I dont agree with you there.
They have entirely different focuses and have few things in common.... at that point you could just say that every single demon lord story is a downgraded version of "Overlord".
The plot in this manga is more for the light hearted fun and hijinx.
This Story is about the MC disguises himself as a demon lord and his generally clumsy and clueless elf waifu gets up to with the neko girl as the straight man.
"Maou no hajimekata" is much more gritty and have a MUCH darker tone and the MC is a serious type instead of the wacky neet MC this manga have.
really the only common thing they both have is that the MC´s calls themselfs demon lords when in truth they both really arent one but just wants everyone to think so.
as for graphics, art style is always going to be subjective and honestly i prefer this style over the one in "Maou no hajimekata" but both are fine and do the job.
The Characters in "Maou no hajimekata" are better, i agree with you there....
But that is partly to blame for the limitations imposed by the character design in a manga like this, for what the manga tried to achieve the characters fulfill the roles they were given pretty well without being too hollow as everyone does have some character outside of the given roles as comedic relief, hijinx maker and straight man.
But again much of everyones character design is for comedic effect unlike "Maou no hajimekata" who have entirely different focuses and atmosphere.
MC´s Charisma is just a part of his character design and honestly i would say that the MC here is the superior one from the perspective of someone who only read the mangas.
One is basically the magician version of Sasuke from Naruto and the other one is a man cosplaying the enemy of humanity because of his insecurities and becouse he thinks it looks cool.
And he is SUCCEEDING with it so far without getting mobbed by an entire country's army unlike "Maou no hajimekata" who gets attacked once every week.
but the later is an unfair comparison as one is a dungeon builder manga and the other one is a exploration manga who dont travel as much...
i havent read both light novel so i sadly can't make the comparison there.
As for backstory... are you seriously trying to compare a MC who was reborn as his game character in another world with "Maou no hajimekata"? ...... they are NOTHING alike.
As for Which one is better that is going to come down to taste but i personally would rate this higher as i prefer comedy over tradedy.
And honestly i find the amount of "fanservice" in "Maou no hajimekata" atrocious.
It's pretty much pointless for the story most of the time outside of the few times they are "bonding over sex " but even then it's a stretch.
Sex scenes just for the sake of adding more lewds for horny teenagers in a manga is bad design because there should be a reason for it, especially if they go for full on intercorse.
If not i could just go and read some hentai.
Also yes i am probably more bias than i should be but it's literally impossible to avoid being bias on some level so i dont care.