Isekai de Haishin Katsudou wo Shitara Tairyou no Yandere Shinja wo Umidashite Shimatta Ken - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Aug 7, 2019
MC literally pull "why would you say something so controversial yet so brave" card and make all reader go full joker lol.

I'd understand the hate if these girl are manipulate type. those are the worst but these girls did it to simply survive.
and before someone use "do legit job then" card. well, it's legit job cuz there's demand&supply. people are horny and wanna bang so they create red light district for this purpose.

tbh, it's better than being bandit who say "I have to rob/kill to survive" they simply sell their own asset. also remind yourself that the settings in this manga was in psuedo medieval era where slaves was a norm(until a few chapter ago) so you can't 1:1 moral with our era.

Why no one bothers to comments why MC changes the world(again) by talking no jutsu in this chapter like what princess did with slavery btw. did we get used to it by now? lol.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
He didn't say that. He said, "Don't discriminate against people based on their work, as long it's not a crime". and that many of them aren't on that job by choice. I don't see a problem with that. This is a humanist view, not a feminist one.

I have no problem with someone choosing to be a sex worker, as long as they accept the consequences of that and do not come to the internet complaining how much men don't want to marry them, or how their reputation is in the gutter. If you decided to exchange your value for money, accept that.
Guys... I'm trying so hard to ignore how bland and insipid his streams are... but it's so... I get it, he's the first streamer, maybe he's the only form of entertainment in the world (besides prostitutes), but I'm struggling to believe he's more entertaining the staring at a wall even then!

He's thoughts, and advocation for being sympathetic to, prostitutes was; "it's a job lol"...
There could be so much to actually say; how women in dire situations have fewer options, the hypocrisy to decry it when many probably partake in it, how they're not fixing the situations driving women into it, or how (he lightly touched on this) many men in that period might not have a partner at all and it's a great service to them.

But no, another brain dead one liner take from "me lord" streamer. I swear I'm close to reacting like the women in these comics every time he starts a stream, but while they're twitching on the floor because it's ecstasy for them, it's a brain aneurysm for me. :qq:
It's pretty hysterical that pretty much every sex worker would happily fuck him for free but MC is somehow still a virgin.
I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above lmao
Streamer-kun is a Redditor, and I can't wait to see him suffer in the presence of many women :dogkek:
The battle between the Saintess and the prostitute over him will be SPECTACULAR (God forgive me) lol
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
The way they straw manned the mc, put words into his mouth, and used some pretty hard far right insult terms, and concluding with don't talk to me, i don't care, as if to prevent any responses and getting the last word in?

I doubt they are even a good person who is open minded to even consider your points. An actual bigoted misogynist and a bad person. Don't bother wasting words with them, they aren't good people.
Ok edgelord. Also he said that its unfair to discriminate against people because of their profession and that they are still people. If you weren't so close-minded and stupid, maybe you'd have been able to actually read what he said properly without asserting your own rightwing views ontop of it.
You're both coming across as the opposite side of the same coin.
The feelings mutual I'm sure.

He didn't say that. He said, "Don't discriminate against people based on their work, as long it's not a crime". and that many of them aren't on that job by choice. I don't see a problem with that. This is a humanist view, not a feminist one.

I have no problem with someone choosing to be a sex worker, as long as they accept the consequences of that and do not come to the internet complaining how much men don't want to marry them, or how their reputation is in the gutter. If you decided to exchange your value for money, accept that.
With a lot of political discourse it's not best to be so literal but analyse the perceived onset effects and/or ideological subtext.

MC and yourself are enabling those points by treating it like any other profession and justifying it's existence.
This is a "give an inch and they'll take a mile" scenario, your middle ground not being pragmatically feasible, only idealistic per say.

Now that being said, I don't understand why those points are considered feminist, as it's degrading to women.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
He didn't say that. He said, "Don't discriminate against people based on their work, as long it's not a crime". and that many of them aren't on that job by choice.
"Not by choice" implies sex slavery, but he doesn't discuss that-- instead he says that they "have to do that, just to live".

Which... who even knows, with the worldbuilding in this narrative. I really doubt that they had absolutely no choice but to become prostitutes, even in this pre-industrial world.

and before someone use "do legit job then" card. well, it's legit job cuz there's demand&supply.
There's a demand and supply for practically everything, including hitmen-- which is directly relevant given the previous chapter. Supply and demand isn't what justifies a profession.

