Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~

Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2019
101 of appalling rating? This this the first time I see an isekai genre with that many rate 1. I bet those people are the ones who enjoys edgy OP MC with no regards of human life and with settlement development setting of monster and everyone worship the MC like a cult
Aug 11, 2019
liking it so far. the manga is more into slice of life than fantasy. Kinda like Class ga Isekai Shoukan sareta Naka Ore dake Nokotta n desu ga. Except that mc has more anxiety and a bit more dense. The relationship with the parents and siblings
siblings is kinda unbelievable to me. Is he like adopted or some shit?? Dude's been hated since the beginning.
Jun 17, 2019
@KDDV yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he was adopted. It's either that, or the parents were so horrified they made an "ugly" child that they mistreated him because of that, and probably even more when they got his younger twin siblings, as they were probably the children they wanted to have in the first place. It's dumb, but does happen in manga often enough.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
this was going to be a big post on chapter 6 but figured it'd serve as a review of what to expect if you're thinking about getting into this
(chapter 6) pretty garbage chapter tbh
and its on a rather garbage track record too
muscular loser teacher picking on perhaps the most attractive and (creepily) intelligent guy in school
punishes him by making our MC do some heavy lifting and learns this guy is freakishly strong as a result
still... he persists b/c he's all brawn no brain
despite the blatant harassment no one dares gossip about him or Yuuya's relatives who are even more belligerent (but i'll briefly mention what their gossip bubbles wound up being used for)
-yeah, doubt this would ever actually happen, cuz his days as just a fugly short buta have come and gone (he literally draws attention for seemingly no reason, its not like he's got some charm skill or a passive that draws aggro)
-^ on this, even him rejecting girls on the street with a solemn look garners a rather interesting reaction, which leaves this to be unrealistic even by this manga's ridiculous standards
so how are these three held accountable when caught out on their worst behavior yet?
well coincidentally nice girl honor student waifu who attends insert elite school, checking all the boxes for her trope i see, decides to do an extensive background check on the "nice guy" who saved her and everyone related to him
-not at all weird
-welp she's got lots of her papa's money to burn so ig its not up to us immoral plebeians to judge her
mind you this all happens at the best possible timing and berates them, embarrassing the trio of fuckfaces in front of a bunch of students
naturally they got a bad case of "young master" syndrome so despite all that posturing hoping they'd get into an elite school
-only to get thoroughly exposed
they're about to jump Yuuya or wreck their grandpa's place next chapter
then there's the secretary, the one with the chronic bitch face
her existence draws admiration cuz
she's a secretary?
some even uttering oh mann she's so cooooool, yeah great way to utilize the gossip bubbles, giving us great insight into the mob mentality
this just builds on problems in previous chapters
MC runs into an American(just saying, no proof of what language Yuuya was speaking)
saves American (again, just saying..)
speaks american (once again...), crowd reaction? top notch hottie with a kid
-its unnatural
and for our boy to be lacking in any awareness
him using martial arts b/c wuju magics skill acquisition probably works as downloading information to muscle memory (so its passable)
but he has precaution, he's able to quickly analyze any given situation
which takes the shape as some weird intuition, analyzing all information within a given space and he even has an intelligence factor of 2k
stats don't make sense, but im not here to harp on how stat points work, believe it or not im not out to nitpick about everything
he has like 5k strength doesn't think its weird if he flaunts it in such a way
understands he's only able to carry this many boxes solely b/c of his stats
doesn't really think how this could "look" problematic or out of the ordinary
just the fact that his first response to this situation is to carry THAT many (guess thats that 10 star "comedy" genre we love so much)
once again 2k points in intelligence and if you go by the reactions towards him solving whatever question his teacher asked
his reasoning skills are through the roof
he's actually autistic (don't get me wrong i highly doubt that this is a commentary on autism, this appears to be far too shallow to even make that attempt)
and not just him EVERYONE is practically written to be some caricature of an autistic person or sociopath, except 2 women so far

