bad.

In case you forgot, I literally said, in writing, that it's good that Violette is trying to do better. Did you read my comment at all? I do not criticize her for her attempts to be better. That's good. That's what I like about this series. That does not mean that I condone her attempted murder.

It's like you didn't even read anything that I posted and just want to defend Violette no matter what. Violette is a human character. She has flaws and a past that I am willing to criticize her, as well as positive qualities that should be commended. You're trying to sweep all of her bad actions under the rug and ignore them.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 25, 2018
@Qelix haha thanks, and that may be fair.

@comeonnow0 This legitimately just confuses me. Like I'm seriously kind of stumped over what your argument even is. Your entire comment acts like Violette tried to murder Maryjun every second she saw her, and that the Prince's only interactions with Vio were while she was chasing Maryjun around with a knife. The Prince knew Violette for years BEFORE Maryjun even entered the scene. It's not like the reason he disliked her was because she was some psychopath trying to kill her sister, that came much after their relationship was already soured.

You do realize that you are claiming the only reason the Prince liked Maryjun was pity? He has had plenty, hell, even more chances to interact with her in this timeline than the last, and yet he wasn't interested. So if you're right and he only liked her last time because she was being bullied (and not just by VIo either), then you're admitting that he didn't like her for who she was? In fact, by your own argument, I'm completely right in saying that he only cared about the surface level; Maryjun was a pitiful victim of circumstance. Any argument that he likes who she really is gets wrecked when you look at their interactions now. He's totally indifferent to her, he doesn't even see her as a platonic friend. One could make a decent argument that he didn't love her because he already had someone in his heart, but if that was the case he would have a different type of relationship with her; he has none whatsoever. He has never expressed any interest in Maryjun's qualities (hard working, positive, etc) despite them being the exact same as the previous timeline. The ONLY difference is that she isn't as pitiful, which is hardly a foundation for honest love.

In regards to saying the Prince developed a close bond with Violette here, what proof do you have of that? I encourage you to show me one point in the story where he asked Violette how she felt or tried to understand her. The closest I can remember is when Yulan forced the Prince to realize how bad Vio's family situation was, which the Prince has proceeded to do absolutely nothing about.

Finally, you act as if I'm somehow excusing Violette for trying to murder someone. At what point did I ever do that? I find her actions terrible, no matter how much I understand her anger, AS DOES SHE IN THE CURRENT TIMELINE. SHE HERSELF REGRETS WHAT SHE DID AND IS TRYING TO ATONE FOR IT. Why do you think she treats Maryjun kindly, even though the girl is a product of her family's destruction? And yes, it's quite obvious that Violette killing Maryjun was because of grief, in fact it's a major plot point. VIolette clearly grieves her mother, and hates her father for abandoning her mother and causing her death. Maryjun is a living, breathing symbol of her father's betrayal. Maryjun is also receiving familial love from the very man who ensured that Violette could never have that same love. And the only reason Violette ever liked the Prince is because she thought that someone might finally love her. When she put her hopes of being loved on the Prince and he also choose Maryjun over her, Maryjun had taken everything that Vio ever wanted. The story made it extremely clear that Violette doesn't hate Maryjun because of who she is, but because of that grief. This is the most confusing part of what you said to me, because I honestly can't see how you couldn't pick up on that by this point. This entire paragraph has been just repeating the plot of this story, as it contradicts that entire piece of your argument. Saying that grief is what drove Violette's actions isn't a matter of debate, it's a basic fact.

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