I'm Not a Lolicon! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - New Trimester

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
...Now I understand what's rubbing me the wrong way about this. It's not because of the ages as I'm a lolicon myself. Or the style as I've read Uran's previous works.

Usually any story involving time travel tends to be about preventing some tragedy or just turn things better. Like in Mujaki no Rakuen.

But here, the whole premise of this, from the girl's perspective, is to destroy a 'healthy' relationship of a couple, no, to literally erase their future, just like that, poof, gone...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 11, 2019
@definitionofinsanity ">Travel back in time 12 years
>Bring newspaper clippings to prove it
>Somehow end up back in your body from that time, however
>Don't even bring back winning lotto numbers
>Use it to turn your teacher into a lolicon and seduce him into knocking you up and marrying you instead of another girl (of which, by the way, no school - even in Japan - is going to be keen on a teacher still fucking and knocking up a student that's 16; he'd almost certainly would lose his job if that happened and got out)

...Wh... What even...? Ignoring the fact that she discovered one of the holy grails of human technology/abilities... How? Why?"

Agreed it's strange that she came back to her child body yet the newspapers didn't regress to a past state as well (like a tree or even some other different paper product they were recycled from).
Gambling other than the lottery... oh my why not bring back a sports almanac like on "Back to the Future", a history of stocks so she'll know what to invest in the near future for an immediate return. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of time-travel, it seems those type of stories are flawed due to lack of an imagination, too many involve trying to kill off or out competing the other party when it would be easier to gamble, buy a few companies as well, namely the one(s) her rival's parents (while they are a child and have to relocate to where their parents live) are employed then relocate them to a location far from the teacher so she removes the problem and neutralize them in a peaceful manner.

@Chizan "...Now I understand what's rubbing me the wrong way about this. It's not because of the ages as I'm a lolicon myself. Or the style as I've read Uran's previous works.

Usually any story involving time travel tends to be about preventing some tragedy or just turn things better. Like in Mujaki no Rakuen.

But here, the whole premise of this, from the girl's perspective, is to destroy a 'healthy' relationship of a couple, no, to literally erase their future, just like that, poof, gone..."

She knows a lot about the teacher... some personal things imho implying they had a relationship in the past where she lost. I'm wondering if she might want to marry him to take him away from someone she considers a "monster" so to speak?
As a I posted above, she didn't do the logical method to "capture" his heart, if anything you would think the way she embarrassed him would lead to him avoiding her at all costs for self preservation (literally she was accusing him of being a child molester
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
As for people complaining about the newspaper clippings, she did say she brought clippings about things that would happen regardless of her impact on the timeline and that is is why its about natural disasters since she cannot really make changes if a hurricane happens or not.

As to why she is back on her young body , law of conservation of mass since she already exists as the clippings are a violation of that law.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Another Mujaki no Rakuen stuff

> Travel back in time
> Fix their own shit
> They fix it in moderate way
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
travel back in time just to make your teacher turn into a lolicon, what a waste of power..
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
As for people complaining about the newspaper clippings, she did say she brought clippings about things that would happen regardless of her impact on the timeline and that is is why its about natural disasters since she cannot really make changes if a hurricane happens or not.

Okay, no. There's a problem with that "well, you can't prevent the natural disaster so I'm not having an impact on the timeline" argument: natural disasters kill people and you can evacuate people before hand to prevent tragedies. Let's set aside the issue of convincing the Japanese to heed... Actually, no, let's address that as well. She has 12 years worth of natural disaster clippings from newspapers. If you go and accurately predict natural disaster after natural disaster - including things like time, place and the death toll (important here) that could've been prevented... Public opinion and sentiment is going to start acting on their own, regardless or without government intervention. And if you don't believe me... people have done far, faaaaar more to influence people by means of things like cults. And the Japanese aren't immune to this - just look up "Aum Shinrikyo."

So... What happens if hundreds or thousands of people that are "SUPPOSED" to die don't die? You change the timeline. Far, far more than if you had simply gambled and won money with future knowledge.

As to why she is back on her young body , law of conservation of mass since she already exists as the clippings are a violation of that law.
...That's a contradiction.
Also, unless she happened to have the same height, weight and amount of atoms in her body as a supposedly 22-year-old as her 5th grade self (un-fucking-likely), that's not the law of conversation of mass at work. Hell, not even the consciousness aspect of it would be the same or equal. The brain of a child is not as large as that of an adult. And you lose more neurons as you age (and this starts young - around in your late teens). And the connections between existing neurons and the information that they contain... admittedly our scientific understanding of consciousness here is really limited, but... they're different because of the vast age differences in your brain.

I'm not sure how it would work out, but I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly putting your own 22-year-old brain "pattern" or consciousness into your 5th grader self would be like... I dunno... Trying to install Windows 10 and Windows 95 at the same time and just assuming that it would work and they'd play nice with one another. I think the more realistic outcome is neurological issues, pseudo-schizophrenia, multi-personality disorder, strokes, brain aneuryms, brain damage, ect., ect.

To me the "what if" is actually more interesting and thought provoking than, "lololol imma time travel and turn my sensei into a lolicon so i can fuck and marry him." I mean, yeah, the plot is dumb and applying logical and critical analysis to it is overkill. But, then again, the plot doesn't have to be dumb. And, color me biased, but I'm still kinda pissed that the thirsty AF lesbian & masturbating dancing duo manga was axed and we got "quick! porn-level plot!" this in return.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@definitionofinsanity, time travel is as far we know impossible but theoretically there are a few ways to do it, one is information were you could in theory "upload" your memories on a past or future self without being a violation of the law of conservation of mass.

Also there is the issue of a person cannot co-exist with another past/future version as far mass goes, you are taking this as she physically travels back in time and de-ages without considering all the problems that could arise of having two versions of the same person. This is why I just dismissed the clippings since they are a violation and thats all there is ... they could not exist since as far we know, matter cannot travel along the timestream.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
you are taking this as she physically travels back in time
That's the problem: if the newspaper clippings are real, she had to in order to bring them.
Also, newspaper/paper and the ink on it has mass and atoms. That matter existed and has existed in some form since long before she was born, lived, or time traveled back. So, again, the newspapers are a contradiction in that theory.

Also there is the issue of a person cannot co-exist with another past/future version as far mass goes
...Huh? No, that isn't a problem. This is a global conservation law versus local conservation law example. Introducing mass back into the system, even if it's the same mass but "older" (although technically possible with half-lives and carbon-14) isn't the creation of matter nor the destruction of it. To begin with, the law of conservation of mass supposes the existence of a closed system. If the system isn't closed to begin with because of whatever time travel fuckery that is being done, law of conservation of mass is no longer applicable. That's where it's operating more in spontaneous symmetry breaking starts to come in. (And when it comes down to it, we still don't even know for certain how much of a closed system our universe really is. Quantum mechanics, string theory... there's still a lot we don't understand. We're still debating over whether information is destroyed or not in regards to black holes. And still lost over the origins and properties of dark matter/energy. Law of conservation of mass works brilliantly at that local conservation level. Global? It... starts to encounter a lot of issues once you start looking at the rest of the observable universe and just how much we don't know about physics still.)

Time travel to the past, in principle itself, does not violate the law of conservation of mass. It violates a host of other things. Special and General Relativity and time travel of any kind to the past do not play well together.
Jan 18, 2018
So she time traveled physically which means she didn't grow at all and there is another Chise?

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