Damn, the MC in the first chapter is exaggerated. According to my experience, careful analysis and deduction, the MC's personality in the first chapter is overexaggerated because c'mon man, tearing up, stuttering, and shivering in front of a girl(plus the girl is a stranger) is just... you know, way too unrealistic, he should have at least dealt with at least one woman in his life, with them being a friend, stranger, lover or a family member. So although he should be embarassed having his dark workings exposed to a girls he couldn't stand, he should have been able to calm down even a bit when they were alone.
Just so you know, I don't hate spineless guys. He was spineless on purpose to begin with, in order to have more potential for character development and to achieve the purpose of this story. BUT, it's too exaggerated to the point if I was the girl, I'd be creeped out, ngl. The story's getting better though, they're more honest to each other, Nagatoro's annoying antics is getting toned down which is good and she is much more cooler now, our protagonist is getting less and less spineless.