I Thought an Adventure of Swords and Sorcery Would Be Waiting When I Reincarnated, and Yet... - Oneshot

Feb 28, 2020
I'd like to see an isekai where mc with his usual broken cheat gimmick gets thrown into another world and then faces off--battle royale style- against other mcs with broken cheat gimmicks.

Could be comedic in the sense that all these mcs thought they were gonna have it easy in another world but realized they've technically been balanced because everybody's just as op as the next.
Feb 3, 2020
There's nothing wrong with isekai, and originality isn't necessary to make a story good.

The issue is there are a lot of bad authors. I guess you could argue there is too much demand for isekai, but not enough competent authors to write them.
Aug 15, 2020
Here is something to understand God, no matter how oversaturated, trashy, corny, or just outright boring an isekai gets, it is our RESPONSIBILITY as web degenerates to go through them and complain on social media platforms and forums.

Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2019
Ok, hear me out: A grimdark isekai. If the Mc is reincarnated into Dark Souls/Bloodborne world, or a 40K like universe, then you got me.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Author, you shouldn't turn a blind eye on the distasteful and pointlessly long ass titles which you are guilty of too.
Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
@Korvalus But here is the thing; I think we have reached the point where we should no longer complain now. Instead, we should try to prop up the stories we actually like.

For me, I kinda hate the "he's OP but doesn't understand that" trope... but we gotta move on from this sh*t... if this small minority of manga want to exist, we just let it and focus on other better things... like my copy of Midnight Sun finally coming.... I wanna enjoy that with a nice glass of chocolate milk....

@Ryomi Iskeai that are super dark and gritty kinda exist... MCs live in sh*tty fantasies and suffer constantly...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
These gods know what's what. I would read the shit out of that brand new isekai idea they had.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@deathmailrock I never intended to bash on the people who like trashy isekai, but I feel a person should be willing to admit to themselves whether what they like is trashy or not. Personally I don't mind reading some trash here and there, I don't understand why some people get so offended by the idea that they're watching and enjoying a bad show. That being said, when people think isekai, their minds don't automatically go to Dragon Quest, afterall, this is a published Japanese author saying these things. One of the tropes he points out was the "Woman becomes a villain and prevents her own bad end" so we're not just talking about the stereotypical JRPG lifestyle. It's Truck-Kun, it's Average Highschool Boy that has a million different personality traits no normal person has, it's the "I decided to farm and I shall use magic and the power of the gods to do it" it's all of these things (I'm actually reading two manga with that premise). It's all of these tropes.

There's a large set of themes in manga that are based Isekai and they're repeating. Too much. And the authors who are writing them are only looking at them as cash grabs. Flooding a market with bad, low-quality work will only lead to bad things. We've seen this with both Video Games and western Comic Books when they did something similar. It eventually starts to turn people away from that genre or medium. The author wants to point out that we should have more original works and more interesting works, but that it isn't as simple as that because the audience has grown a taste for the "simple" I.E the same old thing. So I do believe there is a long-term danger in just pushing out the same thing a hundred times over in bulk because you know it will sell easily.

In fact, it seems the author is pointing to this himself in the manga when "god" pouts about working hard on an isekai novel that was ripped apart by everyone saying how tired they were of it. It's reaching the point that it'll be the new Tsundere "It's not like I -blank- for you! B-Baka!" so there should be some change.
Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
@Hitspark But there is a limit to how long the complaints and criticism should last.

It's like saying you don't like a restaurant once is criticism. But constantly going out of your way to criticize it is bashing. I feel we came to the point. There is a limit to how much one should criticize something.

There is a certain point where criticism is no longer criticism. Criticism of a work is fair, but bashing isn't.If you criticism a work too long, all it really does is hurt the people that enjoy it.

If you don't like something, it's fine to say it... but then to constantly say you don't like it, to go out of your way to constantly criticize it... that's just not fair on the people enjoying it.

If these Isekai were the only thing coming out, that'd be one thing. Or if it was mandatory to watch it (for some reason) then it'd be fair to constantly criticize. But... how many years will you complain about the same thing? How long will it last?

How great something is somewhat subjective after all.

