Isekai de Kojiin wo Hiraita kedo, Naze ka Darehitori Sudatou to Shinai Ken

Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
While conceptually it was interesting, in execution it's all over the goddamn place. Not enjoyable.
Feb 12, 2024
It's like the author got high and vomited manga tropes all over a page.

Almost, but not quite, entirely incoherent.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
My boy's mission is to get 10 wives for him to be sent back to Earth, such a based lad.

This is a based mango, the girls and the harem tag makes it even better.

10 stars rate + instant bookmark.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2023
The best way to describe this story is that it’s about a tsundere pedophile living in a world filled with the most insufferably stubborn and ignorant people.
The MC is a sigma male and like true sigmas, every word he says goes in one ear and right out the other to everyone on the fucking planet it seems and he’s also an asshole. His powers also only activate when he is defending his lolis.

Basically this story is stupid and just another copypaste isekai harem but you probably already knew that from the synopsis and tags. And I will be reading it until the eventual collapse of will of whoever is brave enough to translate this.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2020
Literal trash series.

There was potential at the start, and there was bits every now and then where the characters would have some genuine moments but for some reason the author decided to instead introduce random plot elements over and over which just made the whole original plot basically a joke.

I hate the weird sexual bits of this manga, even the author acknowledges how fucking weird it is many times which became a whole sub plot for a few chapters for some weird reason.

Why can’t the elf girl wear normal fucking clothing I hate seeing her show up just due to how weirdly sexualized they made her.

The mc had a lot of potential given that he also had a rough childhood and seemed to genuinely care about the kids, but instead of building that up they just make him just pretend to hate everyone 99% of the time to avoid needing to write anything even remotely interesting. I don’t hate his personality but he should’ve had a bit of character building rather then just being a static basic protagonist. I’m happy that he at least isn’t a creep as far as I can tell, it’s the only reason I had any hope left for this series for awhile.

I came here hoping for a wholesome isekai where the mc raises kids, I planned to cope with a few weird bits as it’s just kinda what story’s like this do but instead I got a horribly written story which can’t stop being weird towards children and a plot that keeps adding random ass bs ruining anything actually interesting that it built up.

Read up to chapter 40 before deciding that this series will never take itself seriously or try to actually follow the plot.
0/10, first series I’ve genuinely hated. :shamihuh:
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Sep 29, 2024
Lol, critiques from connoisseurs of escapism flavored with fantasy escapism.

Hate to tell you but asserting yourself as the main demographic this kind of media is made for will only bring you further agony. Titties and harems are the fundamental aspect of what the people who matter want.

The only thing wrong with this series is they're jumping the shark. They literally already defeated the aspect and concept of death. And now ooga booga alchemy magic, combined with incoherent babble about what is akin to the convergence of spheres from The Witcher, from some lame female antagonist trying to act like a male is their new obstacle?

It doesn't feel like a natural progression. It only feels like they're bringing up a topic from Erin's past and forcing it as the next arc all based on "divine retribution" coming after boob goddess, yet another random topic from the past, making them flee and causing Erin and Aria to meet and develop the fastest "scissor sister relationship building" in the history of the written word.

It's a good read, but as always I prefer the MC get to banging the harem ASAP, preferably uncensored so long as full penetration isn't banned in the current Asia-Land province they're drawn in. The only time I'm willing to "read" the raw copies before they censor it all to hell.

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