Iron Ladies - Ch. 300 - Do You Have Goals?

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
BAM!!! 300 chapters!
And here's to many more!
Cheers! 🍺🍺🍺
Double-page supporter
Dec 13, 2018
The chicken said "Omae wa mo Shindeiru"

Meanwhile our MC painted her briefly and killed her with his new cannon which is a bit overkill and expensive, but he feels relieved afterward.

Our villain this time is much more intelligent than the others who dont have brains but only sheltered because they are being afraid of being crushed.

What villain itself its much true due a people who can establish a community or organization must have same goals and same reasons. Without that, you will become a wanderer who dont have a goal and cant beat obstacles by your own since you need other people's hand to overcome it.
Mar 10, 2019
wow was not expecting the B**** to get blasted...nice change up

also the whole thing on goals....even if its a villain, he gots a point...

a smart villain..finally Mu will play chess...

I hope the old devil guy shows up again. he was hilarious..."not bad. These Assassins worked out, so their muscles are chewy" as well as his pals. the BadA** Old Man Squad

oh and thanks for the chapter....
Jan 18, 2018
Ch. 284 Painter Mu Said
"Within 7 Days, I'll Paint Two of You into Painting"
OK... lets bet... who's next bounty list (I bet lord kuimu next)
Bounty List :
Qin Family's Head Painted
Empress Pleiades (Kinda) painted
Lady Weiyue
Lord Kuimu
Emperor ditu (pretty sure he's last)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Afiaki The 'west' in this comic is vastly different from the 'west' in real life, since you know, we're talking about -planets- competing...also I'm pretty sure 'earth' belongs to the good guys. Also, there are plenty of comics where the 'west' is the enemy in it, no one really cares about that, what they care about is -how- they're portrayed as enemies. But even still most wouldn't care. What gets people's goat is things like 'mistreatment of women' and things that they can say "You're a horrible person if you enjoy this"
Apr 1, 2019
Yes, I do know. All of that. But I didn't want to make a long-winded comment about something trivial. Those are simply the parallels made by the author. We're all here for kick-assery, no one still reading would actually care about the real world politics. But the same can be said about the author.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Afiaki The publishers might care, and you're right, no one still reading it would care. But the people who make big deals about these kinda things aren't actually fans of the series in the first place. Remember this series is 'officially' licensed in the west, meaning the author is making money from it. He might not care what the west thinks, but pretty sure he would care if cancel culture attacked him and got his comic shut down in the west and he wasn't making that money anymore.

And thing thing is, the human painting didn't happen. It's been a fairly consistent joke up until this point but it didn't happen for some reason now. People are going to guess at what that reason is. But if your strongest argument against someone's idea is "The west are enemies in the story so the author doesn't care about the West" then don't bother objecting. You have an opinion with no way to prove it, it's just what you believe. If you try to refute other people's opinions with nothing to actually substantiate your claim, you're not debating, you're not even arguing, you're just being an arrogant prick.

So go have your opinion, but don't attack other people's opinions unless you have something substantial against said opinion that is provable.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Map in background on page 5 is pretty fancy,_Abraham_Septentrionalivm_regionvm_descrip.jpg
Apr 1, 2019
Were there any attacks in this thread? I didn't even remember your username so I forgot you were the original person replied to. I'm sorry if I gave the impression I was flaming your original comment, I was simply trying to make a succinct response that wasn't super serious. The subsequent response was... the same. Sorry.

The official English translation has stalled, and the raw is well ahead, so any drama kicked up about it by English-speakers is lost in the post after it's already not relevant. That's just how it is. At the end of the day this is just another manhua on the production line, so minor things changes to the story here and there are mostly just to keep it interesting. Profit wins for companies, which is why nationalism sells when your intended audience likes that sort of stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Afiaki People read translations too. You're underestimating how hard people try to find something to start a internet fire over. Plenty of times things that weren't in the official English releases yet have stirred up controversy in English.

Also you're using succinct wrong, that's brief -and- clear.

Caring about the opinion of the west? I don't think so, lol. Are you reading the same manhua? The West is part of the enemy team, just like how American entertainment so often makes Russia the evil-doers.

That is just a rude reply, and you're also challenging my opinion by attacking it's credibility. Saying that because I missed something obvious or I'm not reading the same manhua? How exactly is this not attacking someone's opinion? There is no 'impression' here, this post -is- flaming and not at all a 'succinct reply that wasn't so serious'. It was trolling.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
this arc dragged on too long for it to end with a 20 billion price tag.

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