Is there a way to hide certain manga I don't like from showing up period from my updates bar or my search bar?

Feb 20, 2019
There is a certain manga that disgusts me so much I wish it didn't continue showing up on my update bar or search bar
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
If it relates to a certain tag you hate. You can block all manga from that tag in the settings
Jun 28, 2018
I’m not saying this in a rude way whatsoever, I just don’t understand the issue—you don’t have to click on anything and the thumbnails of the manga covers are so small that even IF an image made you uncomfortable (and let’s face it, they keep the cover images pretty clean) you can just scroll past it. They don’t put anything “dirty” where it can be seen by everyone, and I’ve never seen anything “dirty” at all, unless you want to call big-chested small-brained girls dirty. I’m just trying to figure out what could possibly disgust you so much you feel the need to hide it from your sight. Just chalk it up to a life lesson and move on—life isn’t always pretty, sometimes we just have to suck it up, ya know?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
If the mods were to agree and implement this, I doubt that they will do it any soon cause there are much more important things to work on. This is pretty low on he priority list even if it were to be in there in the first place
Feb 20, 2019
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN to be honest I honestly totally believe that for one good reason I expect the worst of people and life and with my luck 5-10 years from now someone just like me will look this up and google and find this exact post without it the idea/feature ever being implemented, my luck always sucks XD
Feb 20, 2019
Also @MazzieB811 the reason I want this feature is mina-sama-no-omocha-desu is by far the most f**** up thing I have ever read that makes me want to bleach my brain I thought I had mental issues dam why the hel* is it in the harem section I will never know

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