Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

Dec 19, 2018
@SotiCoto what? not knowing how to control the body would make me want to fuck a lion, what?
its really funny how you're talking from the high ground as if him being attracted to kids is normal and I'm the weird one cuz i find an adult doing that disturbing.

You do some mental gymnastics trying to justify it as even going as far as straw-manning the argument with exaggerated examples really hard trying to find excuses how its totally okay to be attracted to children when you have lived for 3 decades.

And how roleplaying have anything to do with this? I genuinely can't figure it out. What are you implying with that one?
Are you saying that roleplaying some kind of animal should make me sexually attracted to them or what?
Mar 27, 2020
@gameriuxlt : No. Quit playing ignorant. BEING a lion would make you attracted to lionesses. That shit is all brain-chemicals and perspective. Different brain, different experiences, different sensations, different feelings. I'm laughing at you because your determination to keep clinging to a past that is no longer relevant would be utterly absurd under the circumstances.
And kids being attracted to kids, past the age where they're even capable of understanding such feelings at all, is entirely normal.

There are no mental gymnastics here. No straw-manning. I'm opting for extreme examples just to show how utterly ridiculous your position is because apparently the more straightforward explanation isn't enough to pierce your dense obliviousness.
You can't just assume that living X amount of years, reincarnating, then living another Y years means you have the same life experience as a normal X+Y year old. If you lived to the age of 20, died and reincarnated 4 times, each time never going past 20, you wouldn't identify as being 100... nor have any fucking clue what it even means to be older than 20. You'd just have 5 times as much experience being a teenager as anyone else... and when you got reincarnated a 5th time and returned to being a baby, you would STILL be shitting yourself and crying for mama's tits. You certainly wouldn't be thinking like some old 100-year-old geezer.
Those 100 years are meaningless as a number. You'd be lucky if you even remembered the first few incarnations as more than a hazy dream as the brain of an infant doesn't have the capacity to process that kind of information.

And what roleplaying has to do with this is likewise simple: You're no good at imagining a situation where you aren't who and what you are now. All your judgements are based on you being exactly who and what you currently are, completely dismissing the whole notion of reincarnating as a new person as no more than putting on a different set of clothes.
Dec 19, 2018

Fuck this im giving up, you can consider this your win.

I never in my life thought that i will an argument over why someone who lived for 20 years shouldn't want to fuck 12 years old but here we are.

I keep screenshot of this.
Mar 27, 2020
@gameriuxlt : Sure. Keep your screenshot of you whining like a little bitch because a 12-year-old with extra memories is attracted to another 12-year-old.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@gameriuxlt @SotiCoto I have no particular wish to disturb your old, buried conversation, but I'd just like to note that Almus didn't show signs of being attracted to a 13 years old. He showed signs being attracted to Tetra. They have lived in close proximity now for a few years, relied on each other, taught academics and other stuff to each other for myriad hours. Both have been impressed by the other's intelligence and abilities. All in all, they have learned to know and trust each other really well. We have seen a few of the scenes, probably not seen 99% of them, but Tetra has been trying to get closer to Almus romantically. He has been utterly oblivious to it, precisely because he's not been interested in young girls.

What happened here is indeed Almus starting to get interested in Tetra, despite her being still too young to technically apply for his interests. It's been a hurdle she had to defeat. You might compare it to a situation of two adults, one finding the other unattractive, but after a long time starting get over that initial feeling (I bet such situations would have been exceedingly common in arranged marriages). Or why not a racist getting over himself/herself and falling for a member of another ethnic background after a long period of interaction.

If you fall in love with someone, then you fall in love with someone. You can try to forget it, but it's not like you could flip a switch to turn your feelings off (unless you are from Vulcan). The accumulated experiences of the past years are what made Almus feel like that.
Mar 27, 2020
@Kaarme : I'm not debating that propinquity played a part. It always does. But that doesn't have much to do with the age matter. Each of the girls he interacted with a fair bit he was attracted to (at least after getting past the initial hurdles like gender mix-ups and dealing with a severe case of tsundere)... and if anything he was only consciously holding himself back because he still believes he is the same age he was when he died.

