Just started this. A really good revenge isekai manga. So far, I like it better than the other one I read (including the light novel) the name of which escapes me, where the lady was in the dungeon making a fool of the crown prince. I think this one is better. The other had a heroine who was not much better, morally speaking, than her persecutors. This one, at least, is not something of a sociopath, merely a women who was abused by a number of complete sociopaths. While (as a Catholic) I don't approve of vengeance as such (it only seems to breed more vengeance ad infinitum {see Sicily and the Balkan States}, in some venues (or milieus) it seems to be the only way to achieve justice (in worlds without the rule of real law). Of course, in today's peculiar world, justice seems to be getting further and further away as democracy is getting less and less trusted by the majority of people in the world. Of course, this is exactly the scenario that Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and all the other oligarchs are loving. It almost makes me wish for the 1920's and 1930's. But, WAIT A MINUTE: they lynched Black-Americans used pograms against Asian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans without fear of reprisal. I'm also a retired U. S. Marine, who joined with the desire to protect the innocent and the belief of what was written on the Statue of Liberty. My oath upon joining the U. S. Military was to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. My father, as a soldier during WWII pounded a bus driver in Alabama who slapped a pregnant black woman and told her to go to the back of the bus (with much filthy verbage). He will always be my hero, and the reason I joined the military.