Isekai Ojisan - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

Jun 30, 2019

That's still potentially hundreds of times (or more) of scarring due to his oblivious nature. While it may be a short time period, relatively speaking for Elves, that is still a lot of years in a row that result in her being accidentally led on by him sometimes, then feeling spurned at the end. The number of days and interactions between the two is still greater than just a few days would afford us. She might be better able to handle it, being an elf, but it still can't be an easy experience, and I'm curious to see if they flesh out just how many interactions they did have (because we also don't know how often his leaving means they don't see each other for months at a time).
May 5, 2018
Tsunderelf: Has an unrequited crush.
Oji-san: Lives in a world where literally everyone hates him. Effectively including tsunderelf since the only way she communicates her crush is through verbal abuse.
But yeah, fuck that guy, amiright?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
20-years-old oji-san and 34-years-old oji-san look the same , so he doesnt age at all , is he a vampire or something ? lol .

page 9 : .

page 10 : oji-san repaired the barrier in chapter 8 . note that tsundere elf doesnt appear in chapter 9 , 10 , 11 .

page 21 :
- now , old oji-san , play your kiddy game and be quiet , so i can watch this japanese adult video with my girl-friend .
- in this situation , who is the kid and who is the adult ? the nephew or oji-san ?

page 23 : oji-san couldnt walk straight so he used her as a crutch . a crutch and a crush are the same thing , lol .

crush = An infatuation with somebody one is not dating.

they call it "crush" because it always hurts in the end , like being crushed by a boulder , lol .

page 24 : the kids are mad because they expected to watch a hot , steamy p0rn , and now they are disappointed .

also , they are mad because oji-san didnt rap* the cute , virgin elf ? it is kind of backwards . normal people would only get mad if oji-san rap*d the cute , virgin elf .

page 25 : i guess you can say : oji-san made the elf girl "wet" herself all night , lol .

page 26 : this girl wants to leave because she is afraid that the drunk oji-san will rap* her , lol .

page 12 : she mentions the ancient cloud dragon in chapter 8 :



Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Come on oji-san, you can play Burning Rangers with a normal Saturn Controller D-pad, even you can do it with Nights into Dreams.
Oh yeah, tsundere-san, "you poor little thing, being treated like trash is unforgivable", I'd say something like that if I didn't hate it the tsundere stereotype with passion.
Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
I believe /a/ TL the Chapters up to 15 so you could try finding the Thread(s) for it (I know they TL the texts but I don't know if they TS them)
Aggregator gang
Aug 24, 2018
Ok fuck.
Here is some link to chapter 7
This is caused by trauma of chapter 13.5 notes, dont clickit if you dont want to read wild theorycraft.
chapter 7; uncle muttering “I will count on you today too”
Chapter 12; the elf vow “I will always support you”
It’s too beautifully matched to be coincidence, I think the author deliberately leave the traces of their relationship in tiny bits like this just make chapter 13.5 notes even more real.
It almost confirmed at this point that uncles trauma never goes away, his memory also intact, I think it’s too precious to be erased, even by uncle standard.
Goddamit that note, I fuckin re-read this whole translated chapter carefully because of that, and yes the author has a habit to leave a tiny bit trace of story development as time goes...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
For a lot of it I was like "damn she gets what she deserves for being a tsundere" but nevermind, she's gone through enough, she said things like she'd support him, it's all his own fault!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
oh god my soul can't handle more of this. Tsundere-elf better show up in this realm soon

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