Isekai Cheat Survival Meshi

Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
I love it. This doesn't feel generic yet so let's hope it stays good.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
Why is "oh god food" such a common element in isekai? heh.
Active member
Feb 3, 2019
Who gave less than 10 points. Bastards!! This is good manga about food. Hah while i writing this message i remember Toriko. LOL
Sep 28, 2018
I think I'll enjoy this one.

It has an interesting take on the "Gain abilities from eating monsters" trope, in that there's no 'voice' or 'menu' telling the MC what they do or don't have. The MC notices an ability only after they accidentally activate it in a panicked situation, for example.
Oct 7, 2018
I understand that there are some really, really bad isekai manga out there and that the genre itself is very saturated now. Whether you guys like this manga or not is entirely up to you but dont review bomb isekai manga just because it's isekai. I get it. At this point I view isekai as delicious junk food with a few exceptions but not all of them are bad. This one in particular, imo, is worth a read so far.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@BlackJoker - i do agree with that 'as delicious junk food'.. nice analogy..

some people are just too mediocre for hating mediocre isekai with mediocre comment with mediocre way of thinking from their mediocre minds..

(this is just me getting sick on those people who cant help commenting on some trash isekai with their trash comments)🤣
Active member
Nov 2, 2018
Agree, people who hate or dont like the genre should stay the f*** away from the rating buttons.
People are free to offer their opinion, but when they spouting the same boring sh** over and over again then they should expect sh** thrown upon their face too.
>people excuse on bashing or hating isekai because it always reuse the same cliche and premise.
>thus every isekai works = sh**
>the basher/ hater reuses the same old boring bulls*** & offering the same old opinion or whatever just as an excuse to moan on the comment.
>thus every isekai basher/ hater = piece of s***
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
weird the rating is low compared to series that are really bad lol. It's a pretty comfy series. yuru camp meets isekai

edit: oh i see, it was rating bombed. fair enough
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2018
I will always rate Isekai 1/10 and no one can stop me.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
I am a piece of shit and it take another piece of shit to notice a piece of shit and this manga is a piece of shit, and i love it because i really like shitty isekai manga.
Oh, almost forgot, my survival skill is a shit and what MC do is exactly what I'll do in his position, therefore MC's survival skill is shit.
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
I like isekai trash and I don't mind whatever bullshit (as long as it doesn't go TOO far) the authors write because making a more realistic story is harder to do.

That said, how the MC reacted to being killed and transported to another world is so FUCKING retarded and really bad writing even for this genre. Like dude, do you not have a family? Do you not feel even an ounce of sorrow that your family will mourn your 'death'? Do you think this is a fucking field trip that you will return from?

From the first chapter, my first impression is that the author is abysmally bad at understanding human nature, desires and psychology. I hope the story becomes better because the feeling that the MC gives me is of a one dimensional gary stu.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
how the MC reacted to being killed and transported to another world is so FUCKING retarded

He remembers dying, he's woken up in a strange wilderness with plants and animals he doesn't recognize, he doesn't know how or why that happened - it's utterly reasonable for him to be more concerned about his immediate survival (not wanting to die again) than spend time angsting about "how do I go back home?", when he doesn't even know if that's a possibility. A bit cold-blooded, perhaps, but pretty reasonable.

Frankly, I'm glad that "I just want to go back to my own world" is featuring less and less as the primary motivation for isekai protags recently. It was always a lazy way to establish motivation, and also sort of defeats the point of the genre: presenting a fantasy of a world cool and interesting enough that if truck-kun chose you, you wouldn't really want to leave.

I'm also glad to see one more manga about cooking in a fantasy world, but this looks like one of the worse options out there.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
There should be a counter for how often they say delicious in the manga

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