Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Vol. 7 Ch. 40 - Intellectual Faction (2)

Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
Oh, didn’t realize it’d be highlighted for other people.

I think the issue lies in that a piece of equipment having a skill slot or not isn’t related to the specific type of equipment or is. If it’s about the quality of the manufacture of the piece of equipment, I imagine people already conducted tests to that effect and it all comes down to a specific variable that no one has been able to identify, and as I recall, it was much too expensive to waste monster cards (crystals now, it seems) on experimenting.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Anyone knows what chapter or volume is this on the light or web novel?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
Can’t recall, but up to the last point I read (and the WN barely progressed from there), he had 5 harem members in all, so consider it between 1/5th and 2/5th of the story. The chapter titles are pretty simple too, so I think the chapter title introducing Sherry is actually just baked Sherry.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@KeiosKod You don't need to experiment if you can keep track of what enhancements each master smith does or fails to do, what gets enhanced and who made what weapon over a long period. But you'd need something like a government mandate to perform a study on that scale because people would need to keep records on each weapon.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
@Kanol That's assuming that presence of the slot is the only variable that matters, while it could be that the skill slot is necessary but not sufficient and blacksmith skill (or some other variable) can then be another reason for failure.

But really, it could also handwaved away by saying pseudo medieval societies aren't known for their sharpness in statistical analysis. That or the shitload of money necessary to get a significant enough p-value if the failure rate is as high as it seems.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
That’s what I’m saying. Even if the same manufacturer makes the same piece of equipment, that’s not a guarantee the equipment has a skill slot, and that they have simply not narrowed down the variable for a skill slot because it’s probably too specific.

And what do you mean enhancements? You mean the type of skill card/crystal? Or the specific method to improve the quality of a piece of equipment? Since that’s linked to what I said.

Just think of it like this; the craftsman makes something taking into consideration traits a and b, with an unknown trait c that they are unable to measure or observe by any orthodox methods of crafting. The first attempt possessed trait c and could successfully be enhanced while the second attempt lacked trait c and failed to apply the skill. As they are completely unaware of the existence of trait c and are unable to identify its presence or lack of it, the experiment is unable to note it down no matter how many times it’s repeated. The only way to notice trait c is whether or not the skill enhancement succeeds, but that’s exactly the basis for this skill slot theory and why it’s not a commonly accepted theory; because it’s just assumed that trait c exists based on the success and failure of the skill enhancement.

This is further complicated by the existence of multiple skill slots existing on the same piece of equipment, which probably leads to the same idea Sherry has that it’s some fault in the smith’s skill.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
MC really does need to be careful with spouting any information that other's are not wary of. If people find out that he's able to switch around jobs like he does, able to see job lvls, see skill slots, and so on, he'll undoubtedly become a target for many.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
How would you observe something that cannot be seen? Sure, we know that skill slots *do* exist, but we know no one else can (or if they can they don't talk because it might cause issues- see Hero problems). So, you do a mass study of a group of master smiths who are known to have done skill enhancements successfully. Assuming they can make equipment, check the success/failure rate of each smith on their own products. Once you get a statistically large group to find the average of each smith. . . you ask them to swap x number of works they make, where x is large enough to see success/failure rate. If the enhancement rates are within a margin of error for the smith's work, it implies the possibility of skill slots. If the rate of success/failure is closer to the enhancing smith's success/failure rate, it implies that the skill of the enhancer matters. If neither is the case, it implies both factor in. Do a large enough number of studies of similar and dissimilar master smiths and you could probably figure it out empirically.

Doing the above in a large enough study would imply a massive amount of money being spent that almost no one involved would have either the funds or the willingness to do. The only reason the state would want to do that would be a military study for war. And in that case, would the money spent to figure out the answer be worth it compared to just spending more funds to get successfully enhanced items. And as a counterpoint, would the country who did the study either spread the information, because if it cost me 5 million gold or whatever to figure that out. . . every other country gets that for effectively free. Sure it would still cost people a relative large amount to find out how good each smith is (either time or money), but would that investment even make sense.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
Issue there is you’re assuming they are capable of replicating the exact same things. If skill slots are unrelated to what they see are relevant, then it’s missed entirely and that experiment can’t confirm them properly. In the first place, you’re assuming the skill slots are linked to other qualities of the equipment like durability or sharpness, but what if it’s just its own thing?

It’s like if they had no concept of sharpness and they do not understand how to make something sharper. Or even trying to describe a color you are unable to see; we know colors exist outside of what we’re naturally able to see, but how can you prove the existence of those unseeable colors without any of the existing equipment and the only method you can employ is to have people line up and describe the colors they see? And you just assume that people with better eyesight can see those other colors. The experiment fails because, no matter how good a human’s eyesight is, they can’t see those other colors with their eyes. Same here; whatever metrics smiths may have to decide the quality of equipment may all simply be irrelevant to the creation of a skill slot; a skill slot may be its own quality unrelated to the other traits.
Dec 7, 2018
I thought he'd wait a bit more to get intimate with Sherry, kinda like he did with Roxanne, more so knowing Roxanne had a minimal but existent perceived adverse reaction when buying her, but well. . .
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
After pressing F5 in my bookmark list, this series pops up for update.
Instantly, my boner gone active and expecting something, and ready to pay Respect (F) on the comment section

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
Well yeah, ultimately you wouldn't be testing for the presence of skill slots so much as you'd be mining for any statistically significant trends like "Swords made by X blacksmith have a 10% higher chance of being enhanced successfully" or "swords made with Iron from Z mine have a 7% lower chance of being successfully enhanced" since all you have to go on is that outcome. Mining large data sets is cheaper than direct experimentation because you don't have to ask people to do anything beyond keeping records. Collating that data is still a hell of an undertaking in a world without computers (assuming that magic math skill doesn't have an excel function) and you can still end up with odd results. Data mining isn't running a controlled experiment. It might look like one enhancer/master-smith has a higher success rate than another, and you could assume that they're more skilled when in actual fact they just work in a region where socketed weapons are more common for whatever reason.
Aggregator gang
May 12, 2020
@MaTu94 I think our boy as done the deed enough now with Roxanne that he's lost most of his former reserve and awkwardness when it comes to sex. But, we shall see.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

Last I read, I hit c150... I took a break because it was far to much grinding for the experiment for me... sex, fill tub, grind... teleport, grind... swap weapons/abilities, grind, sex... etc etc... for me. I’ll start reading again one day but when I’m in need of “that” sort of story.

BTw, by the time I hit c150, he had the larger girl... the fifth I think?

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