They haven't created anything they have been always there. Japan didn't go through the western pedophile witch hunt. So they are not paranoid about loli fanservice like western people. And they retained a pre-2000 mindset of "innocent/asexual child nudity" that was widespread in the west before the pedo-paranoia. The main appeal of lolis is "moe". Otakus like them cause they are adorable and wholesome, not cause they find them "hot".
"Innocent/asexual child nudity" he says in the comment thread of a
slave harem manga. Bro, the term 'lolicon' literally means
pedophile, or "drawn or simulated representations of fictional children
engaged in sexual activity." Arguing that loli
fanservice in anime is only there to be 'wholesome' is downright delusional. Most of the people reading this kinda stuff are doing so with a dick in their hand. Otaku's like them because they play into a fantasy about fucking children. Literally just look at Reincarnation coliseum. An otherwise great ecchi manga, sorely damaged by the random inclusion of a character who looks and dresses like an 8 year old. And many of the comments are ecstatic to finally have a "loli" character to jack off over.
Because the word loli, covers up the word child and makes it easier to fetishize children.