Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 74 - That's the kind of slide I expect from you, Senpai

May 22, 2018
People freaking about the presence of his friends and/or the word normalfag but here I am surprised that we finally have a name for Senpai.....

Aggregator gang
Jan 13, 2020
Riajuu is what Japanese 2chan trolls call normies.

Normalfag is what english speaking 4chan trolls call normies.

Normalfag is the most accurate and direct translation given the character and original dialogue. You don't have a problem with the translation, you have a problem with Nanashi writing a forum troll cringelord into his manga.
Fed-Kun's army
May 8, 2020
Imo I wouldn't call this Nao turning into a riajuu, Tsundere-ism isn't something riajuus get to enjoy, its a weeb thing. If anything its Nagatoro the one successfully getting the cake and eating it by digging her noodle mitts into a sand pie.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
Can we not just use Riajuu instead of having to borrow shitty 2/4chan terminology? Or "normie" of you want to keep it English. The less those forums bleed out of their little enclosure, the better. Especially when those losers can't help but give a homophobic vibe to everything.

That aside, very cute chapter, I love seeing these two just having normal fun together. On another note, Nekotoro hat is adorable! However, the chapter had a strange lack of Noodletoro.
Jun 27, 2018
this picture will be all over the internet soon

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 11, 2020
This comment section turned into twitch congresshall ROFL.
People complaining about normalfag are normalfags. Why? They are reading manga and are part of our western otaku culture, right?
Words like trap, normalfag, etc existed in our culture for decades. Long before they probably even joined our culture.
And now all of a sudden using these words, even in a translation is offensive and worth writing 200 page essays for?
If you complain about it and act like a bigot over words that are used for decades now, then you should consider leaving our culture.
Because you don't belong here, otherwise you would not have a problem with it.
May 31, 2020
I mean, I was a 4chan kid when 4chan was a fucking new thing and even I got over the use of shitty terms over time. If your culture is shitty, change your culture.

Just use normie.
Sep 11, 2019
@nothingxs There is no issue using the word normalfag. The use of the word has nothing to do with gay people. The only issue with the culture is people like you, who constantly try to police other people's speech.
Apr 24, 2020
Y’all going on about terms while we now know senpai’s nickname is Nao.

That being said I agree with @nothingxs . Culture changes overtime and things are bound to be treated differently. I personally use Femboy instead of Trap since the word itself means that it’s something bad like you got “trapped” like it’s some sort of trick.
Oct 17, 2018
reminds me of my first time skiing.... but I was 8 and didn't have a kouhai to teach me
Dec 22, 2019
Dear normalfags...
Nobody asked your shitty normalfag oppinion on the term "normalfag".
If you are so mad about it like @Narf that you take the time to make butt-hurt ignorant posts like "The less those forums bleed out of their little enclosure, the better. Especially when those losers can't help but give a homophobic vibe to everything."
Make your own scanlations instead of ripping on 4chan's anime board. An esteemed collective with rich board culture and much prestege, Who have generously wasted their lives making this free translation for dumb little normalfags like yourselves.
And please continue to seethe, cope, and dilate while you REEEEE ad-nausium about the usage of a term, of which context is completely lost on you.
Feel free not to @ me, as I have better things to do than argue with people who have taken an objectively wrong oppinion on a matter which they are too lazy to research.
- sexism
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@lovehydration Femboys and traps are two different things. Traps predate the modern usage of the word trans by many internet years which means trans are trying to co-opt the word trap. Not all trans are traps and not all traps are trans. Very, very few people have actually called trans traps within the context of those who find the word offensive. Everyone is so afraid of offending x/y/z or want to be part of an oppressed group that it's butchering our lexicon.

Another rant that's related to this are people like the guy you quoted. These people do not allow language to evolve naturally as it once did where once offensive terms became commonplace and lost any power they once or took on entirely new meanings i.e. Moron/Retard/Gay. Instead what people like nothingxs do is enshrine words to be verboten so they end up perpetually retaining the power they have and never have a chance to fall out of use/relevance or get a change in definition.

"Gamers" have adopted the use of many offensive words and through their use have drastically neutered the impact they once had to the point where specific slurs have been getting detached from the race they're meant to insult and instead used as a general insult - the same process words like Moron/Retard underwent. It's basically what Democrats did to the word Nazi - they abused the word and applied it to anyone right of Mao which resulted in the word losing any meaning or power it once had when someone accused you of being a nazi.

TL;DR: fuck off normalfags, you're making shit worse with your thin skin

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