I bet this is a case of post-war discrimination like usa and communism where the racism/hate is so deeply etched into the people that it will remain for centuries
I think what happened is that the country was at war with the orcs and then the war ended in some way resulting in the orcs being accepted by the country but the people didnt forgive them and refuse to see the orcs as individuals, there will come a day where children like eric grow up and respect the hero orcs like bull and begin to tear down the discrimination
With USA even today some citizens refuse things resembling communism like free healthcare, they probably think "why should i pay higher taxes so that some homeless man can get treated for free?" even though they should be thinking "im gonna pay more in taxes so that when i break my arm or when i feel weird and my head always hurts i can go to the hospital and get checked up FOR FREE instead of paying absurd prices for the doctor to tell me that im not drinking enough water so thats why my head hurts" i really dont get wtf is wrong with USA, also whats with the minimum wage? Why the fuck dont they update it? It was meant to be enough to pay for food and a house no?
USA is weird
God i ranted again, this time about USA for some reason?
Sorry if you are offended, please dont grill me, i am very sensitive to anything that could be taken in a negative way, i cant get myself to cry for some reason outside of reading tragic stories(i really love tragic stories that can make me cry), so please dont make me sad and feel depressed and store up my feelings, i cant even take criticism correctly, im probably using commas incorrectly please forgive my hubris