Also he said that its unfair to discriminate against people because of their profession and that they are still people.
That's two different degrees. Someone can easily recognize their humanity and treat them humanely without having any respect or accommodation for their job. The protagonist does the former but also insists that they be respected for their job as "working people" without special distinction.

The "edgelord" correctly reflected that in his first mockery: the protagonist did functionally say "sex work is real work", by virtue of the aforementioned. The "edgelord" also accurately reflected the protagonist arguing its societal value, since he talks about how people are "saved" (or "helped"-- I suspect he's using 助ける, here) through their work.

Even the last mockery he makes doesn't come from nowhere: on one hand, it's not the protagonist that says it-- his take is far more naïve and probably has to do with him relating to them on account of his own being bullied and ostracized. On the other hand, this is an indirect statement made by the framing of the narrative itself. Part of what's presumably considered to be the "discrimination of prostitutes" is the fact that they're effectively ineligible for marriage (and therefore, among other things, financial security after they age out of their work) on account of the shame they would bring to their husbands. The incident that demonstrates this involves a man lamenting about how he had to break up with his fiancée because he found out she was a prostitute (as in, she likely didn't tell him before he found out). This is immediately followed up with a narration about how they're treated "as nothing more than rotten food"-- nobody near the "moral center" (so, the protagonist, or the prostitutes we're almost certainly expected to sympathize with since their prostitution is repeatedly stated to be "for their survival") remarks that reactions like that of the aforementioned man is something that can't be helped, given what they do.

The protagonist is sympathetic to prostitutes for what I presume are his own reasons, but the rest of the narrative is sympathetic to the prostitutes to the point that it sugarcoats the profession (e.g. the current pimp is inoffensive and jolly, which is at least unusual given what pimps are normally responsible for) and glosses over their path to where they now are in three panels on half a page, being very light on detail and not at all acknowledging potential problems intrinsic to the profession as opposed to externally imposed by others' perceptions (e.g. they're vectors of venereal disease; a prostitute may end up unwittingly becoming one half of a homewrecking duo, or may insouciantly become one).

I couldn't care less about whether this is "a "current year", liberal feminist twitter activist's fever dream" when it turns out that he was otherwise ironically spot on for how flippant he was.

I doubt they are even a good person who is open minded to even consider your points. An actual bigoted misogynist and a bad person. Don't bother wasting words with them, they aren't good people.
Are you a "good person"?
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2020
It would be surprising for me if we get a character that is not a psycho for streamer and just a regular person who just listens to his streams
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Guys... I'm trying so hard to ignore how bland and insipid his streams are... but it's so... I get it, he's the first streamer, maybe he's the only form of entertainment in the world (besides prostitutes), but I'm struggling to believe he's more entertaining the staring at a wall even then!

[His] thoughts, and advocation for being sympathetic to, prostitutes was; "it's a job lol"... There could be so much to actually say... But no, another brain dead one liner take from "me lord" streamer. I swear I'm close to reacting like the women in these comics every time he starts a stream, but while they're twitching on the floor because it's ecstasy for them, it's a brain aneurysm for me.
Do keep in mind, he's just your average Japanese young adult/teenager from a modern time, thrown into an isekai that lives in a fantasy version of the Middle Ages. Of course the mentalities aren't going to change just by snapping your fingers every time (such was the case with slavery though). Perhaps you're just expecting too much from him?
ARealCoolGuy is right. This series is entertaining enough so far, but the stupidity of Streamer's content is a huge obstacle. It's not a matter of his views, which have been anodyne to a fault, but rather their expression. I can't believe that anyone would voluntarily listen to him, much less fall helplessly in love. Worst part is that it wouldn't be at all hard to write him some halfway decent material.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Lmao, author is a simp XD

She belongs to the streets, and to the streets she should stay.

It has been and never will be a profession with any honor. If they wanted honor they should have just sold their voice, not their throat XD
Gotta agree with bro a lil but hoes and prostitutes joining harems have always just been 💀 ☠️ like bro have these isekai mfs and shit not heard of STDs or sum
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
"Not by choice" implies sex slavery, but he doesn't discuss that-- instead he says that they "have to do that, just to live".

Which... who even knows, with the worldbuilding in this narrative. I really doubt that they had absolutely no choice but to become prostitutes, even in this pre-industrial world.
You know, "not by choice" doesn't actually translate to slavery. For example. When slavery was abolished, and the former slaves were on the streets with nothing to their names, wouldn't it be fair to say many of them became criminals not by their choice, but by circumstance? "oh, but they could work legit..." No, they couldn't. Too many people at once for the cities to absorb fast enough, and the main skill they had was farming, and guess who was too afraid of retaliation to hire them? In Brazil, they preferred to import Italians and other Europeans than hire former slaves. They weren't slaves of anyone anymore and yet had to do things many didn't want. Not by their choice.

