Isekai wo Seigyo Mahou de Kirihirake!

Mar 23, 2018

because this one is not suit to "Isekai"
this manga is just "Fantasy"

how cant you didn't see it?
you even compared this manga with the other "Isekai", but fail to see that this Manga is not qualified to be "Isekai".

i clearly said
"It's not suit to Isekai"

but i didn't said that it's not "Isekai"

cant you Understand that?
soo sad,
Defending someone or something is indeed good as long as it worth it, but beeing blind while doing it, its totally stupid.
yeah just like you, blind and stupid.
act so high to defend but fail to see the context.

lol im not Angry, it's just a pity to see your act.
Feb 19, 2019
Love this series so far actually had a “is that all” moment as it left me hanging. Can’t wait to see where this story goes.
Apr 19, 2018

Saying it's not an isekai, doesn't make it true.
Put out some arguments, because saying 'you're stupid hurdurdur' isn't a valid one, it only shows your shit-for-brains attitude.
It's been foreshadowed that he's a reincarnation, if you know anything about literature, you'd know foreshadowing always leads to a major plot point down the line.
I know it's pretty pointless to try to convince the mentally challenged when they think they're right, so unless you give me some arguments, please do everyone a favor and just don't post anything.
Go scream at your mom some, she deserves it for the introduction of your genes to humanities genepool, yet I doubt they'll go any further than a single generation.
Mar 23, 2018
this is what you said

Now after reading all this, I can assume that you'll probably respond angrily because I told you you were wrong. I'm open to debate this, but please remain civil, no need for namecalling, because that will only result in either me ignoring you or responding to you in a similar manner

and now look at your reply

I know it's pretty pointless to try to convince the mentally challenged when they think they're right, so unless you give me some arguments, please do everyone a favor and just don't post anything.
Go scream at your mom some, she deserves it for the introduction of your genes to humanities genepool, yet I doubt they'll go any further than a single generation.

Wow... 😂😂
it just WOW..

You mad dude? sad.
Apr 19, 2018

I did exactly what I said I would do. I said I'd either ignore you or respond in a similar manner if you act like a dipshit, I chose the latter.
So dude, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were actually diagnosed for being mentally challenged.

And mad? No.
Entertained? Absolutely. I just like being an asshole to other assholes.
We might not be able to hit eachother on the internet, nor would I want to. It would only draw negative social stigma to myself for beating up a disabled person.
But I'm confident enough in my ability to piss you off with words, so much, that I thoroughly enjoy writing these replies.

Now enough dodging the main point and give me some decent arguments why you're right and I'm wrong, you might just change my mind?
I ensure you that doing so would be more effective in pissing me off.
But hey, like I said, feel free to be an ass, I might get bored in a few days and see your reply. And my man, that's quality entertainment right there.
Mar 23, 2018

Entertained? Absolutely. I just like being an asshole to other assholes

No wonder, even you said that you are an asshole.
it just WoW.
self-proclaimed as an asshole
Wow.. just WoW.

No Wonder you good at bullshit..
you deserve a medal.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018

I'm really sorry if my comment actually sparks an unhealthy discussion between you guys because I wrote that at 3.a.m where I haven't slept for two days so my judgement may be clouded.

I hope you guys can refrain yourself from continuing this unhealthy discussion as it already no longer related to the manga.

Finally, @Goggers thank you for standing up for me but you are better than this and this is not a fight that worth fighting for.

I hope from this discussion you guys can understand each other much better.

P.s. Still, this manga did not deserve the low rating it got.
Apr 19, 2018

Sure man, I wasn't planning on replying to him anymore.
I did it for fun, but his retorts are horrid, not in content, but in quality, which heavily impacts the enterainment I get out of this.
And idd, this manga should have a better rating. It's by no means the best out there, but it's an enjoyable read and I look forward to new chapters, which can't be said for many others of this genre.
Mar 23, 2018

As you said you might have clouded your judgement, thats why i pointed the plot hole in this Manga.
And it should stop there, cause i didnt have an ill-intent on you.

but it just suddenly some of you-know-who wannabe comes up and act like you-smart-i-more-smart person , then try to play victim by telling who-is-who are an asshole.

and like he(@Goggers) said:
Sure man, I wasn't planning on replying to him anymore.
I did it for fun, but his retorts are horrid, not in content, but in quality, which heavily impacts the enterainment I get out of this.
And idd, this manga should have a better rating. It's by no means the best out there, but it's an enjoyable read and I look forward to new chapters, which can't be said for many others of this genre.

He did it for fun. but telling other people is asshole.. it just how you can see people can really be a Hypocrite.
Apr 19, 2018

Dude, just stop, your English sucks and your reasoning is retarded. I'm actually having a hard time even deciphering what you're saying
And no, English isn't my native language either.
The more you say, the less sense you make.
You're bitching because I treated you the same way you treat others. It's called "getting a taste of your own medicine".
Call me a hypocrite all you want, it doesn't change the fact you're an egocentric little shit that gets mad when people disagree with him.
I honestly feel more and more sorry for you each time you reply, it must be hard not having any friends.
It's time to shut off the pc, take a shower and explore the real world, because the way you act will get you absolutely nowhere in life.
Mar 23, 2018
look at you beeing Hypocrite again..
you even describe yourself pretty well.

in the end you still a Hypocrite.

Call me a hypocrite all you want, it doesn't change the fact you're an egocentric little shit that gets mad when people disagree with him.

is it you or me? who gots mad when people disagree?
go see again the comments section..
it's just wow.. to see people like you.. hahaha.
May 17, 2019
I hope not, reading on the group's website:
The chapters are being worked on now, as I speak. Very sorry for the long hiatus 😭😭

October 1, 2019 at 5:22 pm

[link h**ps:// ]

I hope to continue reading it
Jan 18, 2018
Evan: 'Hold up, let me turn up my edge a few degrees before we do this' (eye flames on) 'OK, my body is ready'
Oct 19, 2019
perfect manga .. MC gradually getting stronger and stronger .. love it to bits! can't wait for more.

Also a note to all brainless subhumans who always hate on Isekai .. you guys don't have anything better to do? I guess not.

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