Isekai Tensei Soudouki - Vol. 8 Ch. 64 - In Purgatory

Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
"You can't violate the Geneva convention if it doesn't exist"
Group Leader
Jul 17, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth not really. Remember they have "Magic Cancel".

But yeah, good tactician could overturn them pretty fast.

which we definitely will see in the future chapter, Antrim war arc is pretty fun.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth Setting aside how this is clearly a chemical fire (water made it worse) which may very well be impossible for the enemy to understand without the MC there to explain it to them, given how severely he was outmatched in terms of an army, including how they managed to overcome a lot of his modern technological advantages despite having the element of surprise so firmly in his hands, there's a good chance that if he held back hoping to save something for the next fight, he probably wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to live to see said next fight.

Even if we work under the assumption that if he successfully repels this attack they'll just come back and attack later with counter-measures to his defenses (since MC doesn't know that the country will fall apart if they don't succeed in this war effort), he will have a lot of time to setup proper defenses. He had begun laying down some good inroads to getting actual reinforcements, setting up good defenses, and being able to actually deal with this sort of attack without needing to bring the technological equivalent of a shotgun to a knife fight, with the time it'd take them to mount another war-level invasion attempt he should be able to fight them on a more equal level since he won't be coming in shortly before the invasion while lacking the funds and manpower needed to fight them off.
Active member
Mar 17, 2018
Ayyy the MC choose the war crimes path, just add some mustard gas and some mines to the mix if you are gonna go that path
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
the moment i saw that hose i can feel that there's a geneva something about to violate.

"WAR CRIME IS HERE" as i shout when the enemies are burned by the napalm, its even funnier when the fire spread by the water
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@shanoc5902 Yeah, a dude made it worst by throwing water at it because they had never seen it before but that kind of stuff only work once or twice, that's how warfare evolve, doubly so with magician and superhumans being around, it's very much counterable once you see it in action a bit, which is why we don't use it anymore.

But good point on holding back tuff not being possible cause there wouldn't be a next fight.

@LoLyeah That's gonna be fun to see, always interesting to see two side adapting to each other as a conflict goes on.
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
@Dezaki I don't know what exactly he's using for the fire, but if it reacts like oil, then bursting into a massive area like that is a normal reaction. burning hot liquid meets water, water's outer layer vaporizes causing basically a mini steam explosion, burning liquid stays burning and flies all over the place cause of said mini-explosion effect. well, depending on the initial velocity of the fluid and the degree of force from the steam explosion it's more likely to splat out every direction at once than flow towards the enemies like it did in this chapter, but I'm chalking that particular detail up to some mage using a spell, maybe wind magic, to push it forward.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Battles like this is why I love this story, I can't wait for it to catch up to the LN
Feb 17, 2018
yah know the geneva conventions, out side the geneva protocol, doesnt really much talk about what weapons are impermissible
at least according to wikipedia

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