More and more, I find myself just absolutely hating all of the characters in this.
The general, Mr. "Oops, I used super unethical charm magic on you, teehee! ain't I a scamp!?" We're told he's some brilliant military strategist, and what is his strategy? Get captured and go to the heart of the enemy's power, "cause I thought it would be interesting," and then is forced to give up immediately without getting anything out of it.
The old doctor, Mr. "Oh, you're mad about something I and the people around you did? How cute!" Eff that guy. The only reason he's not the most untrustworthy person in this entire story is that everyone else keeps raising the bar to unimaginable heights.
The protagonist, Ms. "I got furious at people the last 100 times and nobody cared, but I'll just go with the flow and next time it'll work out." Is this supposed to be a comedy routine where Lucy keeps stealing the football away at the last second?