"Maximum HAREM and then few generations of half-siblings porking half-siblings (and some of them prolly porking the dad-MC too) later, the village becomes the fantasy equivalent of Deliverance inbred village and that is when the TRUE story kicks in. A tale of horror and tragedy haunted by banjo playing elf-dragon-beastmen-demon-whatever hybrids, who are all related."
I laughed way harder at this than I should have. It's the middle of the night here too and I should be asleep at this point.
But seriously, what is with this dearth of males? Lame author is lame. Sometimes I don't know why I still read this, even though it is a short, easy read, at this point, it's gotten so utterly predictable.
The MC clearly needs help. And he's obviously not porking every girl, otherwise, the pregnancies would be happening far more fast and furious. Which means droves of villager girls must be going to sleep unsatisfied, resigned to "self-consolation" 自慰 night after night. What a tragedy.