>Right, call their shitty policy "restraint". If only they had exercised as much restraint when they were committing genocide during World War II.
This is _not_ directed at you, I am still meeting people in real life who have a hard time accepting that the more recent generations never partook in the atrocities and thus share no blame. War is utter cancershit and so is genocide.
I see what you did here ;^)
>sorry to hear that.
There is nothing to be sorry about, I am not a recent immigrant btw.
>However, you should be aware there are two sides to every coin. My country and community has been very negatively affected on many levels by legal immigration.
How so?
Crime? While 'the current' immigrants going to Europe are easily 100 times more likely to commit crimes (see police statistics), most of them do not. -> Lets say 1 native in 100k commits murder, now immigrants have 100 in 100k in the host country, what about the innocent rest aka the overhelming mass?
>( the government plans to allow ~340,000 migrants/year despite rapidly diminishing opportunities to house/employ them in their destinations of choice, we are over 1/5 immigrants as of 2016 )
1/5? If true: Makes no or hardly sense to let people in without housing unless you want to get em camp'd (ya sure they are not temporarily there or that housing will not be build the next years?
). - which is bad but still better than being in a shithole or war zone.
>This is not an attack on the people or their culture but a comment on the mass nature of their arrival and our admission process.
I could tell you whole books of stories. Anyway, I am against radicals, be they Islamic or otherwise, most of them are fleeing, due to war, terror, persecution, or for economic reasons. Heck, I am not even a friend of religion as a Fedora
Clapper Tipper but I think it is the right thing to grant them asylum, but the whole topic is complex.
>Entering in such number is not allowing them to integrate successfully or for their community to accommodate them, we simply lack restraint.
Fair point, really shitty if integration fails and you get segregation, ghettos and so on.
>We do it not for moral or economic reason but for our leaders to brag on the global stage.
I doubt it.
Yolo posting before I proofread it
>It doesn't sound like you're sorry
Pssssh! He is not.
E2: I should use the quote function next and not use imageboard meme arrows, so sorry ;_; (jus' kidding)