@Blackstone no, but the projection is nice
grants more insight into your character than the 101 (soon to be 102) you believe you've exposed
im surprised your assumption is that there's something wrong with the dissenters
do you know how many people buy into isekai slow life isekai architecture and isekai cooking life?
what is actually wrong with you? you legit have no reason to make this assertion
since isekais are normally always given a pass

know what i think?
if you actually like this
either you've got brain worms, a real bad case of it
put very 0 thought when it comes to thinking and reflecting on the contents of each chapter
or you read the light novel and know something the rest of us don't know
b/c so far
its comedy has been dirt, didn't even think any aspect of this was supposed to actually be funny
-but after reflecting ig its supposed to be funny that our MC is unrealistically dense, is squeamish, and pops out a chibi face every other page he's not in some SUPER INTENSE FIGHT
its drama has been has been akin to any generic wuxia comic you'd see on the streets
yeah we got magics we got monsters and school life too :)
the art is better than the average isekai imo
but really... that's all it has going for it
action? every monster he's ruthlessly killed gets 1 shot (yes he exterminates any form of life that isn't human and poses no threat to him... doesn't feel any type of way about seeing the gore either)
adventure? none yet
romance? saves 3 girls they all like him... typical damsel in distress, suspension bridge effect having bs
fantasy? woo passing grade you are indeed a fantasy
isekai? woahhhh another passing grade you are indeed an isekai
so the plot is nothing special
the characters range from generic to garbage
the dialogue is trash and painful to get through
4 out of 7 genres FAIL, falling flat on their faces
and the remaining 3 pass b/c they are true aspects about the setting not b/c there's anything great about whats done
this is not something
i can't recommend to anyone
this is not something that even passes as a 5 star isekai, unless you think the art's going to carry its innumerable glaring faults
but all this proves is..
that any isekai trash will garner a large group of readers, the majority of which will eat the shit up
and be thankful that they have worms infesting their brains
perhaps this infuriates me so much cuz this is the kind of real cringey shit i used to write when i was 12, but threw away in embarrassment
the kinda shit i thought was real cool at first till i read it with a sober mind
who knows maybe thats why people like this, they find it endearing.
last side note
advice that i myself should take
if you read something like this
that over the course of 6 bloody chapters
reveals itself to be of this type of quality...
just drop it... just fucking drop it... its not going to get better
and understand there's a japanese audience feeding into this shit with their money so the author is definitely never going to change
after all his wallet is dependent on the fact he follows garbage tropes with shit writing to appeal to the average lizard brain
b/c something is wrong with a lot of people

i'm just going to add this edit
this is at no way aimed at Party Scans or Einherjar Scans they do a great job bringing many manga, that otherwise no one would no about, to light
my problems solely lie with the author, not so much the artist (though a different artist should have been used)
also reading this and thinking its good are two different things
i can read generic wuxia as a means of wasting time so long as its not too stupid
and i understand fully well that these are not good stories with great characters

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
If wasting your time to write an entire chapter review on your subjective personal opinions about something you don't like counts as being sober, then go for it.

People like, don't like, or hate this for different reasons. You must have some serious expectations on humanity with your essay. I like it so either "I've got brain worms or a real bad case of putting 0 thought about thinking and reflecting on the contents of each chapter"

If you're really a guy with a lot of experience in reading, then I question your writing skills as you've questioned me with having brain worms or trash taste. It's common sense to know that no modern-day story is 100% original and every idea derives from many different ideas.

Take it this way: A person who never, in their entire life, read a manga with similarities to this one (a normie) stumbles upon this manga by chance happened to enjoy it. He searches for more. Another person became happy with more entertainment. So you're saying that person has brain worms or put 0 thought about thinking and reflecting on the contents of each chapter

At least insult people when you can accept insults yourself.

Tldr: It's garbage but people like it. You're garbage. I'm garbage. Insult all you want Mr. Galaxy B. Rain. You're not the only one who knows how to waste time.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2019
@MolaCola Thank you for writing such an essay. You have educated me with your writing. Do you have blog or a website? With such a writing, you could make blog and make money. I wish to see more of your review in the future or maybe i would search it on different Isekai manga comments. I hope you happy with your life and stay alive on the current world events. Not all of us an OP MC and we can be hurt easily. Have a nice day and good mental health.😀


Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2018
This is the biggest 2/10 I've seen yet. Holy shit author needs to smash his head in.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@Blackstone hurt easy? ooh did you really learn? you seem like the same piece of it
also you do realize i didn't write an "essay" for you, self centered i see.

