Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subayasa Tayorina Tabi wo Suru

Group Leader
Jul 20, 2018
I really like the LN, but the art here is bad and the story is butchered. As a fan of the LN I'll keep reading and probably enjoy myself (especially because this is ecchi), but I doubt it will last very long as a series.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
I decided to check this and was shocked when it mentions black rabbit.. I'm sure I've read a novel with this particular story, but didn't remember it being this shitty, then checked NU only to find that this absolute abomination of a manga was indeed the adaptation from that novel. This manga is absolutely terrible, the opening chapter was nonsense, it actually looks like it was cut to save pages and left out so many good points of the novel.

Well, I actually already forgot abt the novel bcz the TL at that time was so slow, thanks to this garbage i can put it back into my reading list.

But oh boy, this manga should just get axed. IIRC, the first chapter of the novel was a decent survival story in the wilderness, dude only have a cutter blade with him, had to make weapon and run around, dude had to tie himself on the tree just to get some sleep, and running around finding water source to follow, and acted carefully, and here this manga depicted him like some brainless turd without any form of spatial awareness as he runs comedically from a pack of wolf because him being stupid.

1/10, seems that whoever worked the manga decided to butcher this.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2020
Everyone and their mother knows that Barter and Intelligence are the priorities when upgrade your stats, also Ave. True to Caesar
Apr 4, 2020
I've been reading the novel this is adapted from, what an embarrassing adaptation lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2020
So much to say on this manga with so little energy to say it.

Title is an oxymoron and the author is just a moron. Dialogue is jarring and moves much too fast, lazy scene writing is attempted to be passed off as humor (except it isn't funny). Art looks like it was drawn by a five year old with cerebral palsy unless its the female lead, all the effort is put into making her look cute and ignores everyone else until much later in the series.

If you told me that this story was just written around this waifu OC character then id absolutely believe you. She seems to be the main focus of the story with the MC taking the place of reader/author going on a power fantasy. Nothing to discern it from any other generic isekai. Nothing new or personal, just regurgitated garbage. She even seems to take a more major role in the cover art lmao wtf?

Main character is a cardboard cut out. No wait cardboard has more substance than this inane c*nt, this whole series is just him simping over our amazing female lead, pitying her as appropriate, ectect. Hes incompetent until hes suddenly not, character growth is a joke. Hes an idiot who walks right into danger without any self awareness until some rediclous "time goes by" montage and then hes suddenly this expert adventurer and is better than everyone dispite his whole shtick being "JACK OF ALL TRADES MASTER OF NONE" FFS. Expect lots of very tired tropes to be splashed in your eyes like ice water. Its just a chore to read

Addendum: apparently the original novel is much better than the adaptation. Id believe it but this is just embarrassing. Honestly i dont know why the original author allowed this to go out much less continue as it is.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
you forgot to mention that the author also screwed up with their statuses
the mc's status doesn't follow the archetype jack of all trades
is much much closer to a archetype light swordsman or assassin
a jack of all trades should be very nimble and good with his hands not super fast yet his agi is nearly twice his dex
and the female leads status is a mess... thats what you would call a archetype magic archer but her strength is to high
if you told me those were the stats of a jack of all trades i would believe it
Active member
Feb 24, 2020
Yeah this is bad. I dont usually diss the translators as they do an unsung job but lots of empty dialogue boxes and mucked up and confusing statuses? Yeah dropped.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Never you mind the setting, character, plot and so on.
The art is just awful.
Nov 13, 2019
I planned to read this but from all these comments saying that this is an absolute dogshit adaptation of a novel i might as well just read the novel, i guess?
Aug 2, 2020
It's an alright manga very slow but also quite wholesome, it's doesn't deserve a 5.6 at least a 6.5 I would say. If you ignore the small mishaps that happen here and there it's not a bad read.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
If we go by MAL Listings this is a solid 5 for me. 5 is typically the , 6 is the good isekai, and 4 is the shit isekai. And SAO is 3.

It’s not a bad read but it’s not a super good one either. That’s why it gets a 5 in my book.

But MD ratings aren’t MAL Listings.

SAO is 3 because it does just enough to be better than School Days.

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