3 differents apprentices in the same chapter not 2 ^^Damn, two of the apprentice!?
That's what makes it good.Every chapter is fan service dang
lolTentacles? The apprentices get kinkier with each chapter, by the end they will have been so through using the master body for their perversions that she's going to be literally incapable of living as a man again.
Seriously, they're gonna mind break her hentai style.
I'm so fucking jealous
Enjoy your break, I hope you come back someday.
Mfw I saw this and have been buying comic straight from bilibili comics and use the android version.Hello, Sleepy here.
In case anyone here needs to see this, Fire scans contacted me and will be picking this up again but I don't know when they will release the next chapter.
And the reason I've been gone for 1-2 months is, well, my PC is truly broken and I don't really know when I will be back since I don't have $$$ at the moment to fix it.