Dear normalfags...
Nobody asked your shitty normalfag oppinion on the term "normalfag".
If you are so mad about it like
@Narf that you take the time to make butt-hurt ignorant posts like "The less those forums bleed out of their little enclosure, the better. Especially when those losers can't help but give a homophobic vibe to everything."
Make your own scanlations instead of ripping on 4chan's anime board. An esteemed collective with rich board culture and much prestege, Who have generously wasted their lives making this free translation for dumb little normalfags like yourselves.
And please continue to seethe, cope, and dilate while you REEEEE ad-nausium about the usage of a term, of which context is completely lost on you.
Feel free not to @ me, as I have better things to do than argue with people who have taken an objectively wrong oppinion on a matter which they are too lazy to research.
- sexism