wow this is such a brilliant manga
Event though there are only two chapters it feels like a vent about how gorging yourself on food, which is really hard to do in japan so congrats, and escapism, honestly the mc is irritating, his family is irritating, all of his problems could've been solved with just a little bit of effort-
I'm surprised you are surprised about this. The whole Isekai-genre is a big homage to leftist-globalist propaganda and Marxist-socialist ideology.
Those weebs live in a fantasy world, thinking that men and women are the same, that sex is interchangeable, that racial differences don't exist, that humanity could end the world by simply pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere, that IQ and crime have no relation at all, that all religions are peaceful and other crazy things that are so far from reality that normally you'd have to send them to a mental institution.
Yet those people are everywhere, in the press, the courts, the parliaments, the governmental offices, the police,etc. destroying the cultures, societies and economies of the European countries, and most people don't give a flying f about that.
The sad truth is that most post-modern societies nowadays suffer from this ostrich-syndrome that further fuels such decadent behaviour, as long as they can continue their nihilistic life of work and consume.