Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 2 Ch. 17

Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018
Hopefully they’re all just nice people and even have nice things to contribute to the village ?
Hopefully Almus stays safe ??
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
if it where me i would only take the children maybe the elderly and let the rest to fuck off, i mean they let their children to die and only fled when they knew there was a place where they could survive and can fend for themselves unlike kids or elderly.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Was waiting for one of those poor kids to see a family member, came sooner than I'd expected....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>Live in a spot on earth with war
>run away

>Wish we had that much restraint. ;^)

>Live in a shitty spot on earth
>be an emigrant for economic and quality of life reasons

>Wish we had that much restraint. ;^)

;^) Yeah ;^)
I am more or less an immigrant myself, I'd probably be eating sh*te if my family stayed 'there'
Active member
Apr 26, 2018
I'm genuinely sorry to hear that.

However, you should be aware there are two sides to every coin. My country and community has been very negatively affected on many levels by legal immigration.
( the government plans to allow ~340,000 migrants/year despite rapidly diminishing opportunities to house/employ them in their destinations of choice, we are over 1/5 immigrants as of 2016 )
This is not an attack on the people or their culture but a comment on the mass nature of their arrival and our admission process.
Entering in such number is not allowing them to integrate successfully or for their community to accommodate them, we simply lack restraint. We do it not for moral or economic reason but for our leaders to brag on the global stage.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Kind of odd that the invention of sorcery plot line doesn't progress first.
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
@givemersspls messed up maybe but its better than let a lot of people come at once, like i said they are capable of fending for themselves, elderly and children cant, some of them have children but we dont know if they didnt abandon another child and died someone else, maybe let the adults with family and cast off the ones who dont or abandoned a child, for you may be cruel or messed up but for me is fair, maybe a grey zone for the ones without family and let them stay if they can work but the ones who had the balls to throw a child to die they must be out without a second though.
Jan 27, 2018

Im not sure what country you are from, but from the numbers im going to guess a 1st world country

A couple points, 1/5 of immigrants as part of the population is not particulary high thats where most of the developed nations are heading to or currently at.

And that is a positive if you are a developed nation. Why? Well because your own population probably is on a negative spiral and therefore can end up like Japan whose population is going to start droping from 2020.

A lot of politicians who do these immigrant strategies are sacrificing short term comfort for long term sustainability, as modern economies and welfare programs can only be kept with a growing population which the locals are not providing, so they look for external sources of young tax contributors.

If you really think that any politician does anything for "braging rights" i would advise you to open a book or something.
Jan 25, 2018

To add on how nuanced the issue is: there have been numerous studies done to clearly identify the minimum ratio of immigrants to natives in order to impose cultural norms of the host nation. This ratio varies by nation, as some more homogeneous nations are more impactful than others, ex: some nations have cultural preservation depts/organizations.

Without that ratio, the risk of immigrant isolation becomes too great, leading to not fully transitioning into the new culture, resulting in potential negatives from the differences in morals and norms. Then you have to weigh that against the support system; you have to have some support for a job and such, but once it gets too large, there can be cases of zero immersion in the host nation's culture, which lead to its own set of problems.

There are two extremes, but like most complex issues, people conflate the moral with the rational argument too often.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>Right, call their shitty policy "restraint". If only they had exercised as much restraint when they were committing genocide during World War II.
This is _not_ directed at you, I am still meeting people in real life who have a hard time accepting that the more recent generations never partook in the atrocities and thus share no blame. War is utter cancershit and so is genocide.

I see what you did here ;^)

>sorry to hear that.
There is nothing to be sorry about, I am not a recent immigrant btw.

>However, you should be aware there are two sides to every coin. My country and community has been very negatively affected on many levels by legal immigration.
How so?
Crime? While 'the current' immigrants going to Europe are easily 100 times more likely to commit crimes (see police statistics), most of them do not. -> Lets say 1 native in 100k commits murder, now immigrants have 100 in 100k in the host country, what about the innocent rest aka the overhelming mass?

>( the government plans to allow ~340,000 migrants/year despite rapidly diminishing opportunities to house/employ them in their destinations of choice, we are over 1/5 immigrants as of 2016 )
1/5? If true: Makes no or hardly sense to let people in without housing unless you want to get em camp'd (ya sure they are not temporarily there or that housing will not be build the next years? o_O). - which is bad but still better than being in a shithole or war zone.

>This is not an attack on the people or their culture but a comment on the mass nature of their arrival and our admission process.
I could tell you whole books of stories. Anyway, I am against radicals, be they Islamic or otherwise, most of them are fleeing, due to war, terror, persecution, or for economic reasons. Heck, I am not even a friend of religion as a Fedora Clapper Tipper but I think it is the right thing to grant them asylum, but the whole topic is complex.

>Entering in such number is not allowing them to integrate successfully or for their community to accommodate them, we simply lack restraint.
Fair point, really shitty if integration fails and you get segregation, ghettos and so on.
>We do it not for moral or economic reason but for our leaders to brag on the global stage.
I doubt it.


Yolo posting before I proofread it

>It doesn't sound like you're sorry
Pssssh! He is not.

E2: I should use the quote function next and not use imageboard meme arrows, so sorry ;_; (jus' kidding)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Austriacus I don't know what country @ErikMm is from, or what the actual numbers are, but i would think it's a problem if 1/5 of your country's population only came in in the last year, and your leaders are planning to let in as many or more, in the next year.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
It's amazing how people feel the need to derail forums about Japanese comic books at the slightest opportunity. It's as if people really think that a comment on Mangadex is going to have some butterfly effect that reaches Japan and singlehandedly flips the table on Japan's immigration policy. Can't we talk about anything else? Perhaps we could discuss the story? The way that the Griffon is a bit of a tsundere? Anything?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Point taken, we are OT, but I still don't understand the but*hurt.

I have to agree the Gryphon is a bit Tsundere, let's see how fast the village will grow... I am not sure if this chapter implies that the king is talking to other people and/or aristocrats about the village, in what context/manner and for what reason if he does, we will see I guess, maybe I am reading too much into it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
Evil woman, she threw her child away to die and then acts all glad to see her? Even acting hurt that the child she abandoned didn't rush into her arms? Horrible.
Jun 3, 2018
@LVLBeginner I completely agree with you. I just don't understand people trying to defend the mother like somehow there's an acceptable excuse to abandon your child. Even if Ruru had a higher chance of survival by being a teenager, there was still a really good possibility that she would have died. Especially if there weren't characters like the Griffon or the MC all those abandoned children would've probably died.
Then the mother has the nerve to act surprised and feel sad when she left Ruru to die, like bitch if that were me I would do everything in my power to make sure the MC abandon's the parents (not all of the villagers because there were elderly and babies) like they abandoned me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Wouldn't it make sense to get the advice of the king he knows personally before going to try and see a king who might not even meet with him?
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
@givemersspls no matter what is her story, in the end she (and maybe her husband) threw her in a forest where the griffin lived in a time where all they knew is that he was a killer beast, they choose their own survival over her daughter, so no matter her excuse that was unforgivable, but the story will prove me wrong she will forgive her like all the other children and conveniently forgot that all where left to die. (personal assumption)

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