Think about it. You are sh*ting on something people love for no other reason other than the fact that it exists. It exists because people love it.The people that love it want it and support it. Why do they have to be constantly criticized for enjoying their own taste in art?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2018
I feel personally attacked.

Actually let me clarify there isn't much you can do to the isekai genre to move it away from fantasy. As mentioned, moving a person to a scifi world isn't considered isekai like Ima Soko ni Iru Boku, Gargantia, or Mujin Wakusei Survive. Even going back to the origins of the genre like Buck Rodgers, Planet of the Apes, John Carter, or Alice in Wonderland, people wouldn't recognize it as isekai most of the time. The best you could hope for is an El-Hazard or Magic Knights Rayearth style isekai.

I mean they can make more Escaflownes, Twelve Kingdoms or Maze Mega Burst Space style Isekai, but would that fly under the new standardized isekai? Who knows.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I'm getting very vivid images of other manga reading this chapter. This truly is...



Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Absolutely deconstructed

Oh no, Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing the people who likes them, to each their own.

Well, I will. As the chart on page 6 so handily demonstrated, the target audience for Isekai are losers.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
I enjoy how the entire thing is blasting isekai, but then at the end goes "well, fuck it, don't fix what aint broke, I guess". Continue the shoveling of the trash to fuel the isekai furnace.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2020
I'd like to see an isekai where mc with his usual broken cheat gimmick gets thrown into another world and then faces off--battle royale style- against other mcs with broken cheat gimmicks.
That kinda happened already. The show is called "Aesthetica of a Rouge Hero", but they focused way more on the MC molesting women.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@deathmailrock I don't find that analogy fitting for the situation. You keep downplaying the level production in contrast to criticism. If anything this is like a person saying they love Italian Restaurants or like eating at them, but the ones they keep finding can't even boil pasta. This isn't one small instance, this isn't one small manga being bullied in a corner. It's thousands of manga flooding the market. They do not have to be the only kind of Isekai to be a problem, they just have to be over-represented, oversaturated, and overdone.

So here's a little fact that I've come to realize over my life. The people who watch and read these things? They tend to be the ones FULLY aware of how bad the stuff they consume is. Go and read some of the comments on this site, you'll find people calling the story garbage but with the context that it's garbage they enjoy. For them it's just junk food. They know it's overdone, they know it's cliche, they like it anyway and don't pretend. Nobody watched Interspecies Reviewers and thought "This is an anime of class!"

Also I find it weird that you keep bringing up insults towards the readers of these genres. While it isn't something I would do and don't think it's something anyone should do, I find it strange because that isn't the topic we're talking about. We're talking about a genre with a bad habit of excessive repetition and little innovation. If a form of media exists, no matter how big or small it is, and continues to repeat itself without any real innovation in the name of a quick buck, it absolutely deserves to be criticized and neither I or you hold the right or authority to tell someone they can't criticize it. A person does not need permission to criticize something. If the criticism itself is repetitious then that simply means the problem hasn't been fixed. The amount of time between when the criticisms start and when they end means nothing other than acting as a timeline for when the problems were first noticed to when they were solved.

These problems have not been solved. In fact I've seen more and more Isekai manga mocking the isekai genre itself for being so repetitious (quite a large number of Isekai even reference Isekai as the basis for their knowledge of what's about to happen), meaning the authors themselves are fully aware of the quality they're putting out. This oneshot is just one representation of a larger reaction within the community both close and abroad. That reaction is simple: If all the stories are the same, then the story is no longer interesting. Monotonous ideas are not interesting to people and if they become the representation of your medium, genre or what have you - there is a problem.
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
Personally, at first, I saw isekai a way to make fantasy stories a bit more relatable to the reader by having a protagonist from a world that tries to be like our real world. But honestly, the way they usually just revolve around the protagonist and the way other characters are just tools for the protagonists only made me hate isekai. It also doesn't help that the world-building is usually lackluster and also have very few continents. A good fantasy should make the protagonist just one small fry in a big world who is just a bit more unique from the crowd and even without the protagonist, the story should be able to progress itself with characters also doing a shitton of significant stuff that they could even be protagonists in their own. I just want the world to not revolve almost all around the protagonist only.

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