@WhimsiCat: I assume, there were male mountain elves, but they were killed off by Raimeiren, because she deemed them unnecessary, as MC clearly build a harem village and she assumed he only wants the girls. Either that or she kept them herself.
About the major incest inbound: I know they all want the strongest seed, but if they truly want their species to be strong, they should think about the implications of future generations incest. It's in plain sight, isn't it? I demand a story telling the tale
@Madologist imagined!
Also, how many years has it been already, how many girls does he circle through and how many per night? I know, I know, low fertility and everything, but he only got the first two pregnant up till now?
God1: "Oh, I'm bored."
God2: "Hmm? You want to hear something good?"
God1: "Sure."
God2: "Good listen. That one time I was bored, I picked a random available guy and isekai'ed him into a world of a god I still had a bone to pick with."
God1: "Okay. Go on."
God2: "This time around he wanted to live a healthy and peaceful life. I made the first part happen, the second not so much."
God1: "How?"
God2: "I gave him a veeeery strong healthy body, nearly unlimited stamina and created a "positive image" bubble around him. I also made it, he couldn't contract sexual diseases."
God1: *snort* "What?!?"
God2: "His genes are now all over that place." *laughs heavily* "It's a total mess, I tell you."
God1: *nearly dies laughing*
God2: "Also, that guy wanted to be a farmer."
God1: "What the..?"