I Will Die Soon - Ch. 66

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Honestly, I've been siding with Death this entire time. I'm glad he learned his lesson.
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2020
Bitch, fuck you. He didn't deserve a second chance. And besides, he just wound the entire universe back like 33 years of time to fulfill his selfish wish.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Yay! Choi got his good ending.

...Wait what about all the people he possessed? Are they going to go on with their lives as if he wasn't part of them now?

@TheIndicator I don't think she did it with good intentions, I think it was more or less that he never understood the weight that death had on people. He, by his way of thinking, was diminishing her role in the universe and that irritated her. So via all the lives he lived, she taught him that death does matter. He lived in other people's lives and not only died and saw how his death affected people, he learned how it was to be affected by death, and then at the end what it's like to have a loved family member die (hence why death put him in his mother's body, because she was 'dead' with him inside).

All of it was a way to push the fact that she, as death, is one of the weightiest and most powerful forces in existence. Once he learned that lesson, she had no reason to be angry with him anymore so she forgave him, gave him what he wanted and let him go. Though she still did it in a way that screwed with him, she likely knew exactly which bullet was in the chamber. Yes, this whole thing was an ego-trip for Death, but not a hostile one.

I think it was more or less like when you talked back to your parents. They're upset you did it (maybe even furious depending on what you said), and they want to teach you a lesson, but they don't exactly hate you for it. They just want you to learn respect.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I thought it was good specifically because it was so predictable. It wasn't precisely as I wanted (waking up in the ambulance having survived, all these lives flashed before his eyes like that cliché), but considering how actually convenient the string of lives was (e.g. why they're all in Korea), it would have been more funny than good if it ended in a 'conventional' way of him actually dying, instead of this rebirth.
Jun 10, 2018
@Hitspark No matter how you look at it, normal people would never know about her existence in the first place, so for her to single him out of millions and treat him in the manner that she did was still quite unreasonable, and the fact that she gave him a second chance at all was an indication that 1) she intended to forgive him if he learnt something and 2) she didn't need to be a dick throughout the entire process. This is akin to the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, but instead of friendly ghosts, this guy was literally tortured to the limits of his sanity, and had his mind flew off that cliff what would they have gained?

If parents treated their children like this just to teach respect, there would be a lot more serial killers in the world, just sayin.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
This ending was one big bruh moment. It feels incredibly rushed and not expanded on enough. Pretty unsatisfying even if he does get a happy ending.

@TheIndicator I keep thinking that this whole thing would've felt better with a few changes. The protagonist should've been more of a dick that actually deserved to go through something like this so it can feel like Death's antagonistic personality towards him is a bit more justified. Alternatively, Death should've been less of an antagonist and more of a guiding force like the ghosts from the Christmas Carol that you mentioned. That way, the protagonist getting his second chance feels more logical of a conclusion.
Oct 10, 2018
Y'all really need to go back to the beginning. He wasn't doing anything throughout the entire series except look out for himself until the bitter end when he possessed the body of his mom. He noticed the selfishness, even if it's only one person you wound from trying to gain something yourself, that one person is more than enough to affect an entire life. I doubt death was telling the truth when she said that he was the unlucky one. This was purposefully done to him to wake him up from "living like that" and I doubt he's the only one, remember death is not an entity a god or something, death is just death, it can take many and all forms, one hint is when she speaks of dealing with a lot of humans and that the second event was a high survival rate story. He took so many things for granted throughout the story and was incessantly thinking on one-upping death all the time he forgot to look at the effect all his actions had. Would have loved to see how it finished after his second chance, but that would ruin the introspecting that it incites on the reader.

If you had a second chance, what would you do..? What if your second chance is now? It probably is.

