so the cat is probably a mayor god. but has a bod/horrifying back ground. and over time has been loosing worshipers. growing weak. and he fits the domain she rules. probably has something to do with Cold blood killing. other wise pleasure murderers would gather under her. its probably revenge. or retaliation.
and he seems to only attack once he has been actively threatened. like demanding money for his life. or attacked his base.
Very very interesting and promising 1st chapter
- no boobies so far
- no cat-eared lolis so far
- a dead potential familliar (god??)
- no overpowered skill/tech
- no nihonjin samurai made by iron folded 1000 times so far (or talking swords)
Souya wakes up to find most of the supplies ransacked and the other 5 with him missing.
He decides to camp outside the city and leave all the important supplies he still had absolutely unguarded and unsecured while he's in the city.
Camp gets raided and the supplies stolen, with the AI destroyed and the cat barely alive.