I'm a Curse Crafter, and I Don't Need an S-Rank Party! - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Is there any " quit from party " where mc is not oblivious and at least know how his power is good to certain extent? Need recommendations so i just don't turn off my brain for every stuff like this
I don't know if "Minus Skill..." count, but of any "kicked members" manga, that one is THE most reasonable firing I and nearly every commentators agree. Even the quite quick-witted MC agree.

Back to this chapter, how much slow he casted on his mind, really?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 8, 2020
I wish Maura would journey with him but they way things is I feel like she isn't needed and they will split up. She's just too good to play the role for bamboozled waifu that just reacts to OP MC.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2020
one of the cheesiest fights I've ever seen. hope future fights will be more reasonable with the two of them synergizing more, instead of just MC being OP
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
Yes, this is too much for me.
The MC is a complete retard, he doesn't have a single brain cell. This is no longer funny, it's just retarded.

He still thinks he's weak. He still does not realise how strong his curses are. I don''t mind OP protagonists once in a while, but this MC is such a moron that it sucks out all the enjoyment for me. It's not even funny really.
Group Leader
May 18, 2023
Was this drop? I think this has character development....why would you drop this, this was good
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks the MC is getting really irritating, there's no way someone lacks THIS much awareness, even Maura is annoyed by his serious pessimism. Dude solo'ed the orcs and has the nerve to say "I couldn't have done it without your buffs" shut the fuck up
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
In the comments of the previous chapter I wrote, out of my own amusement, analysis of the MC's mental structure, but it was all wasted in this chapter. He's just a moron, who also happens to be a genius artificer because that's the author's fetish, even though a blistering idiot shouldn't be able to pull it off.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
@Kaarme unless he is neurodivergent and hyperfocused on just the one specific skill to the detriment of everything else.
it just happens that it is an useful skill and not, for example, a wiki of scripts for fictional (fanfic) scripts of Supernanny episodes (this is real)
Or like me who hyperanalises every story I read and end up with hundreds of alternate stories in my head mid-reading. It would be great... if I were able to use these to write stories of my own...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Kaarme unless he is neurodivergent and hyperfocused on just the one specific skill to the detriment of everything else.
Yeah, that's what I thought he might be, earlier, but his social skills are turning out to be just fine, he's just a dumbass. In fact he doesn't even understand his own power/skill that well, which is ridiculous considering he's supposed to be a real Chuck Norris of curse artificing. Yet he apparently hasn't got a clue about the effects of his curse items when used in combat. In fact you could say he's like an idiot isekaied person, who got a "create any cursed item" cheat skill, without any particular wisdom behind the skill. So, he can create anything under the heaven, but has no concept of what exactly he's creating and is too stupid to learn, no matter how many years come and go.

If we take a real Asperger autism spectrum specimen, such a person would eventually know everything about their interest, down to the tiniest detail. However, they typically have varying degrees of trouble socialising due to many reasons. Our MC here doesn't have any such exact problems, it's his low IQ holding him back. So he may say and do weird things. Even if there's some similarity to autism spectrum, it's narrow similarity, in the end.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
I originally thought that the series would be something more interesting like, MC was kicked out because gear was good but curses too strong. Such as plate mail that can’t be unequipped once worn. So some interesting gimmick as I don’t see cursed items used much in these stories.

But why make him a typical OP idiot? I feel like the whole cursed store could lasted a bit longer.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
God I fuckin hate these overly dense "lol wut me no stronk!" type of characters.. FUCK man Shinji Ikari had more self awareness than some of these kindsa protags LMFAOOOOO. Pray to god this MC stops bein fucking mentally deficient soon cuz otherwise this is pretty ight
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Gaaah these series piss me off, there is no way in any setting someone as powerful as the MC wouldn't know he was this OP. Absolutely no way would anyone think a 90% debuff was normal when there are other Crusifiers and when Buffers are only giving smaller amounts.

Also "I'm too weak thank god I was buffed to be good enough to kill the enemy" You felt her buff after you had killed a whole lot of them then the buff ended so you no longer felt it......... This stupid writing to have a mopey emo MC just doesn't work and has no reason to think like he does.
I jumped in at this chapter to see what the story is like and I already want to brutally murder the MC. I can’t imagine the pain of having read a story with an MC like this from the beginning.

I really wish the authors who follow this trope would realize Its not charming. Really warping reality this much to suit one’s own needs is downright psychotic. Its also incredibly insulting when someone this powerful constantly beats themselves down when compared to others. All it does is come off as condescending.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
This would all probably be much more interesting if we could know all the secret minmaxing he is doing. For example, the items he sold. He told them both the negative effects and the positive ones, so the people knew that in those cases the trade-off would be in their favor but would not be so for someone that needed the boosts the other way around.

It would be nice if this was expanded to reveal there was a secret crafting system for this similar to GURPS' advantage-disadvantage system, but only cursifiers can get the full advantage due to needing to add curses for it. His being so strong because he is naturally good at balancing things.
Where we can have a normal item with one buff up to 10% (as mentioned in a later chapter) but you can add a bigger buff and other effects by adding negative ones as a cost, with "unable to remove" being one and "goth style" being another.

But we don't get this, not for anything actually used in the plot. Like the MC's equipments or the princess' saving ring. We only know the benefits and that the princess can't remove it (which ended up saving her as others could not make her take it off), but the disadvantages may not even be there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
i don't even care that he's obilvious to his own op stuff, i just don't understand how you can reasonably write that his party had ZERO understanding of how much he was helping them out without making them literally mentally disabled

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