Here's to his second chance and to our one and only. Don't waste it. Great read, frustrating at points, but this one hit home.
Jun 10, 2018
@Tersione Yea, something needed to change. The more I think about it though, the more I feel that a better ending could have been if she told him no at the end to teach him there are no second chances. At least then it could have rounded out the moral of the story better, and if they really wanted to make it a bittersweet moment, just have her let him meet his mom and have him apologize in tears and let them pass on together or something. Even if it was rushed, they could have done better man....
Active member
Apr 22, 2020
I dunno about everyone else, but this has one of the better endings compared to most of the manga/manwha I've read.

He's learned his lesson and he realizes the value of a human life whether they are a piece of trash or his own mother. Honestly, I don't think he would have realized this if he had started in his mom's body first. After seeing how even the most insignificant person could completely change the life of another person, he saw just how much worth he had. He saw the potential to do good, so long as he lived life with that intention in mind and followed through.

It would be cool to see just how he would now live his life and to see him again as a grandfather, but this ending was also well done had a dramatic effect. The ambiguous ending was used well in this case.
Jun 10, 2018
@bitlock Humans are inherently selfish, but did he deserve to be punished in that manner for said selfishness when all he wanted to do was end his suffering? No. And of course the only thing he could think of was to one-up that God at every turn when he's not only being shot to send him back to reality, but is then made to suffer the pain of death in a different form numerous times. There's a reason why there's an isekai trope where MC's try to stick it to the Gods afterwards, because when you're tossed into unfair situations, you can't help but feel slighted. He was selfish, but the decision to end his life so quickly and the way he was able to tough it out through all that suffering was a testament to his bullheadedness and mental fortitude, and had he been a lesser man this story would have been a lot less entertaining.

He was tortured merely to produce a more entertaining story, and that's the issue. All death had to do was tie him to his mom/the house and force him to watch his mom suffer through the pain of losing him and he would have learnt the same lesson.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@TheIndicator You're completely right, it was an unfair thing to put him through. She admits it herself, there were probably millions who felt the same way and wrote letters the same way as him but he was just unlucky enough to be the one to experience her anger when she, for once, happened to glance at it. She wasn't interested in everyone knowing about her, but that Choi learned to respect her role and presence. It probably would've been the same to anyone else who she just happened to look at.

Again, total ego trip. Nothing less. Once he respected her, realized the value of life and power of death, she felt satisfied and let him go back to his life. Was it unreasonable? Totally, but that's just how it goes.
Jun 5, 2020
Death Lady being so beautiful distracted me from the ending tbh.

But then again just like life it’s messy. Plot threads hanging out, messy messy.

Could also be the author grew tired of writing it and wanted to wrap it up, which is understandable. The story ran its course, and the point at the end was taken.

Still, bit of a cop out to see so much of his character progression vanish in the last two chapters. The way he acted, the despair, isn’t entirely out of character though it was a bit unexpected. At the end the sense that his “life” (or lives really) had run its course and there was nothing to do but accept it was very strong, yet it only took living as his own mum to shake it to the point where it fell off.

Granted it was 30 years, but it was still offscreen.
Feb 8, 2020
Holy shit that was a good ending, I still want to see or know at least what he is going to do next, cuz there are some things he can do to help others and the bodies of people he took over. Great job to the person who worked on this manhwa, I had a good time reading this. Can wait to see what they have planned next.
Jun 5, 2020
@Tersione The point of making him a very average Joe character is for the reader to identify with him. Sure he was a little selfish, but in the way pretty much every failkid out there is. Making him a monster would detract from the empathy in the story, making him a cosmic plaything for us to gawk and laugh at, instead of someone we can identify with and take to heart the lessons he learns.
Jan 18, 2018
Nice ending. It did the point and didn't over stay its welcome.
Feb 8, 2020
Does anyone have the artist's link, so we can follow up on what the artist is doing next, I know their author's page on insta is santagoon but that's all I got.
Apr 3, 2019
Oh good. What a great ending. What an amazing story. From beginning to end it had me hooked. I'm so happy I stumbled on it by chance. Have never read anything quite like it.

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