20-years-old oji-san and 34-years-old oji-san look the same , so he doesnt age at all , is he a vampire or something ? lol .
page 9 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landstalker .
page 10 : oji-san repaired the barrier in chapter 8 . note that tsundere elf doesnt appear in chapter 9 , 10 , 11 .
page 21 :
- now , old oji-san , play your kiddy game and be quiet , so i can watch this japanese adult video with my girl-friend .
- in this situation , who is the kid and who is the adult ? the nephew or oji-san ?
page 23 : oji-san couldnt walk straight so he used her as a crutch . a crutch and a crush are the same thing , lol .
crush = An infatuation with somebody one is not dating.
they call it "crush" because it always hurts in the end , like being crushed by a boulder , lol .
page 24 : the kids are mad because they expected to watch a hot , steamy p0rn , and now they are disappointed .
also , they are mad because oji-san didnt rap* the cute , virgin elf ? it is kind of backwards . normal people would only get mad if oji-san rap*d the cute , virgin elf .
page 25 : i guess you can say : oji-san made the elf girl "wet" herself all night , lol .
page 26 : this girl wants to leave because she is afraid that the drunk oji-san will rap* her , lol .
page 12 : she mentions the ancient cloud dragon in chapter 8 :