Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru - Ch. 1 - A foreigner can’t explore the dungeon.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
The 7920 hours is 330 Days, so not worth the wait here.

and that encounter... diplomacy at the finest.
Mar 8, 2019
If you had a portal leading to an alternative dimension, then send in a fucking regiment, not a few operatives.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Btw, if anyone think that red hair person in the credit page is a cutie.

It's a boy, name's Shuna...(yes, like a certain oni princess serving a certain slime)
....I'm expecting THAT particular cliche comedy scene now.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018

they did at the start https://mangadex.org/chapter/721484/8 , but all of them being wiped out suggests it's not worth the money/lives investment, they're just trying small groups in hopes of getting lucky, so their losses won't be too big even if they all do get wiped out.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
> If you had a portal leading to an alternative dimension, then send in a fucking regiment, not a few operatives.

Send nukes, then everything else


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
1. that would be literally waging war with a world we know nothing about, which is very risky. since 'there are gods in that world' (who although probably aren't omnipotent, seem pretty powerful), I think we'd probably lose the war and pray for mercy which the gods don't have much reason to grant since we're a war-mongering race who do not worship them.

2. ethical reasons: nukes will probably kill a lot of civilians
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@cgr: There's also the question of whether Nuke can hurt the Gods, and if not how much damage they can do in retaliation considering it's a world with magic and we've seen these people shrug off bullet wounds so their Gods must be stronger.

Out of curiosity, I went to check the WN raw, so here's some spoilers for this event.
He got rekt, woke up in jail.
The police is there to question him, and it's not going well with him having no proof those adventurers stole his thing and the police couldn't find anything that is of another world when they searched the scene.
The police basically told him that not having a God contract is a crime here, and he'll likely be ship off (one-way trip is 6 months, i.e. even if he's proven innocent he's screwed)
Then the cat shows up, "dude, you dug the grave too deep, it took me half a day to dig myself out"

Turns out 'she' is a God, or rather a woman of who destroyed a country and earned herself the recognition as a God.
An Evil God, at that.
Souya don't care, and made the contract anyway. (during the contract she apparently revealed her human form, but his posture made him impossible to get a look, the police nearby apparently saw it tho)

So the next question is on the stolen items.
Kinda skimmed the next bit since it was basically him feeding the cat and looking up some manuals.

Anyway, he meet up with this merchant, who basically sorta reveal himself as an evil merchant that 'totally' took his stuffs but MC has no proof.
As he's about to leave, MC ask if the merchant can open the window.
Then explains that among the stolen stuffs, there's this emergency measure installed.
EXPLOSION (from a warehouse in the direction of the window)
Yup, his stuffs had self-destruct kit installed and the merchant put them in the 'high value' warehouse so those are all caught in the explosion too...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Uh wait, if those thugs could heal so quickly, why didn't they do that the first time when they were trying to mug Souya?
Sep 26, 2018
@RedskullVN Just up and sending a large force straight to an unknown location isn't a smart move, as seen in the initial info dump. Ideally you would spend some time doing deep scouting and research into whatever is on the other side, at least a few years, before making any large actions.

Honestly the 50s era of the info dump sounds like a pretty good isekai setting: Early cold war, other world discovered through gates -> different factions send scout teams through what they think are the only gates, but they're spread throughout the world. Earthside -> clancy style spy thriller about securing the gates, Isekai side -> scouts finding information about the new world, countering other factions efforts, etc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@SweatyBrie : If my understanding is correct (maybe they talked about it in the WN but I skimmed it so eh)
She's probably too weak at the time to do anything Godly.
Y'know, long period of no worship and also hunger

Alternatively, at the time he's yet to be contract her so she couldn't care if they'd steal his stuffs, and them killing her, possibly out of spite for MC rather than because she tried to defend the items, as a bonus was whatever seeing as she revived soon after (most of the time she spent before returning to him was on digging herself out of the grave)
Maybe she even thought that if he get desperate enough, she can lend a hand and contract him ('totally' not tsundere or anything, cough cough)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 26, 2018
wow, I'm looking forward to how this progresses. It's been a while since I found a new, decent isekai

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