Yeah, this is happening all around my region right now. Virus attacks?
"fUCk tHat, doN't FEar tHE vIRuS, fEaR God inStEAd!"...and mass prayers held even AGAINST the advice of religious leaders, even the hardliners!
An entire family got infected with the virus. What did they do? "fuCk ThE viruS WE arE HeaLTHy aND wE ArE nOt lIStening tO a GOVernMEnt tHAt sUPPortS ThoSE dIRty, RaCIsT CHiNEse!"...and an entire neighborhood got sterilized immediately. Last I heard, they STILL refuse treatment.
"fUCk YoU i'M leAVing THis shIThOlE beFOre I Got inFEcteD!"...and some people tried to leave cities only to find out they can't. Then? "FuCK yoU I'm NOt iNfEcted, yOu ARe!"
I even heard of a certain interesting news in the neighboring region: a man tries to lunge at a mask-wearing fellow to take their mask and wear it himself. And this region is one of the regions still NOT panicking. As for me? I tried to 'scavenge' groceries and people are pointing at me, saying I'm panic buying. One of them is buying rice and sugar by the bulk.