I'm not a villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

Aug 14, 2020
I thought her skin turned light? Though I’m glad its back to dark
Jun 9, 2020
wow at this point isnt the romance just pretty rushed? was expecting more scenes for the development since there was still another arc or something ._.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
??? I haven't read the novel in a long time, but I thought it ended shortly after the confrontation with the delusional 'main character'.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
They legit could have ended it right there and I would have been content but I'm here for the next arc.

Levi you better treat our little button with love and dignity otherwise the girl gang will get you!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
I don't mind her going back to her chocolate skin in the manga but the point of her skin color turning dark to pale was to show the readers how shallow humans can be when it comes to prejudice of physical appearance based on their history and culture. Her having a dark spirit and dark skin was evil to them, and now that many witnessed her new blessing from the light spirit and the expulsion of the dark skin, many people who used to treat her like trash suddenly do a disgusting 180 and try to turn on her good side and it's good she doesn't go "Oh, many people like me now, I'm so happy." it's still " These people are shallow and disgusting and I don't want their forgiveness. "

Kind of like how the people in this manga's comments every chapter are so sensitive about her skin turning from dark to pale because apparently they're also shallow enough not to realize that her skin turning from dark to pale is somehow some far-fetched stupid conspiracy theory about racism but whatever, I'm just another racist Asian apparently. In one ear and out the other just like the people who discriminated against Claudia.
Jun 22, 2020
oof is it just me I just watched anime and read manga whole night I'm tired I think I'm gonna go to sleep but very good manga you could kinda see how the prince fake love well kinda if you read enough manga lol.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
@Umesan the problem with that is that, by necessity, that means the Light spirit is just as shallow for choosing to change her skin color without consent.
Mar 21, 2019
While I agree with the credits page, I'm glad we're getting more of this story. Whether that sentiment will remain in the coming chapters is to be seen.

Also, I'm really glad we get to keep our dark skin protagonist. Though it does make me wonder how she would look with golden hair.

The confession/confirmation was a little rushed, but at the same time they have had known each other for some years in-universe, so I'm okay with it. Just as with the rest of the story, it remains to be seen if the romance will add anything to the overall plot.

Edit @Umesan I don't think it's a race thing so much as a "nail that stands up gets hammered down" kinda thing, what with Japanese society leaning so much against individuality in a group. Definitely shallow, and personally I find it awful to send a message of "if you try hard enough and change yourself enough to be accepted by a group, you may find happiness" as opposed to simply "love yourself for what makes you unique". And in terms of uniqueness, Claudia is perhaps the most unique amongst the villainess protagonists, both in terms of appearance and overall character arc (trying to find people that will accept her); the most similar arc being perhaps the FMC of "Actually I was the real one" https://mangadex.org/title/55529/actually-i-was-the-real-one
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Who's the sudden creep that seemingly pop out of nowhere?
Did that guy have an appearance in the prevous chapters? I can't remember...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
For all this stupidity about her skin colour, just make it a non-human colour and there won't be nearly as much drama.

Maybe actual black, as in actual darkness, not just what we call brown-skinned people. Pure black. Like a 40k Salamander without the red eyes. Or blue. Or a light shade of purple.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
@cryum She also didn't get consent being born with a dark spirit that turned her skin dark when she was supposed to be born light skinned like everyone else if it wasn't for the Dark spirit king. There are certain things that we have no control over with 'consent.' Like being born into the country where people like her are hated nor her being born in the first place. If she was given a choice before she was even shot out of the womb we wouldn't be having this plot in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
So we all agree that the manga could have ended right there and perhaps like another page of Levi and Claudia's happy married life many years after.

But oh well, let's see what shady Mcshadyface has in store for Claudia
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 22, 2020
Are the scanlators colouring her skin darker because of all the comments or is her skin coloured like this in the original manga?

I recall there being a big deal about her becoming white.
Active member
Sep 9, 2020
are you fucking kidding me? skin colour aside cuz i honestly didn't give a flying fuck about whether she was white or black, but shes almost godlike and the second she gets a whiff of feelings she turns back into a damsel in distress, fuck the author, fuck this shit. im out.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
The story: *Reaches a good place to end*
The Author: "I'mma pretend I didn't see that."

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