@tuatara1 You'd be surprised. When the slaves in the US were freed, many just went back to their old masters, not knowing what else to do and never having known the ability to do as you please. Most slaves were not actually stolen from their homes (especially in America after the Revolution), but instead were born into slavery. Slaves, by and large, were fine with their lot in life. In America, it was the Northern abolitionists who pushed for the slaves to be freed, not the slaves themselves. In fact, most slaves (at least in the American context) were not actually abused in any way (other than, of course, being born into slavery and being kept as a slave), so probably a good chunk of them were actually quite happy with their lives.
That's not to say I agree with the practice, it's just not quite as bad as it is made out to be historically. Now, in the Middle East, they castrated their slave men, and the slaves typically were taken from their homes, so by no means should you take my words to mean that slaves everywhere were fine, they absolutely were not, and the practice of slavery was radically different depending on where in the world you happen to be looking at. It just happened to be the case that slavery in America - while still ethically and morally indefensible, not to mention ideologically opposed to the foundation of the country (which is why most of the Founders who had slaves tried to free them) - was not that bad.