@givemersspls lmao, I mention it one time and you take it as I am bitter?
I can't really say its verifiable if you center your argument of being against the martial arts tournament if because it lacks the exhibition of culture without the chapter of it in the manga?
I agree that the initial medal giving is a failure why do you want to bring it up again? I did word my explanation poorly. It's not that they don't know what to do with it, its that they only exchange the medal with the village chief. The whole purpose is to use it like currency, they should have used it to barter with the dwarfs for alcohol, food from the farmers, and clothes from the spiders etc...
His whole goal in living is to live a leisurely life as stated by the title, the goal as you said can be multiple, if he hit most of them then whats wrong? Can it be if you can't hit all of them then you are stupid?
The second village being separated is at the mention of the villagers, It's not like they are at the other side of the world so its fine if they are a river away. The part to reduce sexual demands is for the later generations, since he won't likely chase away the current partners he has. It's to make the succeeding generation have a partner outside family. That is why if the children grown up in the main village their partners would likely be from the other village. Bringing more men to reduce his sexual hardship will only work on those who hasn't been his partner yet, he can't escape.
I can't really comment much on his goal of experiencing different culture because I can't remember or see the part where he said that. However, he fulfilled most of the goal as I have seen so its just fine for me.
I mean unhappy in the sense that the outcome of choosing the tournament is acceptable for him. He is okay with the festival so what is wrong with it? I mentioned blithely happy to question it. The villagers of course has problems but they still properly tend to it and live life ignoring it. Compared to the village chief they are the ones who tend to problems that could and are happening in the village. The village chief mostly do what he wants and tend to the villagers if there is a need for it. so how are they ignorantly happy without a care for their problems?
Not everyone said it was stupid, and if the we did comment that it is stupid don't use it as a refutal since we can't tell it to the MC.
LMAO you already have a vision for the second village and its not even created in the manga. they toil away at the behest of the masters? where did you see this. The farming is so that when something happens to him, someone could continue the farming for the future generations too. The monetary policy is unstable but they are only trying it for the first time so he needs time to make it work. When enough people have their own products it would eventually make others use the coins for the purpose the chief intended. The sexual problem for him, I can't see a way for him to avoid that. It's too late to fix that.
The main thing I find in your listed problems that could be solved near in the future is the monetary policy, and it could be solved if the villagers actually used it to exchange to other villagers.
The only goal you say he doesn't stick to is the cultural exhibition but that is still can't be said when he is watching them showing the fighting styles of different races.