Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 3 Ch. 21.1

Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
This series is really naive with its politics, so I should probably just skip them from now on. I don't envy the people working on this manga.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
You should look again 4 or 5 chapters again, because
he will purge all nobles that against him with his orchestra'd civil war. Yeah he will become the king later
Active member
Jul 13, 2018
Now EVERYONE in the comment section look very politics to me hmm
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
I wasn't sure about this Raymond when we first met him, but he's turned out to be a pretty honest guy. I like him! Haha.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
What @greyhud90 said. That plan is tricky, right from the start. If you side with the people, you turn against the nobles. If you aren't part of the problem, there is a chance you are part of the solution and we can't have that! It might work, if the people are right about to behead the nobles and that plan might be seen as a last resort. But even then, many nobles would chose to slaughter their own population into submission before yielding. And if that happens you've got yourself a civil war, followed by invasions. You somehow have to tempt the nobles into turning themselves in. What MC said: The nobles with bad lands and debts (no perspective, no future) might give up what they have for some "real" power. But the really influential ones would just side with the friendly enemy next door.

I see only one way how this might work out and you won't like it. (I certainly don't.) The hostile, influential ones have to lose their ability to act in the right moment, at the same time and their is one realistic way to achieve that. Simultaneously murder them. Sadly all of them and their families. Even if you kill the family heads, their sons, wives, daughters, brothers, nephews, niece, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters in law, ... , gardeners, ... , newly appointed 13 years old guard, ... or least favorite pet would just become the new head and stand against you, right the next moment. (Okay, the chain will be severed somewhere before gardener, but still....)

And you can't even honey some family members beforehand, to replace the old head after his dead and join your side, because their are too many people involves and someone WILL talk and that's that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Its still a better system than the retarded centralization plan hes got.

The author has shown repeatedly that their ideas on governance are horribly broken and would result in widespread death.
Its a Japanese author, of course they want a goverment with complete power that regulates everything, they cant seem to function properly as individuals and the mere notion of it keeps being foreign to them.

. It's a fucking stupid idea
I agree whole heartedly.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
Centralisation Good thing only if the country is small or really bully ruler and know how to rule with iron fist like France.


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
The novel is like 90% politics and infrastructure 10% actual god the Royale Family Tree of Hell is coming back.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@boag @givemersspls

My two cents

We aren't dealing with an education population without restrictions on information travel here. Centralization makes a lot of sense for an ancient civilization where it takes a lot of time for communication to travel from one government entity to another. They've even mentioned that in this chapter. Take a look at world history. The most successful old nations were ones that centralized their decision making. In the context of the world in this manga, it could mean a matter of survival.

This is nothing to do with morality. Certainly a centralized government would be far more likely to become autocratic. However, for a nation with clear communication issues and governing nobles with their competing interests at heart, it might be the best way forward.

I would also like to note that oppression can happen with any form of government. Oppression by the majority happens just as often as oppression from an autocratic leader. A certain amount of selflessness among leaders as well as institutional checks and balances are necessary to keep any government fair and it's people free.


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
Can someone explain what's Almus is trying to achieve? Compared to the 'current' system(manga, not the reality). Is he trying to create some sort of Senate system? He is suggesting giving the common people some power(decentralization) but somehow the end goal is centralization?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@givemersspls well I apologize if I misunderstood what you were saying. I would like to hear more about your position if you wouldn't mind elaborating.

Just as a side comment:

Almus's goals are keeping this king happy and protecting the people of the Griffin Village. This King wants to hear how centralization will work for him, not necessarily how it would actually work. It is in Almus's best interest, therefore, to be the king's conformation bias. Not to say that the author thought that far ahead or that the characters are that complex. Just saying Almus doesn't need to tell him what works. In fact, it benefits Almus to weaken that king who, while his benefactor, is also his greatest existential threat. Also and unless I'm mistaken, Almus's previous life did not have any exposure to political theories or ancient history. Once again: I don't believe the author thought that much about it but at least it is some sort of justification for his advice.
Active member
Sep 29, 2018
so, king ferme was a rebel leader supported by the people ? then he raised the tax once he's king, even go as far as trying to kill bunch of escaping villagers ?
im impressed. he just became what he toppled.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018

You can use it the Spoiler Tags to shrink long posts for others

I see your point about the likely chance of corrupt advisors blinding the ruler to what is really going on. I would surmise that a smart ruler could counteract being manipulated through an intelligent network the ruler controls, some sort of citizen representation, or just going incognito every once and a while. I wouldn't think that it would happen in this manga because the world-building and realism in the context of character interaction isn't as thought out as one would like.

On that note: It is my opinion that the Almus is a bit of a Mary-Sue for the author and his advice is going to be great for the king because the author wills it to be.

I should mention that I didn't think that Almus was trying to weaken the king. Just that, from a strategic perspective, it's best for the Griffin Village that the king is occupied with issues not involving them. Having him worry about foreign invaders or political bickering between his soon-to-be many advisors is preferred to him being overly concerned about his new neighbors in Griffin Land.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
oh boy politics. the comments section's gonna LOVE this.

you guys are discussing it actively like discussing porn
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@givemersspls yes i know. i'm just giving a friendly jab since some people DO discuss politics as heated as that one steamy porn vid you fapped to once, i heard.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Holy crap the comments on this chapter are good.
I wasn't as well informed on the Japanese historical political systems, but this made me research it, and it's a pretty interesting fucking mess of a subject.

Now I understand better why Almus is giving such bad advice to the King.
With his modern knowledge, even if it's just basic world history, he should be able to think of a better way to do things.

If he wants a strong and stable government that will last for a long long time, I think that Switzerland's political system would be the best, a confederation (federalism) with a large parliament and direct democracy.
The problem with this is that the King would pretty much lose all power. It would strip the power from the nobles and monarchs alike.
But I really can't find in History a monarchic system that would be sustainable indefinitely. As your population becomes more and more knowledgeable, apt and richer, democracy is going to happen, sooner or later. You either keep your people well, giving them education, healthcare and liberty... or you keep the reigns tight, oppressing your people and crushing dissidence as soon as it rises to maintain power.
Maybe the Spanish or English systems would be acceptable, where the Monarchy still exists, but has pretty much no political power.

I still think that the best way for this King to make sure his name isn't forgotten, and to be certain that his descendent don't end up as "the reason we created the guillotine", is probably to create a strong democracy and give back the power to the people. Almus will probably NEVER even mention that, seeing that his views seem to be very Japanocentric, but I still think this would be the best way.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
On that note: It is my opinion that the Almus is a bit of a Mary-Sue for the author and his advice is going to be great for the king because the author wills it to be.
On the nose,

I think that Switzerland's political system would be the best

Depending on the geographical size and location, it worked well for Switzerland because they a sorrounded by Alps, which have made them literally impossible to invade, and has kept a tight nit culture.

honestly the best way for the King to hold power, would have been to pump out a bunch of kids and form political marriages with the strongest of the families/houses, its what worked for hundreds of years in Europe.

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