Yeah, like wtf why bother saving the coward brat that almost killed him and not hearing any excuseI mean we all knew simp-lord kenji would be back in some way, but I don't really understand why Naoto would give a single fuck if he decked Miki who was the one that jailed him and sealed his skills in the first place. Made no sense to me. Just sit back and watch bro, literally not a single person there is worth caring about, lol. Sister is a spoiler, princess knight whatever tried to kill him, Miki is Miki. Who cares? Join your bro Kenji and try again.
I mean we all knew simp-lord kenji would be back in some way, but I don't really understand why Naoto would give a single fuck if he decked Miki who was the one that jailed him and sealed his skills in the first place. Made no sense to me. Just sit back and watch bro, literally not a single person there is worth caring about, lol. Sister is a spoiler, princess knight whatever tried to kill him, Miki is Miki. Who cares? Join your bro Kenji and try again.
the demon lord is an old man. why would that change all of the sudden just because they've looped back to the start of their journey.Osu! Thanks for the translation!
Naoto could probably dish stronger attacks had his rank is higher, still his technique did some damage...a little bit. Man imagine if Kenji is brainwashed by some hot sexy demon lord.