I think you're reading too much into it. For example, while their current pimp is shown as harmless (not sure if he can be called that, pardon my English, but he looks like the manager of the brothel they work on. Is it what you call pimp? Because to me pimp means the person who agencies, as in finding jobs, for prostitutes. I'm not sure if they are both called the same), they did show a reference for one more stereotypical as their previous manager. They also point out that this is a short-lived career, and the prostitutes don't even want to think what they will do later. This hardly can be seen as sugarcoating. And even if the mc considers prostitution as "real work" (I don't, by the way), you can hardly say he implied it's vital. Many, many, real jobs aren't vital, his own, streaming, isn't one of them. What the mc is against is bullying of any kind, and I don't see how that is a bad thing.

As for them not pointing out that becoming unmarriageable is part of the job, well, it's so rare to see any woman willing to accept the consequences of their actions. Such a scene appears much more realistic than the nice pimp.

I'm right-wing, and I don't see the narrative being passed here. Do not let your biases act as lenses. That's what they are doing with Sound of Freedom, and you don't want to do the same mistakes.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Guys... I'm trying so hard to ignore how bland and insipid his streams are... but it's so... I get it, he's the first streamer, maybe he's the only form of entertainment in the world (besides prostitutes), but I'm struggling to believe he's more entertaining the staring at a wall even then!

He's thoughts, and advocation for being sympathetic to, prostitutes was; "it's a job lol"...
There could be so much to actually say; how women in dire situations have fewer options, the hypocrisy to decry it when many probably partake in it, how they're not fixing the situations driving women into it, or how (he lightly touched on this) many men in that period might not have a partner at all and it's a great service to them.

But no, another brain dead one liner take from "me lord" streamer. I swear I'm close to reacting like the women in these comics every time he starts a stream, but while they're twitching on the floor because it's ecstasy for them, it's a brain aneurysm for me. :qq:
Sincerely, I don't see how anyone likes what they see on Twitch or TikTok. Just because you don't like what/how he says, doesn't mean he wouldn't have an audience.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Sincerely, I don't see how anyone likes what they see on Twitch or TikTok. Just because you don't like what/how he says, doesn't mean he wouldn't have an audience.
That may be true, but it doesn't improve the reading experience.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
You know, "not by choice" doesn't actually translate to slavery. For example. When slavery was abolished, and the former slaves were on the streets with nothing to their names, wouldn't it be fair to say many of them became criminals not by their choice, but by circumstance? "oh, but they could work legit..." No, they couldn't. Too many people at once for the cities to absorb fast enough, and the main skill they had was farming, and guess who was too afraid of retaliation to hire them? In Brazil, they preferred to import Italians and other Europeans than hire former slaves. They weren't slaves of anyone anymore and yet had to do things many didn't want. Not by their choice.

I think you're reading too much into it. For example, while their current pimp is shown as harmless (not sure if he can be called that, pardon my English, but he looks like the manager of the brothel they work on. Is it what you call pimp? Because to me pimp means the person who agencies, as in finding jobs, for prostitutes. I'm not sure if they are both called the same), they did show a reference for one more stereotypical as their previous manager. They also point out that this is a short-lived career, and the prostitutes don't even want to think what they will do later. This hardly can be seen as sugarcoating. And even if the mc considers prostitution as "real work" (I don't, by the way), you can hardly say he implied it's vital. Many, many, real jobs aren't vital, his own, streaming, isn't one of them. What the mc is against is bullying of any kind, and I don't see how that is a bad thing.

As for them not pointing out that becoming unmarriageable is part of the job, well, it's so rare to see any woman willing to accept the consequences of their actions. Such a scene appears much more realistic than the nice pimp.

I'm right-wing, and I don't see the narrative being passed here. Do not let your biases act as lenses. That's what they are doing with Sound of Freedom, and you don't want to do the same mistakes.
Thank you for taking that on. Someone had to, but I didn't have the patience.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Whore's cry not even God listens
and who said this?

a real Islamic hadith tells a tale about a whore who cried and beg God for mercy and forgiveness, she passed away not long after she gave a bowl of water to a thirsty dog. that one act of kindness gave herself a place inside God's heaven and proved that voices who sincerely repent will be heard.

look it up yourself if you think I'm BSing

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