Isekai Ojisan

Group Leader
Sep 16, 2018
okay my little brain can't follow what is going on right now, so after the striptease incident k*ntol haven't upload any chapter past this 2 weeks and got himself sniped?? and 2 sniper on top of that??. What is going on???
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2019
"Let me know if you find any errors"

Yes, it's unreadable google translate shit.
Mar 22, 2019
@fusecchi It seems he dropped it since he took too long to upload a chapter, someone else took over. Wouldn't call it sniping if there's multiple chapters out and you're not uploading.
@Darroth dunno what you're talking about, sure it ain't perfect but most mistakes are so little that brains just kinda fix it itself from what I've read and asked friends about.
Group Leader
Jul 3, 2020
LMAO SEE? If a group drop a popular series like Isekai Ojisan, another group is bound to pick it up sooner or later. It's free market brah. Whether or not the quality is better or worse than the previous group is irrelevant. If Striptease or any other group think they could give better quality, no one is stopping them to upload their own version and EOPs who bitch about "muh quality" will flock to them. But I guess the 'dead elf scans' dudes won't upload their "quality" """mass release""" version because they don't like other groups stealing their views.

@Fusecchi: "Sniping" doesn't exist. Just because I upload some chapters doesn't make me "own this series" or give me the right to forbid other people to translate this same manga.

I guess my job here is done. Next up: LV999 no Murabito
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
So @GigaKONTOL is actually part of the group trying to shut down translations.

Cool; why should we have this site anyway? Not like MD provides a service to people, or anything...
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2020
Sigh, it's disheartening to see that a lot of people support that Giga guy and everyone hating on Dead for what had happened. Like I understand that Striptease/Dead doesn't own this manga, so Giga doesn't need to ask them for permission to translate it. As Giga said "It's free market brah." I also understand that witholding manga is very immature as it punishing many of the readers who are not involved in this drama. However, what Giga did is still wrong, not because he "sniped", nor because he's "stealing views", but because he did not have the decency to ask Dead if he had already TRANSLATED some of the chapters based off what I can see. If Giga had asked, he could have done a small collaboration and translated other chapters (such as 23-27) that Dead's group had not translated. Nevertheless, Giga translated chapter 20 and eventually chapter 21 anyway making all of the efforts that Dead, Ohana, Snail, and any anyone else in Striptease who helped translate chapter 20 and 21 in vain. So I understand why they had decided to withhold the mass release (even if I think it's still immature and that they should have posted what they had done anyway)
Feb 2, 2019
I still don't get what's wrong with multiple translations groups translating their own version of the manga since you can view all of them at the same time. If they're doing it for money sure but if it's just as a hobby for the sake of translating it should be fine if someone wants to translate a chapter. 😟😟😟😫😫😫
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2020
@Anonman88 yes, that is very true, however it is still disheartening as people cannot understand why he did that in the first place. Like how would you feel if a manga that you and your friends were updating constantly and putting a lot of effort into for everyone else to enjoy was made in vain when someone pushes out a chapter before you knowing that you had probably worked on translating the next chapter or had already finished it?

(Like if you look at the update history of this manga, you could tell that Dead and his group were beginning to pace themselves well as they were updating this series a lot more often in the past 2-3 months. So most people would assume that he and everyone else were probably working on the next chapter or had finished it.)

People tend to forget that Dead and anyone else who helped him translate the manga are also normal people just like them, who have there own lives to attend too. These people are spending there extra free time translating in between there own lives, typesetting, cleaning, redrawing and quality checking this manga so everyone else can enjoy this manga as well. (which I assume is not an easy job but Idk) So, to have that precious amount of extra time everyone has wasted would be upsetting. So why they had decided to withhold the mass release seems justifiable in my eyes.

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