Thanks for the translation!
Where did he find a white dwarf whose material he could harvest and why a white dwarf? Would have made more sense if he grabbed and used some of the black hole material before using it to warp or would that have been stretching him being able to do it too far so was a white dwarf because impressive but not the ultimate densest material. Wonder how much each shot costs or is it negligible because collected it himself? MC is really OP, although looks like still has limits as hasn't been able to restore Copperhead in a body of her own yet and still has her as part of Dragon Queen. Can get using cubes since used a sugar cube for example but spherical would've been better. A sphere would have one main point of initial contact with a target while a cube would have equal contact across the entire side that hit. Also, accuracy is increased by spinning so a sphere would have no difference in aim no matter which side was facing which way but across big distances whether the corner or side of the cube is impacted to launch could distort precision aim. Well, anyway hope this encourages Hu to avoid any future contract breaking and act honorably with Mu. Although considering he saved what's left of 3 Crows fleet and Himiko she should be smart enough to straighten her act up. Would be funny if Battle Puppet asks her if should shoot and she tells him only to shoot off the engines, recover the Seed and give the rest of Ditu fleet and main ship several 21 gun salutes. Then after Seed secured tells the twins that since taking the seed back 3 Legged Crow will return the money they paid, with interest, for the seed in the same coin they had paid in. About 6-7 million dollars worth of 3 Legged Crow's ordinance fired their way.

Crazy how the bad guys always act like they're above the law and rules can't touch them while they think their in a superior position yet those are the things they fall back on when the shoe is on the other foot. Dowager is really stupid for asking about consequences. Doesn't she remember the same thing happening with Ditu's second prince when she told Iron Pagoda not to kill him? Be nice if she died on the big ship so Princess Pleides wouldn't have to marry Emperor Ditu and lose his only pawn in Pleides government.
Considering the mass and weight of white star material it's probably fired with energy like a railgun since he's got a whole planet to use for a power source although can't say whether magnetic charges play a part or not. Not like can use a localized explosion like bullets to create propulsion or use a rapidly repeating physical catapult system like Van Helsing's bow in the movie.
PS Considering Ditu offset having a low population (likely due to maintenance feeding all the beast puppets) with high tech they must really be short on human resources considering this is the second fleet of thousands destroyed within a year. Hope they were all paid for in full cause if Ditu was paying in installments he's going to be paying for the largest collection of scrap metal for decades. Not only that, but sons 1 and 3 should leave the family, get a heart and conscience and run considering sons 2 and 4 are dead and 5 and 6 are about to join them.

Speaking of the Ditu family, considering the Emperor Ditu introduced the Dowager to the late Emperor Pleides does anyone know if she's really Ditu's wife, sister or blood related family? Seems too hell bent on selling out Pleides to Ditu despite being in a great position of power and protecting the princes to just be Ditu's lackey. Especially with the family tradition of one male royalty's wife is any other male royalty's plaything.