"Dead or Alive"????? WTF????
Both the appraiser and the priest that talked with princess already confirmed the ring to be equal/above their own holy/national relics, and they even said that the negative effects are being cancelled out by putting another curse on top of the original curse, with the only "negative" effect being unable to take it off. Why TF would they want him dead???, he is literally a strategic asset on a national level??, and even if they wanted to kill him if he refuses to work with the royal palace, putting "dead or alive" can make the bounty hunters decide to kill him outright, without even trying to negotiate/convince him to cooperate in the fist place, to not deal with the hassle of trying to bring someone alive (through kidnapping or just negotiations). This doesn't even account for the fact that Gaile could just see his wanted poster, and decide to cooperate with the empire in exchange for protection from the bounty hunters of the kingdom. Who's the stupid fuck that wrote this wanted poster and set this bounty??