Infinite Sky - Ch. 11 - Illness

Feb 16, 2018
MCX01 said, "Who names their son Abigail.?"

Damn straight! Look, I'm all for people deciding their own gender, but if my folks christened me Daisy or gave me the nickname Muffy, I would have run away from home at age seven and, by the time I was 18, have nuked my hometown to hide my shame. Might as well name your beautiful baby daughter Leroy or Doyle.

HOOfan_1 - "He's such an asshole." Sorry, not strong enough: Rey is a douche. Never says he even likes her. Busts into her bedroom (big excuse, "I'm your fiance."), drags her out to act like the worlds's worst track and field coach by making her run until she nearly collapses, then turns into super butt-boy when his aunt comes to visit. If that's kingly behaviour, I'll take a double dose of anarchy and advocate the most violent form of jacobinism, complete with Madame Le Guillotine and cheering crowds. Yeah, he's a total asshole.

Vive le Revolucion!

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