Incidentally, have you ever actually tried switching love off? It is REALLY easy. It is probably the easiest of all emotional states to just straight up switch off... Compared to switching off suicidal depression it is a fucking walk in the park.
But... y'know... most people just don't want to try, or are so set on believing love is some sort of huge deal that they're already convinced they can't... or shouldn't.
HOWEVER... that is entirely different from stopping it happening in the first place. That is the tricky part. Overwriting subconscious impulses once you're aware of them is a lot easier than intercepting them before they can happen. And even if you terminate the process a few times, it can just worm its way back in if you don't set up conditions mutually exclusive with its existence.
Active member
Mar 13, 2020
"RPG leading nation" ... hell no. Apart from manga, there are some good games but they're nowhere near the RPG we've seen from CD Projekt etc.
Nov 4, 2020
That Tetra, she just tried to r*pe him, didn't she? 😅 So let's have her create something amazing to cover up the fact that she attempted something horrible. What a brilliant mind 😅 I just couldn't see her as an innocent kid now, nor is she likeable, at least for me 😕
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Tetra just went full Chuuni. Nice.
Also, didn't remember Tetra was in the 10yo range in Ch2. Thougth she was 12 too, or 11 at least.

And also, people still be calling MC creepy "cause he 20" when the 13 basically tried to drug him and rape (?) him. Smh.

@vhad23 I actually encountered something similar in another manga not long ago, so I'll tell you more or less what I wrote there.
I see your point. And trust me, I'm not one of those morons that think men can't be raped or anything.
However. It wasn't a roofy. She didn't try to knock him out to have her way with him. It was an aphrodisiac. I don't know how you are irl, but I can promise you that I won't randomly jump on a chick simply cause I have an erection.
Which is not to say that the drugging in itself wasn't bad, it very much was. But "rape"...I wonder...

@Lukaskyboss I mean, you have Witcher 3 and the shitfest that's Cyberpunk.
On the other corner you have the Dragon Quest SAGA, the Final Fantasy SAGA, the Fire Emblem SAGA...

I'm not saying they're all good, but it's most definitely the RPG-leading nation...
Aggregator gang
Sep 30, 2020
The way she made the connection to geometry was a HUGE stretch. That really came out of nowhere. It was said that is was as instinctual as breathing for them, so how the hell did she manage to theorize and implement an extremely complicated formula for it out of nothing? It really makes no logical sense.
Double-page supporter
Aug 30, 2020
Lol so this is what a Chuuni is. I didn't get it until now. 3-4 years of studying made her into a genius Sorcerer Progenitor. Great job MC-kun. You revolutionises the kids into a completely new set of human beings.
Active member
Mar 13, 2020
@Tatherwood I know Japan is known for its RPG, no one is that delusional, I'm just saying there is no leading nation in that genre. Who would have a thought a small studio in Poland called CD projekt actually managed to create The Witcher 2 and The Witcher 3 (I've played The Witcher 2 when it came out, the 1 was regarded as very good but nothing ground breaking to me but the 2 was incredible). I won't play Cyberpunk, I believe it's been overhyped for years now.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@Lukaskyboss Then we'll have to agree to disagree.
Sure, Witcher (3) is awesome, but ONLY THAT doesn't make...Poland, is it?...a leading country in RPGs.
Sure, Devil May Cry (saga) is cool, as is God of War. Still doesn't make USA leading.

But if Japan has at least 10 sagas, and each saga has at least 10 entries, and most of them are from good to amazing...Japan IS arguably leading.

But as mentioned, agree to disagree then.
Sep 5, 2020
WRONG. They say Arithmetics is the foundation of this world, but it's actually the opposite. Arithmetics only describe our world. It's a human approach to view the word in an abstract way. There are no numbers in the real world.
Mar 4, 2023
This shit is dry and boring af, in addition to having people argue in favor of pedophilia in the comments with nonsensical arguments.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
WTF happened there ?
a few weeks/months after learning basic algebra, she can now develop advanced arithmetics ... isekai are quite childish in the wish fulfilment department, but this one took the biscuit
Hasn't it been years? He met her fairly early on, and they had 3 years under Griffin's protection. I'd say it's been probably 2.5 years min

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