@A31D31N oooh taking my words about being sober using them against me... out of context though, disappointing...
i see you also didn't get that i made those remarks to spitefully mock @Blackstone over here for doing the same when he assumed the 102 (last i saw 104) who disliked this just wanted to see a sociopath edge lord.
Thought i made that really clear, rest assured... the reasons i dislike this manga are the same, i just don't think you* are all subhuman (only Blackstone b/c he actively chooses to behave in such a manner)
being critical of my grammar, when i wasn't out to prove my grammar? the most i've done of proofreading was looking at some of the texts underlined in red on my end
so a false equivalency, taking things out of context, and cheap shots... hopefully this isn't a trend
what do you mean im not accepting of insults? was there some past argument we had or something?
seems like a bizarre assertion to me
b/c if you are referring to Blackstone, his insult didn't apply to me since i originally had no intentions in rating this
you're really picking out the worst lines of attack
not even trying to be galaxy brain
am curious though
why B. Rain?
even said i read meh wuxia comics (yes another reason was because this is just another chapter in my ongoing series called why is the masterpiece rating of 10 stars getting abused?)
as for the approach that EVERYTHING is garbage
ok, why engage with anyone over anything
its not that i think you are wrong
just that it seems absurd to me to take a stick figure = mona lisa approach to a discussion about any form of art
if you think you're garbage that's fine don't drag me and others into this (though im sure you don't actually believe that)
anyways, yes you can say all art is equal character development is meaningless
comedy is subjective
you wouldn't be wrong
i think fart jokes are trash
and there are people who like fart jokes and claim its a primal instinct
pretty sure this is just a stupid assertion, so is it not justified to say their reasoning for liking fart jokes is rather stupid?
im just justifying why i hate this and why its silly to label this a masterpiece of you have a specific set of standards
-also i was bored taking the worst dump and trying to pass the time
im also laying out my own standards
also this and also that
just like with @Blackstone a subhuman quick to talk smack, real quick to nitpick, throw personal insults and find convenient excuses to be dismissive when called out.
if the things i mentioned strike as a huge turn off, at most, you may want to read it for yourself out of skepticism, but my statements will resonate
afterall i said "if you are thinking about getting into this" in my first line... can't blame you for overlooking that i guess
i only read this b/c i was bored at the time and browsed the most viewed chapter sidebar
saw this
liked the art
didn't expect everything else would wind up being a bumbling disappointment
Blackstone rubs me the wrong way and the rating strikes me as deceptive
if i see half a million views a significant amount of 10 stars
not expecting mediocre dialogue at the very least
average romance sure 1 shot fights sure but dialogue isn't at least average light novel dialogue?
btw am still sticking with this b/c of the art
yes i also don't mind wasting my time :)
and ill continue to type real long stuff as i am trying to waste my time right now
if you don't read this thats also fine, i respect you enough to give a sincere response as i do with all comers (unless i forget)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2020
Jan 21, 2020
i read this manga for some break and fun

@MolaCola if you being salty to this manga maybe you need to take a break reading isekai themed manga, i think your'e just sick with the genre...
take a break for real, if you dont like it move on.
Jan 19, 2019
Well... I don't understand why there are lots of hates on the comments but this series is a solid 8/10.
I even gave 9/10 just because I personally like the arts and the plot has potentials to be better at the future.

Of course it can change anytime, but based on the story so far, this sure is a good reading
Aug 7, 2020
I don't understand hater comments. they are like " i hate this shit. the ones who read this is shit. this is garbage among all iseaki's." OK BOOMER. go give yourself a break. if you hate it that much drop it. thats easy you know, just press ctrl+w and all gone. if you want to comment for who has same idea as yours, just comment like "i dropped this. i didn't like ...... ....... parts or arts. story is boring or i didn't like mc." that all you have to do. nobody cares if you hate it and say shit about it. just don't interfere to people's enjoyments.

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