Iron Ladies - Ch. 72 - A Sophisticated Warlord is Scary

Oct 18, 2018
just paint the wall with the seventh already, pretty sure his father wont care. money is important after all


Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Tych Actually, training and upkeep on a human soldier is a lot more expensive than a drone. The military would LOVE if it were viable to replace them all with machines. It has been a LONG time since we just handed people guns and sent them to the front lines.

There are a lot of problems with drones, some of which we don't actually want to fix because we've seen entirely too many Terminator-esque stories to want our real war machines capable of making ANY decisions on their own.
And some of the problems are just embarassing ineptitude. Like computer viruses on unpatched Windows boxes that can't be removed because the removal tools have to go through the same overbuilt bureaucracy that prevents them from installing security patches released over a year ago that would've prevented the infection.

But between those two endpoints are a lot of boring, mundane, practical considerations like "communications can get jammed or decrypted and then we lose our drone, maybe with it coming back at us".

Our story here bypasses that by going the oldschool "hand 'em a gun and ship 'em to the front lines" route, with corruption at all levels making human life incredibly cheap.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
Ok… Offend the Heaven Defying Dragon King : check
Carry on Seventh, you're on the right path, I'm sure that with a little more effort, you can also ruin the business of the entire Alkaid nation.
Dec 16, 2018
i will give this translator a job. if he manages to push at least 10 chapters a day because waiting 24 hours to see 10 pages is not enough ?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
Everything is money. That's a reason.
why companies go to China?
Robot will only replace man if they cost less. By the way you see the background of puppet rank one and two so you will see one in action soon. It's like mystery series spoiler are already in just find the clue. Like the waitress
why they show that as criminal?
Dec 7, 2018
I don't think it is just about cost. There is a factor of public willingness to fight and the fear of death. In European medieval times, people were much more exposed to death and as such didn't fear it as much as the general populace does to this day. The living standards of today are in many countries very good, and there is also some excess in luxury. With increased spread of information, statistics and bureacracy it is also much harder to hide death counts.

Obviously an "elite" i.e trained force is superior to that of an untrained one, but numbers and cheap training/equipment could win the day if it was backed up with enough motivation.
I can't say much for other countries, but in my country (Netherlands) the death/loss of even one soldier is overly covered in the media and severely mourned. I cannot even imagine how the public would react to 100 soldiers dying. An elite force with comparatively few deaths is therefore the only viable route to partake in combat. I presume it will be different if they die on home-soil, as willingness to fight for the homeland is probably much greater. So far they are only dying in international missions (or training/mechanical accidents)
Apr 2, 2018
Thanks for the upload allen, good luck on the job hunt. Have you considered a patreon? I'm sure there are a few people willing to donate to you for the work you put in.
Feb 20, 2018
@Kamelpov did you not notice it's the same chick from chapter 64 page 1 and back on chapter 61 page 4. Considering she connected to "White hair man" then it's safe to assume she's a criminal or gonna be doing something criminal.

@Tych yeah it's cheaper to just recruit female off the street and inject them with the angel juice then it is to make parts to replace on a robot. In the eyes of the armies, it cheaper to just grab poor or female slaves then it is too open a factory to build parts for a machine.

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